Originally filmed by Gay Cable Network and re-aired by gay news show “Gay USA,” this footage gives a gilmpse into the LGBT rights movement from the mid-late …
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The News Headlines
Hands as instruments of sexual misconduct, Texas is so insane.
With all due respect in terms of civil argument, Doula, do you realize how
DUMB you sound? Let me pose these questions to you: Since there’s a lot of
people who commit suicide, do you also believe that people were BORN to
kill themselves? Do suicidal people have the word “suicidal” or “kill me”
(NATURALLY) marked on their skin the way their skin color is? Are you
suggesting then that rapists and molesters are BORN to rape and molest? Let
me know if you find some good answers to those. –FJ
It’s amazing how 21 years later how sad that gay and black people no longer
see common cause anymore.
What’s AMAZING, MB, is how people tend to think that Africans and
homosexuals (which consists of ALL races — Duhee!?!) have ANY common cause
at all. They DON’T!!! To be African DOES NOT EQUATE to being homosexual.
What’s even more amazing is how racist homosexuals are in general. Yours In
Truth, –The Final Justice
DOULA: “Being African American and Homosexual is not the same but there are
similarities between the oppression and hatred of each group.” >> Well,
let’s see. White homosexuals were never exactly: hosed down by police,
attacked by police dogs, hanged from trees, taken in captivity and forced
into slavery, or denied employment or use of public facilities on account
of skin color. Worst of all, they were never collectively interested in
racial harmony with Africans either (“gay” or not). –FJ
Thanks for upload ! Adding this one to my Gay Movement and Gay History
playlist. gaygreetzz from Holebis ♥♂♂,♀♀♥
It’s amazing for those of us who were too young to be a part of this or to
know about it at the time to be able to see this. It’s imperative that we
never forget our history!
Thanks for posting this video. I was just coming out of the closet in 1987
and I inadvertently walked right into the crowd not knowing that the event
was taking place. I am so glad this was documented.
@FinalJusticeMovement What an absolute load of crap. African Americans are
oppressed…homosexuals are oppressed. African Americans are born with
their skin color…homosexuals are born with their sexuality. Being African
American and Homosexual is not the same but there are similarities between
the oppression and hatred of each group.