25 Comments on “GAY MARRIAGE = CHRISTIAN HOLOCAUST – Christian Logic Fail #4”

  1. He’s an abomination to Christianity. We are all Gods children, we are all loved by God and there’s literally a verse in the Bible that has God saying “Hate the sin, not the sinner”.

  2. Irony much, he says they paint groups such as Christian as intolerant, but doesn’t allow gay marriage. I may not like Obama, but he’s no Hitler.

  3. This Josh guy better be in an insane asylum by now surely! It's been a few years since this video was posted and I'm positive his own self destruction would've prevailed by now! What a moron, scamming uneducated idiot this Josh is!!!???

  4. I bet this fat motherfucker can shutdown a buffet! Why are fanatical christian's always fat and ugly? You would think he'd be skinny the way he rants.

    I find him amusing right now! But in person I would punch him in his fat face.

    Straight christians are deeply narcissistic to think they are the only sexuality on the planet.

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