38 Comments on “Gay marriage & parenting on Oprah (1989)”

  1. I wanna beat the ass of the woman at 19:35. How the hell is she gonna scream at a lesbian woman "GET A HUSBAND?!" It doesn't work that way. Either she's straight or she's not. Homophobic people like her make me sick. Seriously…

  2. Here's my thing about what the Bible says. I understand that there are verses that talk about being gay as a sin, and even talking about violent methods of dealing with gay people. However, isn't it ironic when there are also verses/commandments that talk about not killing your fellow man. Whether people like it or not gay, lesbian, transgender, straight, & other people are your fellow man. And yes, God made them as well.

  3. And this whole thing about putting animals into talking about gay and lesbian people disgusts me! It's gross! It also shows that animals are actually smarter/better than us because we humans have to use them to describe a way of life for other humans we don't/just refuse to understand.

  4. Even though I love the 80s and 90s. These were trying times for people who experienced sexual complexities, race and religion. Wow! I see some of these videos from Oprah and I have just learnt never to complain and be grateful. Coz people had it had back then.

  5. I’m in a same sex marriage with children….. my first born is 17 and is trans- being born female. We are living and loving freely and with much less judgement thanks to people like this who paved the way. Thank you, pioneers. For every single time you had to stand up for yourself, explain the obvious to close minded people, deal with the anxiety of being stared at and whispered about. You made life easier for me and all other members of the queer community.

  6. I know they're no longer together, but if you are struggling with your identity, their book is something you should read. There is a part in the book, where Bob talks about sitting in his car, outside of a gay club..across the street. And as he watched men entering the club, he was trying to find the courage to do the same. Ive been out, since reading that book…but 16 yrs later, I read it again. And that same part in the book. brought tears to my eyes.

  7. I don't understand why "God" can be used as an evidence in discussion on society topics. Religions are just personal belief and shouldn't be used to judge other people. Ridiculous!

  8. I believe in Bibical practices and procedures and doing things according to the will of the Lord and not man will. I do not believe in gay marriages for the Lord made a man and woman therefore 2 people trying to be one especially when it comes to children whom R already confused enough so why would society place more pressure on them. Also I do not believe in gay adoptions again kids R confused and ashame to identify 2 of the same sex in term of gender when explaining the role of same sex people this kind of pressure played on society. One can do what they wish to do as long as it is within the law and falling within religious guidelines God bless Also no one have the right to for ce their lifestyles on others. D. Pitts

  9. It’s always fun watching these videos when we see the past and how things have changed. Especially with these homophobes who now probably are dead, changed their mind, or still the same

  10. that woman at 14:30 pisses me off I grew up without a mother cause she passed away when i was little and my dad never remarried and we all turned out fine so this bitch knew nothing then. Nearly 30 years latter she is wrong.

  11. And Lot went up out of Zoar, and dwelt in the mountain, and his two daughters with him; for he feared to dwell in Zoar: and he dwelt in a cave, he and his two daughters.
    And the firstborn said unto the younger, Our father is old, and there is not a man in the earth to come in unto us after the manner of all the earth:
    Come, let us make our father drink wine, and we will lie with him, that we may preserve seed of our father.
    And they made their father drink wine that night: and the firstborn went in, and lay with her father; and he perceived not when she lay down, nor when she arose.

    Genesis 19.30

    Praise God B)

  12. Sodomy is not just gay sex. If you have ever had sex outside of penis in a vagina you are a sodomite. Has this guy never had a blow job? Anal? Very hypocritical…

  13. This came up.in my feed because im a fan of bodybuilding . Bob Paris ( and the rest of the guests ) , this was 1989 ! That took some serious courage . Total respect to you all ✌

  14. I swear people hear what they want to hear and nothing ever gets resolved because FOLKS just want to BE RIGHT not allow people to do what they FEEL IS RIGHT!! No one is telling you what you can do so why tell others what they feel they have the RIGHT BY LAW to get/receive! ????
    Shout out to what is RIGHT and not towards folks who just can't mind their damn business!!! ??
    Ya better stop tripping on here because the person you are supposedly supporting doesn't from what I remember of those he is close to are AGAINST..

  15. I think it’s sad when everyone becomes an angry right fighter instead of trying to understand each other and cooperate and come to some kind of agreement

  16. That was 1989….30 years ago ! The ignorance,homophobia,hostility, and hate was palpable. Times have changed drastically,…..and gay marriage a reality nationally today.

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