30 Comments on “Can You Be Gay And Republican? American't Part 1”

  1. I hate when people say that gay people are single issue voters. Quite honestly, gay issues like gay marriage and 'religious freedom' are not that important to me. I care more about ending the war, police brutality, health care, education, etc. All things that LGBTQ+ people also have to deal with.

  2. This is a sometimes frustrating watch, particularly when he casually, significantly contradicts himself. It's excellent that he's fighting for (a little bit of) equality within the Republicans though, and I'm glad to see a Youtube video highlighting the areas where we might share ideals rather than always the things that divide us.

  3. Did anyone else find his bit about businesses solving everything for LGBT+ activists at the end there hilarious? Like, sure, that's exactly what happened 50 years ago. Businesses stepped in and solved everything, out of goodwill, no activist effort and opinion-pushing needed.

  4. Cognitive Dissonance- pretty much this guy.

    Lgbtq Republicans support a party which has routinely and shamelessly worked against them. The republican party has pushed against marriage equality for DECADES. They continue to push for "religious freedom" laws which openly discriminate against Lgbtq americans and promote christian supremacy. They push for Christian fundamentalism to be forced into school curriculums, institutionalizing an indoctrination system which supports degradation and dehumanizing of Lgbtq youth. Trumps first act as president was to remove protections trans youth only had for a little over a year followed shortly after by his attempt at banning trans people from serving in our military.

    This person is a liar, both to himself and others.

    Yes, you can be Lgbtq and a republican. You can do many things which are counter to your own health and well-being, such as jumping into traffic, painting yourself with hot tar, rubbing your eyes with handfuls of sand, all within the realm of possibility- all roughly equal in healthy behaviour.

  5. love it when your motive is profit and not humanity :///

    maybe these big corporations can be a tool to change things but who really wants to live in a society that's run for business and not for the people. what happens if these companies decide that it's more profitable to attack the queer community?

    v interesting vid btw x

  6. Does anyone else feel that gay republicans are either just wealthy gay people that are not affected by homophobia because the have the money to live in their own world of privilege? Their lives are unaffected by violence against gays, discrimination in the work force, or the limitations placed on life partners without legal same sex marriage.. They can afford the lawyers that will legally settle present, future , and past issues of inheritance, hospital visitations, and adoptions. I suspect they are only interested in the big tax breaks that wealthy people receive. Other than being wealthy the only possible reason as I can see for a LGBT+ person for being republican is being extremely stupid, or maybe needy of the attention they may receive from being on the obviously wrong side of the fence.

  7. at 13:37 he talks about LGBT+ people being concerned about the death tax. Concerned about a tax that isn't collected unless you inherit 11.2 million dollars or more. Typical republican worried more about his wallet more than the LGBT+ rights and issues. Pathetic how avoiding taxes is truly the issue at question with republicans. He criticizes the democratic party for not prioritizing the death tax but instead placing priority on the issues of same sex marriage and non-discrimination laws. He then floats the idea that LGBT+ people carrying guns would deter violence against them because the attacker might think their victim may be armed. What an absurdity! I can guarantee the LGBT+ person that shoots their attacker, unless there are several eye witnesses, will bear a burden to prove they were attacked and just didn't injure or kill someone.

  8. Some things he says remind me of the state of mind I left behind years ago. Like the thought that you could have "traditional values" without queerphobia and sexism. Or like it was so important to be gay and christian.
    Apart from being angry, I kind of feel sorry that he hasn't moved on. He's so much older than me…

  9. Jews for Hitler, anyone? The saddest thing I have ever read was Mr. Angelo's support for the anti abortion rights movement. This movement wants to deny women the right to decide concerning their own bodies and is something all advocates for homosexual rights should oppose.
    I agree that the Democrats do not deserve our support . That does not make the Republican Party smell any less rotten. Perhaps Mr Angelo hopes to be thrown a bone but I find him a loathesome Uncle Tom

  10. My main problem with this guy is that he recognizes the LGBT community as a minority and is advocating against LGBT discrimination (in the rather pro-private sector, pro-“family values”, conservative way he thinks is best)… but on the other hand he doesn’t seem to have any real concern with other minorities and other forms of discrimination, for instance racial, religious, ability-based, etc. What’s more, he seems to look down with disdain on democrats for trying to be more inclusive (i.e. the disdain in his voice when he characterizes the left as being “secular”). It’s conservative fiscal policies that have created much of the economic disparities in the US, and those disparities impact people of color and other minorities disproportionately. I think his message is problematic because he’s basically saying that LGBT people can improve their situation without regard to (or even at the expense of) other minorities. That’s pretty ironic considering that he accuses democrats of wanting to “carve out” a separate niche for LGBT people in American society. He wants to gain equality by just blending in with “mainstream”, “traditional”, largely white, evangelical Christian, straight, cis society, in effect pushing down everyone who doesn’t fit that mold.

