44 Comments on “Parents disapprove of their daughter's female fiancee l What Would You Do”

  1. What I would do? I would say to them: “Hey, you can’t have full control over your daughter.. I hope you realize in the future that that’s wrong, and you realize that you made a huge mistake, and you should feel terrible and regretful.” It’s not like screaming at them is gonna help.. use your words of kindness, as well as usefulness and logic.

  2. Respect of peoples opinions and standpoints only seems to go one way. I would say fine , do what you want , fine ,
    but I can do what I want too, and what I don't want is to have any gay partners coming to my house to play happy
    families, so 'do it' in your own space, and places, and no holidays together. and then everyone is happy and it's fair
    on both sides.

  3. Marrying your girlfriend good idea just go ahead and do it just like my beautiful lovely wonderful wife Sarah Mrs Sarah coatsworth Mrs Sarah worthmore and Mrs Sarah kayoko love bishop Johnny Kennedy Catholic Vatican bishop of the archdiocese of Peru Indiana.????????????????????????????????????????????? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?❤️❤️? ??? ? ????? ???????? ???? ???????? ??

  4. the old saying says it all "love is all you need"
    gay: love is all you need"
    Lesbian: love is all you need"
    bisexual: love is all you need"
    older and younger: love is all you need"
    we get the picture
    also the big guy at 4:35 was so right "i don't get why people are close minded, i just don't get it" me too 🙁

  5. Apparently no on is willing to tell the truth here, it is Biblically wrong, marriage is between a man and woman, not worth your soul, repent and turn from your sin, you have to show love but tell them the truth,

  6. I swear, I don’t care if it’s acting, but these parents should NOT be allowed to choose their daughter’s marriage, and they should NOT be allowed to be the guardians of the girl. These two are an ADORABLE couple, and if they want to get together, they SHOULD DARN RIGHT GET MARRIED.

  7. If i overheard this kind of convo in the future (i got lots of plans so i can better afford to help my community) i would offer to pay for their wedding. By the i would have a nice amount of money saved up and i would be more than happy to helo them. I understand their pain, not only am i queer, i am transgender and i have a similar struggle with getting my family to accept me, i had a similar issue before i figured out my true gender where i was dating another girl and my grandma refused to accept that me and her were together, my mother understood that relationship because she is bi, but she doesn't quite understand me being trans(though she is trying her best to understand)

  8. Close minded? Wtf, that's stupid excuse, it's not something to do with mindset, we were born as man and woman and should be married one another (not the same sex), why tf people prefer choosing the same gender as their partner, the world is getting crazy out there

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