41 Comments on “Are the Swiss open to gay marriage?…”

  1. You guys ask if same sex marriage is okay tbh I don't care but not in a church if you have to respect people for same sex relationship then respect the religion and church simple

  2. Even if passed, gays won't be equal with heteros, because no church will marry them. Or will they continue to scream and demand more? Anyway, let's destroy all traditions in the name of "progress", because reasons and f*uck conservative people cause every last one of them is literally a Hitler, am I right? …

  3. As a gay, I have nothing against that in country Same Sex Merriges are not legal.
    More important is lack of legal procedures to aknowlagde the merrige which happened abroad. Especially, my country is within EU.

  4. The common global problem is that huge number of people can't mange they own marriage/ending up with breakups lawsuits.. And then they are the loudest with negative unwanted opinions about somebody who is actually in love to get married! It should even be a question allowing that or not! Who da f**k! are anybody to decide marriage thing for others!

  5. I'm bi and I don't understand why marriage is necessary for us sure we should have the right, but marriage is a religious tradition between a man and woman and who gives a shit it's just a ceremony , what's wrong with a civil partnership

  6. Actually Im Swiss and I cant understand why marriage between cousins is legal while marriage with same gender is not. Its so weird bc i dont know any homophobic.

    I am like « why dont we have gay marriage » and Switzerland is like « bc you didnt ask »

  7. I am really surprised it isnt legal in switserland and that old guy is just stupid. What rights and laws they have doesnt matter for marriage, if LGBT doesnt bother you in anyway then why just not abolish all anti-LGBT laws.

  8. I love how unlike America notice how all generations are fine with that .
    From young to old people . Another thing I like about Swiss is that they simply don’t care this is how to world should be . Just simply don’t care about what other people do with they’re life’s .

  9. I think it's still positive sign in Sweden, more people have an idea of that like it should be equal and it should be the right for everyone. So thanks for the video!

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