28 Comments on “Does God Hate Me? | Queer Britain – Episode 1”

  1. What I can see is that those who are bible bashing with those 8 verses in the scripture are holding the scriptures above God and the Holy Spirit. Assuming that all God ever had to say was said already on the subject. And non-affirming Christians believe it is their duty to ensure that they protect God in this way, as if God needs to be protected. One thing I would love to see is for non-affirming Christians to instead of copy and pasting the same verses over and over but turn to God about it in prayer, fervently, asking for confirmation of the truth of how he feels. Why? Because there are so many other things that we don't continue to hold to in the bible – the O.T. laws, when was the last time you read those and held to them? When was the last time you held a greedy person or a fornicator to 1 Corinthians 6:9 and told them they won't inherit the kingdom of heaven? Ask Jesus himself, how do you feel about this and listen. As him, what would you say if we asked about this because you didn't say anything about it at least as was recorded in the bible. (He talked about man and women marrying but that was answering a question that had nothing to do with "homosexuality" so please stop using this to answer a question it wasn't intended to.) so – start talking to God about it and encouraging LGBTQ peoples to do the same. Because their sexuality is truly none of your business. No where in the bible does it say that it is your duty to convince people that homosexuality is a sin. IT says "when a brother sins AGAINST YOU to go to them and correct them etc. that was a message of reconciliation between two believers… which isn't even done anyways in most churches for anything but homosexuality. Sexual sin isn't a sin against any other person, right? So at least let's agree that other people don't need you to judge them because Jesus said so. Take the plank out of your own eye – oh and probably address the 95% of the heterosexual people in the churches sexual sins before you talk to the 5% of LGBTQ peoples sexual sins. That would be a great way to take the plank out of your own eye. Because heterosexual sin is vast. I genuinely look forward to when Jesus comes back and the truth about how much he genuinely loves LGBTQ people is revealed and the Christians who said otherwise and damned millions of people to hell and isolated and humiliated and shamed people can bow their own heads in shame and be judged for this hypocrisy. This is going to happen. Remember, Jesus said "the last will be first and the first will be last."

  2. I still don’t understand the whole thing of homophobia. I mean, if you don’t like gay people, isn’t it much more easier to just stay away rather than chasing after and hate it with a passion?
    If you don’t like homosexuality, fine, then just don’t have sex with your same gender people. Life will be easier for both of us.

  3. Sexuality, race, religion and cultural differences will always be a issue like it or not society has still a long way to go tolerance society is not here yet everything is a working progress. People in the world of today have to much ignorances and society is very broken.

  4. I am not religious and hate gay people, so there's that. I have seen a lot of young people like myself turning our back to religion and the lgbtabcdef sick lobby.

  5. As an older “out” Irish gay Catholic living in the U.K, my Catholic faith is important to me, as I returned to a deeper understanding of my faith after several years away after I came out, now going to Mass on Sunday is not “just for show” for me any more, as I go to the Traditional Latin Mass, even though I grew up in Rural Ireland after Vatican II – they used to say that we gay men were not capable of morality, but I’m not sure that is the case, after talking with enclosed Poor Clare Nuns in Dublin when I come home from the U.K., who happen to be my Dad’s former employers when I was growing up

  6. God's love is acceptance, if you are a snake, accept the snake for a snake, don't ask it to do non-snake like things … like taxes, or interior design. Too bad there is no god, just the soul eater behind the vial. It love to eat the innocent and let the old angry and bitter ripen to the oldest before eating their souls. The others are just snacks it doesn't really care for.

  7. God doesn't hate any human being .. God hates SIN … All sin .. the churches you show in the beginning of the show are far far on the fringe of society .. True churches of the bible are not going to condemn the person , but only the sin of sodomy .. the acts of homosexuality themselves . God loves sinners , of which we are all a part of the club .. Jesus came into the world to die for sinners of which we all qualify … including gays as well as murderers , as well as all sin..

  8. The reasons religion teaches hatred of LGBT people is if they have a scapegoat they have a group of people to hate and that strengthens their cohesion and brings them together against a common "enemy". Of course the one's who claim to be Christians are not Christians in any sense whatsoever because the bible teaches that Christ was loving and was compassionate toward the outcast. There is also the game of finger pointing that closet bisexuals and gays use to divert people from realizing they are LGBT. The reason people say being gay is a choice is because statistically most people are bisexual and bisexuals often naively assume because they have a choice liking either sex that everyone is attracted to both and have a choice also. Summed up homophobia comes from ignorance, primitive group dynamics and cowardice. So the good news is if you are able to critically think you will see that LGBT people are completely natural and neutral. It has absolutely nothing to do with morality because morality has to do with harm. So the immoral people are the ones who are harming LGBT people in the name of "God" etc. Ironic? Independent critical thinking is the answer to all our social problems but unfortunately most cannot do this so until the human race somehow becomes smarter we will be forced to deal with these ridiculous, malignant and completely unnecessary forms of social violence. Think of how the world could be if people used reason instead of erroneous conditioning and mindless primitive urges. How sad that it can only be a fantasy.

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