24 Comments on “Taiwan holds Asia’s first legal gay weddings, in a boost for LGBT communities”

  1. For all of you who hates this law: it's alright if you don't support the LBGT community.. I know some people might think of homosexuals as odd and weird, but you don't have to be so disrespectful to the people who's part of this community! If you don't like it, just dislike the video and leave, or you can just say why you don't like this law NICELY instead of just giving death threats to Taiwan and the LBGT community.

  2. Let us wipeout all homophobic beings and religious bigotry in the world with true love, equality, kindness and compassion 💗💗 Love wins!

  3. 全身寒毛挺立!!!! 好像近親結婚. 不過, 恩愛就好了. 人權嗎. 不是嗎? 不過這樣說來, 以現在墮胎避孕的措施, 近親戀愛好像也可以.

  4. Congratulations y'al. Love is d most beautiful thing in d world. Love has neither discrimination nor gender. To those antigay, mind your own freaking business n enjoy your own freaking life cos life is short. Go find your own love n don't b jealous of LGBTQS!!!

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