    But I have mixed feelings because I agree that there is value to having LGBT voices on both sides of the aisle in terms of helping to normalize LGBT people in the public eye (especially to conservatives), and just in general to make LGBT rights a non-partisan issue. It’s like… his message is helping conservatives to become more open to sexual and gender minority issues, but by extending a hand to them, he’s also watering down the idea of diversity and harming the idea of equality across intersectional interests.

  11. All I can think about is that one bathroom scene from "Angels in America"

    "I voted for Reagan… Twice!"

    "Wow, a gay republican"

    "What did you say? I am not…not–"

    "Not what? Not republican?"

  12. the Republicans don't care about gays period end of story. If was up to the right then we all would be burned at the cross.

  13. Great interview.
    If you ever want to understand the cultural regions of the US and parts of North America and the loose concessions between these regional cultures which created the two political parties of the US, I highly recommend the book American Nations by Colin Woodard.
    As a Gay Texan living in Utah I celebrated the Utah compromise, but it has not been well enforced and the JCLDS Church has oscillated on LGBT issues a lot recently. Fortunately a lot of Mormons have a good dose of empathy and it is putting pressure on the clergy. It is hard though because it took years for me to tell my clergy that I'm a beautiful diverse part of creation, and that got me excommunicated. It is interesting because Mormonism is a Yankee religion in origins, but Utah is in the center of the libertarian west.
    That means that there's this HUGE discrepancy within its rank. Some are pro-empathy, some are only tolerant, some support welfare, some think it's practically satan unless it comes from a religion. Some believe education is very valuable and that science and religion go hand in hand, others think that knowledge is just a mass conspiracy by "elites" whoever those elites are supposed to be. I know Mormons who voted for Bernie, Trump, Hillary, and McMullin in 2016, not that the statistics are actually that diverse: McMullin and Hillary tied, Trump won.
    Looking at Mormonism and racism is a fascinating history too. That gives me some hope, but the majority of Utahns won't support LGBTI equality unless it comes as revelation from the prophet. It is only the minority who are leaving the church because of their empathy, education, or personal oppression who put pressure on the leaders.
    I feel like the goals of assimilation and liberation aren't contradictory like this man seems to think. I was hoping he'd talk about Trans* rights as well, but he hasn't yet (I am only 35 minutes in thus far). I think ideals of intersectionality make it very difficult to remain a republican. I personally don't see much merit at all in most republican opinions at this juncture. I do however feel like the parties are itching for a reshuffle fairly soon. That'll be a mess because we are so polarized right now, but it could be a really good thing for the country. Breaking the two party system would be harder, but it would be really useful too.
    Once again, I'd reference the American Nations book by Colin Woodard. The writer's also done more recent analyses of 2016 and the like.

  14. In my experience gay Republican apologists are much like African American Republican apologist. Their top priority ultimately is greed . The only bottom line that matters to them is $ because they falsely believe their personal path to wealth means selling out. Surprising considering the most prosperous states in the union are solidly blue.

  15. Just be independent, both sides have good ideals and both have shitty ideals. Pick from each and you won’t have this kind of problem

  16. I’m a republican and I am bi, it doesn't matter what you believe In.
    As long as you know who you are or what you are, then that’s all that matters really.

  17. I get that republicans will eventually need to have people like him if we are ever going to get out of the LGBTQ hatred that exists today. I come from a conservative part of the country and seen the long sometimes generational change it takes to get into the mind of homophobic people and help get some tolerance. but, god he's awful. Slut shaming queer people at pride and implying that leftists are one issue voters. I'm queer and my issues are anti-war, anti-corporate, environmentalist, workers rights… I have views on many issues. He wants to claim that he shouldn't have his politics defined by his sexuality, and then does that exact thing to the left….

  18. A problem I get into sometimes is when people automatically think that I am a democrat just because I am gay, which i am not. Which does lead to conflicts from time to time between me and other people saying that I am self hating and that I need help and was mislead.

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