5 Comments on “Global Journalist: Gay rights in Latin America”

  1. Jamaica es Germanoamérica, la mayoría de los países germanoamericanos están muy atrasados en temas LGBTTI. ¿Por qué Jamaica está en este video?

  2. Jamaica is not Latinamerica. It's in the Caribbean, but it's not latin, and the culture is completely different. Latinamerica itself is patchwork of cultures, hence the differences. But Jamaica is definetely not part of it.

  3. These emancipatory processes are the result of grassroots movements, associative and collective campaigns and political engagement: progress requires a multi-pronged progressive movement. Freedom is the apprehension of the possible. Such movements help to reveal the universalist effects of all efforts leading to progressive emancipation. This progress is substantive, arduous and personally and politically liberatory.

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