42 Comments on “Dennis Prager on Boycott Culture, Gay Marriage, and Censorship (Pt. 3)”

  1. Here is my views on gay marriage. What a person does is between them and God, but I do object to bakers and florist being sued by gay couples. Their faith (bakers and florists) is also between them and God. For Christians that means they take Jesus words seriously when He said, "A man leaves his father and mother and clings to his wife and the two will be one flesh." Jesus, the Son of God is talking about marriage and who am I to call Jesus a liar?

  2. claims not to believe in superstition claims to be conservative christian Ermm does not compute. Also boycotts are the free market in action surely.

  3. I'm sorry but sex is not like work, sex is very intimate and could be disgusting and even painful while work is just tiring. This guy basically validates prostitution. What a creep!

  4. He's just another right-wing con man whose fake university spreads crazy far-right propaganda in the form of 5 minute cartoons.

  5. I'm a Gay man and I agree that all this "gender doesn't matter" stuff is ridiculous and counterproductive to the gay community.
    Here in Washington DC there's a group called No Justice No Pride, and they are terrible. Thanks to their belligerent, violent and disruptive behavior at the Pride parade here last year, we probably won't be able to obtain permits for any Pride activities this year.

  6. Yeah and every time some corporation does something that pisses off the Religious Right that call for a boycott while they steadfastly support a guy who has sexually assaulted numerous women and endorses child molesters, wife beaters, adulterers, porn stars, the KKK, Nazi's, who has added $ trillions of dollars to the National Debt and engaged in TREASON but the enemy are "liberals". Now there's some good ole American family values for you!

  7. Prager's incorrect about homosexuality. "The norm" and "normal" are not equivalent. The former is descriptive and the latter is prescriptive. Homosexuality isn't "normal" because it is proscribed (not "prescribed"), and neither is it "the norm" because it is an extreme minority ("the norm" being the majority practice).

  8. This is one of the best discussion (not "talk") programs on the web. I'm glad it's not dependent on commercial sponsors.

  9. Dave you're right. Most of the Gay community is in favour of keeping gender as a category, by accepting fluctuations and variability between man and female as in the case of transsexuals. I hate gender studies for creating this mess. As for the standards in the macro, well, consider this: if all the straight people would procreate we would die for famine in 100 years. We need a kind of balance, luckily nature made homosexuals and lesbians to compensate for this. It is also the burden of procreation at all costs that has been lifted, as I don't see the point in having men and women stay together just for love, and denying this to same-sex couples. Finally, much of gay people are sensible people, and not necessarily from the left. I mean, I like men because they are men, not because are socially constructed as men. If you were to socially construct a woman as a man, trust me, I wouldn't sleep with her in any case…

  10. I agree 100% with the whole LGBT thing – being transgender is a completely different issue from being homosexual, and people on either side can take issue with the other, so I don't really see why they have all been lumped under the same acronym.

  11. 31:00 Mr. Prager If you get rid of this one idiotic rule (that you have to pay your own lawyer even in frivolous lawsuits) the US will truely be great again!

  12. I'm increasingly impressed with Dennis Prager. Thank you Prager, for introducing me to Dave Rubin, whom I didn't know existed. As a normal gay man, not aligned with SJW, virtue signaling, identity politics morons. I need Mr. Rubin to help me feel I'm not alone. Interesting how centrists overlap. I don't experience the debilitating hate vitriol from which my liberal friends truly suffer.

    Side comment— The bible may have "eroticized marriage"— did it commoditize sex?

  13. If the wife doesn’t want it, the husband doesn’t get it. Very simple. “Doing it out of obligation” isn’t a legitimate form of love. Doesn’t matter how you attempt to justify it. Sex should be voluntary, and enjoyable 100% of the time.

  14. That is a foolish argument if I've ever heard one for the gay marriage bit.

    Strength does not matter when taking an IQ test. That does not mean strength doesn't matter ever again.

    Gender doesn't matter in the context of marriage. That does not mean gender doesn't matter for other things.

    Hardcore logic fail.

  15. You should have pressed him harder on the issue of "not caring about gender leads to the end of civilization." Because that doesn't make much sense to me. Allowing people to express themselves shows acceptance in my mind. Which is a good thing for society, isn't it?

  16. Ah.. Dennis Prager. You seem to have forgotten your high school english classes. Slippery slopes are logical fallacies.

  17. So basically “I don’t think gay couples should be treated equally under the law, I think the should not have equal rights, because giving them that would destroy civilization.

    But I’m not a homophobe, I have a gay friend.”

    Conservatives like prager can get fucked.

  18. Prager offers a weak argument against gay marriage. Gender does matter in gay marriage. That's obvious. With allowing gay marriage you're not confined to marrying only the opposite
    gender. His misgivings are without merit, completely. By allowing marriage between 2 people of the same sex you're not taking away its conventional meaning but adding on to it.

  19. I see where Prager is coming from but I disagree with him, the reason I want gay marriage to be legal is because I believe Gender is real, I do not subscribe to the idea that Gender doesn't exist/matter because by that definition I could be forced to marry a girl as well, and the very reason why I m not attracted to a woman is because she is a woman, and therefore Gender for me is alive and well.

  20. Don't know why as of late there is a prager u video with a married gay man commentating in it after it's a fact that Dennis Prager said that he thinks gay marriage is a bigger threat than a bad economy. (To a nation) Of course he would be correct. God does not care about bad economy's, or anything else for that matter having to do with money.

  21. I like Prager, a lot; this in fact might be my ONLY disagreement I have ever had with him. I know it is highly unlikely Dennis, himself, will answer my questions, but with some luck, maybe someone from Prager U can answer, for Dennis if they know. Question: Why should the STATE even be involved in marriage? I mean, I can see the Church, the Synagogue, the Mosque, whatever. And I will NEVER ever go along with the state dictating to ANY of those religious institution who they must marry; I can see that the Rabbi, the Minister, the Oman, etc./all should have the say in their religious tradition as to who they should marry. But the STATE? As I said, why are they even involved. And IF they are (of course they are) THAT is only civil rights–so why NOT simply marry same sex–the church and Synagogue, what have you will STILL have the final say in who THEY sanction in marriage. So what is the problem, from a civil rights perspective, in letting same sex marry? Thank you.

  22. Alan Keyes explained the position pretty well one time: to say that a union of two males/females is a marriage, is to say that procreation is irrelevant. Further, you’re relegating marriage, from a child-rearing institution of societal value, to a meaningless statement of love.

    Children do much better in life when born and raised in wedlock, that’s a fact. To say a marriage shouldn’t have anything to do with procreation will inevitably lead to an uptick in single motherhood and out-of-wedlock births.

    Looking back on it, I think conservatives lost this fight because they weren’t able to make liberals understand their position. Granted, Keyes’ argument against gay marriage took me a couple views to process completely. You have to be of a certain mental maturity to fully grasp it.

  23. The Bible doesn't say that men are just as happy with 15 yo boys as they are with 15yo girls. It doesn't say that sex with children is acceptable.

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