21 Comments on “Muslims React to Gay Muslim Marriage”

  1. It is still considered a sin. I get that people can disagree, but not everyone accepts normalized views. It's not that people should be murdered for it either or hated. It is rational to disagree with the normalization of deviations in nature; we all have an opinion.

  2. Ok,of course not death,but enough with this LGBT propaganda.A psycho,or a regular appointment with a doctor,to determine if someone is really gay!!Cause WTF happened the last years and 50(??)% of the people are fking the same sex?!(like this thing with the feminists-no different)…

  3. these Islamic ppl are so fkin stupid! Someone else is pulling the strings. And using Muslims as a tool. Soon they’ll lose their power and be thrown a side like dirty napkins. And they’ll see how confused they’ll be when the lose their power. Just like feminist. Fkin idiots!

  4. I think it’s funny that people say Christians like me are bad but they Embrace Islam
    Christians are the tolerant ones
    Muslims are the intolerant ones
    Muslims and Islam are a danger to the country and the world
    And also the Crusades were justified it was retaliation

  5. 0:21 Yeah, now we know that those supporting Palestine are jokes.
    Some typical types of Palestinian apologetic: 1. Those never been to the area. 2. Idiots fooled by propaganda like BBC.
    3. Those paid by Palestine. 4. Irrational muslims who sympathize violent culture.
    In terms of friendliness toward LGBT, Israel is much higher than Palestine. Palestinians are homophobic, narrow-minded, antisemitic and have irrational hatred for atheists, just like all other muslims.

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