29 Comments on “Gay Marriage – with JP Sears”

  1. JP, when ya gonna take on the monolithic comedy goldmine of the science denying LGBT community's gender politics, which would be similar to the funny science denying global warming video you did?

  2. I love JP, and appreciate him but there's just so much "not right" with this video…and no, not, it's not my shadow talking .

    And I'm curious, if someone is telling someone else that their beliefs are wrong, and they have to sit in that judgement, is that someone being judgmental? And if you are telling me that your truth is THE truth, is that not truth by your certainty that others are “wrong?” So are we talking about subjective truth or objective truth? Can't have both.

    And just because someone does not agree with same sex marriage, it in no way means that those people are against human rights for gays. Perhaps government should stay out of marriage and leave it to the churches and if a church wants to perform a gay marriage, that's their right and if a church does not want to perform that union, that's their right too. Why are we forcing people to accept someone else's ideology? Let people BE! Just because you have an opposing opinion, does not mean you have a need to stop those living their lives the way they want.

    And I also think comparing skin colour, gender (ie. women not being able to vote) is not the same as sexual orientation.

    An open mind is like a window; you still need a screen on it to keep the bugs out.

  3. Scripture clearly says that "homosexuals will not inherit, or take part, in the kingdom of God." Also, we all know homosexuality is evil. It's another sin among many that people refuse to accept as sinful. Their conscience convicts them but they reject that conviction. They choose to deny truth. Therefore, they convince themselves, through deception and deceit, that homosexuality is good and not evil. Yet, we all know it is, in fact, an evil lifestyle. I love homosexuals but I hate homosexuality. Hate the sin but love the sinner.

  4. I’m bisexual and I agree with most of your video. I 100 percent support gay marriage and lgbt rights. You are right when you said that people against gay marriage are creating walls of separation between themselves and other human beings. Also they are projecting their own insecurities and doubts about themselves onto others. I disagree with the last part you said. I don’t need to like the homophobes and other bigots out there. I am against the religious right and their anti gay marriage/anti lgbt stance because they are bigots and close minded. I’m not the close minded one for being against their bullshit, they are. Anyway, these are my thoughts. Overall it was an informative video.

  5. The root of hate can be sourced in large part from religion imo, and that’s still going strong. New cults al are created every day. People won’t open their mind and accept your challenge if they believe they’re in for a cosmic asswhoopin.
    I have no issues with people’s sexual choices. It may not be for me even to the point of repulsion, but it’s not on me to force my perspective on anyone anymore than they should do it to me, and the same goes for making someone feel bad for how they are programmed. It’s not for me to concern myself with. Everyone could ideally be happy and not bother others with their sense of happiness.

  6. Slightly off the mark here, no one banned women from voting, voting was gained by men through the 19th century as national service was demanded of them, the industrial revolution created a middle class of skilled men and the feudal system broke down. The concept that evil white men sat around a large table and decided to stop women voting is bollox. Only kings voted, then the kings parliament, then just parliament and lords, then land owners, then men who met certain criteria ( national service, not vagrants etc..), then women.
    Also, I don't think we'll look back and think what racist biggots we were, thats what we do now and it just incredibly stupid. Obviously we evolve, the fact that you are now person B tells you that previously your father was person A and therefore different. So in the future we'll look back and see that we evolved rapidly and quickly changed some details in western society as we understood their problems.
    Also, can people stop telling history that its wrong and start reconciling what happened in the past with reality and stop beginning sentences with
    – " I can't believe … "
    – " I just don't understand why/ how …." ( Ironically if you look at the words they are telling you the truth)
    So for example… above…. men didn't sit around a table and say …." right, how can we oppress wonderful benevolent women folk for eternity " throw their heads back and cackle. There is no evidence of that and it is ridiculous. The truth is that society became more egalitarian and the common person gained influence, albeit small, in increments , depending on their societal influence and leverage they had . It just so happened that women, being mothers, less competitive, less strong physically and not expected to go and die at the drop of a hat in a pointless war were at the bottom of that pecking order. However, the fact that lots of women throughout history have held very important positions of power and influence tells you that gender really isn't a big deal in that respect, the frequency of that occurring is because of the differences previously outlined. In fact bringing sex and or gender into the argument is sometimes if not often completely unnecessary and victimises 50% of the population . Then to fit the victimisation we need an oppressor – the straight white man.

  7. Sexuality has zero relationship to race. Marriage as an institution is between a man and woman. It’s the most basic and important institution of society. The entire purpose of the lgbt movement is to destroy western society by destroying the family and moral values of society.

  8. Best video since the one you did on narcissism!

    I've always said that in 200 years (IF we haven't wiped ourselves out…) we'll look back at current attitudes towards everything gay as do at people who burned witches.

    As far as projection goes, when I was young, I stumbled across someone who was sooo absolutely heterosexual that he used to go out "poofter-bashing". In time we'd learn for a fact that he was not only what he bashed, and doing it at the time when he was doing the bashing, but a paedophile as well.

    I might ad however, that I think that our sexuality is like absolutely everything else in this consumerism dominated society; highly indoctrinated and manipulated. As the crazy pendulum swings to the other side, gay is becoming a trend. I figure it'll take about a hundred years before shock value, rebellion and shame etc etc etc might naturally settle down on this topic. However, remembering that society is not merely unnatural, but highly engineered, and people who feel disconnected from themselves are most easily manipulated/controlled via political fear campaigns and compensate with con$umeri$m/materiali$m…I dread to think where the herd is being led.

    I reckon that, provided that nobody is hurting anyone, sexuality isn't something that we should think too much about. It just is what it is.

    Best we don't feed the machine!

  9. I still can't tell if he is sarcastic or not…
    Just kidding, you are awesome JP. I am religious but i do not judge. If it is wrong, God is the one who will judge. I will always be kind to people who are kind to me, no matter if they are homosexual or different race.

  10. Sorry jp but there is nothing delusional about the Holy Bible. Some things go against nature. Not normal. Abnormal. You are trying to normalise something that is abnormal.

  11. The ultimate separation will be when were separated from the living loving true God. Cuz we choose to disobey his commands. That's the definition of "Hades " homosexuality is simply one area and God commands us do not partake in. Just like adultery fornication thievery robbery killing the list is almost endless. My ultimate goal in this life is eternity. We're here for such a short. Of time and it's all just a test to prepare us for eternity. I choose life I choose Christ it's not for everyone.

  12. Please make a video on animal rights. I just checked you don’t have any on what’s happening to them in factories, hunting sports …etc

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