35 Comments on “RWW News: Highlight Reel: GOP 2016 Hopefuls Oppose Gay Marriage Rights”

  1. Prediction for 2024: "Oh of course I supported marriage equality in 2015. How dare you accuse me of having done otherwise? The liberal media wants to write this narrative that conservatives opposed same-sex marriage. It's the same thing they tried to do with interracial marriage. We later found out that was a lie. That they, in fact, were the ones opposed to the very idea. No I've always supported it and I don't know any true conservative who opposed it." –Republican talking point.

    And people will buy it.

  2. Pander, pander, pander, pander……nomination……"You took that out of context. Let me explain what I really meant."

  3. Let me clarify this issue for you morons. The First Amendment defines a guaranteed right to religious freedom. If the conservative camp is denying the right of other people to marry a same-sex partner if they so choose (typically on the grounds that it violates their own religious beliefs), then it is effectively violating the First Amendment rights of those seeking same-sex marriage. So yes, there is a right to same-sex marriage, and it's based on the idea that consenting adults are free to marry who they love, regardless of religious affiliation.

  4. It boggles my mind how there are gay, black, Hispanic republicans. The only way I could see a person being a republican is if they are rich. That's it.

  5. "Biblical marriage" is a contact between two men.
    The "wife" doesn't even figure into the equation, except as 'property'.

    Don't masculine xian warrior males know that their final reward is a white wedding gown and their marriage to Christ?  Wow!  Same-sex marriages in Heaven!!
    They really ought to read Revelation chapter 19.

    Why do atheists always have to instruct self-proclaimed "Christians" about their own damned religion?!

    jus' sayin'   ; )

  6. Define "the pursuit of happiness". That is in the US Constitution. I believe it in in the Amendments to the constitution. You know what those are, don't you, "Senators"?

  7. So, it was such a shame to see all those nations that have legalised marriage equality consumed by fire and all their inhabitants cast into the pit of hell … wait a minute!

  8. The father of lies speaks through its puppets, crucifying the prince of peace, claiming Jesus is lord. The foolish fall in lock step blindly sprinting to the abyss. Onward christian soldiers the accuser beckons, the pit is never full. Tumbling into the pit, the foolish hear echos of their own screams, "we were persecuted for our faith to thee oh lord of darkness and despair. Thy lies have sustained us lo these many thousands of years. Mankind would not bow down to thee, condemnations and judgments you provided have not persuaded as you promised. Woe is me……woe is me."

  9. Yes thank you for compiling this.  I like to know who the racists, homophobes and bigots are out there so I can avoid them like the plague.  I hope more will come out and reveal their hateful sick minds for all the world to see so they can be rejected and shunned by sane, logical and critical thinking people.

  10. "Mandatory gay marriage in all 50 states"!!???? Who's going to be in charge of pairing everyone up? How will they assure a balance of "tops" and "bottoms", who's going to pay for all those rainbow balloons and confetti?

  11. Let's not forget that these people define "Logic" as:

    The creator of all time and space gets pissed at his creation for acting like he created them to act. Then, the only way he can forgive them for acting like he knew ahead of time they would act, is to transform himself into one of his creations, and have himself tortured and murdered. 

    Makes since , Right?

  12. I love how after Cruz says @1:25" ïn all 50 states trumps bla bla bla", and the next clip is of Trump. Nice compilation of crazy!

  13. And in a year or so many of these guys will be caught in gay sex scandals. I would list the ones that have been but there is not enough room. Search right wing gay bashers caught in gay sex scandals. It will blow your mind, no pun intended. I predict Santorum and Lindsay Graham.

  14. The question here to the LGBT community is why not be a builder rather than a tear downer; why want to change “marriage” rather than create an equal identity? It seems to me the whole debate around same-sex marriage is built around the LGBT wanting to change the long traditional and God-given meaning of marriage and forcing it on everyone else—when they can just as easily create something equal calling it a "civil union" or another identity with all the same protections as a marriage.

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