24 Comments on “When Dreams Come True – Gay Wedding – Black Gay Wedding – Best Gay Wedding”

  1. Cried watching these two beautiful black men enter into a lifetime of a beautiful marriage. Wish you an amazing journey of love, joy, tears and things to build your union stronger. Great fashion btw

  2. What is this? You two are gonna burn in Hell!!! Just joking! LOL!!! Congratulations on your future together and may you have much happiness and success.

  3. Repent .God. is. against. this…You .will ..burn..in…hell ..Marriage .is .between ..one. Man .and. ….Women ..you. have…A .demonic.. spirit. in…you. .God. loves. you .and .will. Forgive. you. if .you .Admit .to..God. and .ask..jesus. Christ . to …Forgive. .you. Turn .to..God .And. tell .him .your .Sorry .You .get. Aids. .Don't. blame. God. it's. your. Perverted. Life. .style.

  4. Hopefully I'll have a wedding like this, so much beauty and deep love, my heart racing in excitement ?????????????

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