Gay Teen Suspended For Wearing Nail Polish Just Scored A Major Victory Against His School


Trevor Wilkinson, a gay Clyde High School senior who was suspended last year for wearing nail polish to class, has convinced his local school board to introduce and accept a gender-neutral dress code.

“MY HIGH SCHOOLS DRESS CODE IS GENDER NEUTRAL FOREVER OH MY GOODNESS,” Wilkinson tweeted yesterday after The Clyde Consolidated Independent School District (CCISD) voted to enact its new 2021-2022 gender-neutral student dress code.

The new dress code does not prevent students from wearing makeup, nail polish, jewelry, or piercings based on their gender.

The code does not make the distinction between “boys” and “girls.” Instead, it uses the word “students.”

“I am very proud of my school for this, I’m glad that we finally got to this point and I think that it’s inclusive for everyone,” said Wilkinson.

Wilkinson, who fought hard for a dress code policy change after his suspension, says the past code was “sexist” and could be offensive for people of different sexual orientations.

Currently, more than 400,000 people have signed his petition: “Allow males to wear nail polish.”

After months of discussion, a committee consisting of staff members, administrators, parents, and students from Clyde CISD came up with a new “Dress and Grooming Policy,” which was approved unanimously by the Clyde CISD board members on April 19, 2021.


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