22 Comments on “Christopher Hitchens and Andrew Sullivan – On gay marriage and Christianity [2002]”

  1. Marriage is NOT a christian thing.. People of nearly all faiths and non faiths get married in hundreds of varied cultures all around this planet.. Its got NOThING to do with the bible.

  2. Yes…a total fairytale…supposedly Adam and eve had two sons..one killed the other…then I guess Adam and eve had more kids and then the kids married each other and had more kids….really, who would believe this fairytale unless you were told as a child and you were brainwashed…

  3. “Either it’s the word of God or it’s not, surely.”

    Once again, Hitch is bang on. People use the Bible to justify anything they want to get away with. What’s the point of having a sacrosanct holy text if you can interpret it any which way you please? You can find a verse that sanctions slavery just as easily as you could find or use one that sanctions the direct opposite. What’s the point? This is also the reason why you get people saying “so and so isn’t a real Christian” or “that person isn’t a true Muslim” if something the person has said or done doesn’t happen to coincide with the other person’s own beliefs/ideologies. By their own standards, if they’re following the words in the Bible (or indeed the Quran) then they’re by definition good Christians/Muslims.

    And for anyone who says how religion has been “tainted” or “misused”, take another look at the horrific and barbaric things the Bible actually warrants. Torture. Genocide. You name it.

    I’m glad I came across the term anti-theist as it has a far more tailored fit for me than simply identifying as an atheist. No, I’m not just trying to be provocative.

  4. How the f can you be a homosexual and pray to a bible that totally condemns your way of life!to me this gut is as nutty as the callers!

  5. The only thing wrong with a person marrying and animal is they lack the intelligence to give consent to something like that. I could be wrong though. There's been some examples of primates learning a lot of sign language. If a gorilla existed that could be proven to know what marriage is and they consented, I would not have a problem with it.

  6. Ironic but the gid of Abraham, Issac and Jacob is the biggest pagan god of all. Jesus said in John 8:44 that the god of Jews worshipped was in fact Satan. Watch a YouTube post called the Pagan origins of Judaism.

  7. In Romans 1:26-27, Paul said, “For this reason God gave them over to degrading passions; for their women exchanged the natural function for that which is unnatural, and in the same way also the men abandoned the natural function of the woman and burned in their desire toward one another, men with men committing indecent acts and receiving in their own persons the due penalty of their error.” The Bible says homosexuality is against God’s natural law with severe consequences. You can be forgiven of homosexuality. You can be forgiven of any sin. But to be forgiven of a sin, you must admit you have sinned. The Bible prohibits homosexual behavior.

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