50 Comments on “A preacher gives an interesting gay rights speech. (Wait for it..)”

  1. In case anyone missed this. Before you want to comment, watch until the
    very end. It is fantastic. 

  2. Mr. Vasquez, If you honestly want a concise unemotional argument against
    the redefinition of marriage, google what Dennis Prager has to say about
    it: under “Why a Good Person Can Vote Against Same-Sex Marriage” The
    article may not change anyone’s mind but hopefully will allow the reader to
    understand why the other side feels the way they do. I totally understand
    why my opposition feels the way they do. I understand it. In fact, I
    empathize with them.

  3. I keep hearing this. What’s going on with the RCC. Suddenly another pope
    has gotten a new reversal from God? No meat on fridays. Okay meat on
    fridays. Unbaptized babies skulls line the roads of hell, no purgatory.
    Okay purgatory, unbaptized babies go to heaven. Non-Christians (inc
    atheists) burn in hell (well backed by the bible)… Now I hear the pope
    says atheists don’t go to hell? Could somebody tell me exactly what the
    pope said or share a link? William L Craig is gonna be pissed…lol.

  4. LOL, I think its the other way around…. gay brainwashing targets

  5. Since 1954. Not before that. Not in the time of the founders. Not when the
    constitution was written. God is nowhere in the constitution. Not in the
    time of the declaration of independence, which also doesn’t say god. Many
    of the founders were deists not Christian theists. Deists believe in a
    creator, it doesn’t have to be a deity, let alone any specific deity. Hence
    in the declaration the word “Creator” appears, but never god. Treati of
    Tripoli, USA wasn’t built on Christian principles. Refuted.

  6. awww, god bless you,I do though think that the homosexual, and straight
    people got along much better before government, and media stepped in. I
    believe that it was to intentionaly cause havoc, and division, just as ,
    black, and white, rich and poor. the purpose is to divide, and conquer, and
    its working…

  7. Mr. Meece, arrogant fucks like you are the reason I abhor religion. If
    people don’t believe exactly as you do, they have abandoned god’s standard.
    Look at how many denominations of Christianity there are. All of them have
    it wrong except for you? Of course they have it wrong…your god
    conveniently agrees with how you think. All people like you do is
    illustrate that religion is nothing more than the perfection of bigotry and
    narcissism. Stop getting in the way of equal rights.

  8. Which truth? Cause the modern bible talks about hell and the devil – and
    niether concept existed until a mistranslation. It also details you to do
    some pretty evil things to women or children that disobey you – but I bet
    you don’t like ‘that’ bit, do you? =P

  9. I completely agree with you. You defended your point very well, and I
    applaud you. Im not discriminatory by any means, and I personally believe
    that the way the man in the video made the comparison is a horrendous
    insult to the black community. You are a very smart individual. Even though
    we have different viewpoints, I respect the way you intelligently expressed
    your opinion. That’s very rare on the internet. Also, that last statement
    really made me laugh. I’m going to have to use that one day

  10. no it doesn’t. there’s plenty of evidence for it. also, there is no
    difference between micro and macro evolution, they are the same thing but
    with different time scales.

  11. I think it is sad that christians are being forced to believe it, as it
    goes against their faith, and i believe it’s disappointing that people
    retaliate to christians in such ways. I find nothing wrong with a christian
    refusing to make a wedding cake for a gay marriage, but i draw the line
    where people get oppressed. the fact of the matter is if people just
    accepted everyone for who they are (which apparently is an unreachable
    goal) then our nation and world would be a better place.

  12. Part 3: “Jesus says” There you go again. Confusing X’s word, for the words
    of men, not X’s own words. The 1st gospel began construction decades later,
    by non-eye witnesses, which couldn’t even keep their stories straight, were
    hazy on history and geography. We have no logical reason, with our
    understanding of the gospels construction, thanks to linguistics, to
    believe Jesus even said what they claim he did. They distorted his words,
    when they wrote the gospels.

  13. Lets face it, Marriage is not a religious institute it is and always has
    been a social contract dating back to the days when the father of the bride
    bartered with potential grooms to settle on a price for his daughter. Just
    because some decide to hold the ceremony in a church to “bless the union in
    the eyes of God” does not make it a religious matter thats why marriage is
    governed by the state and not the church. Sorry folks relgion can’t claim
    ownship of this tradition its about legal rights

  14. I think racial discrimination was a little bit different. No one owned
    homosexuals as slaves. No one makes homosexual children go to segregated
    schools or ride in the back of the bus. The government doesn’t prohibit
    homosexuals from voting. No, I’m not an extremist like those people in
    Westboro, but I also have my beliefs. I’m not pushing my beliefs on you. I
    am simply expressing them. If you don’t like my ideas, (here’s the best
    part) you DON’T have to read my comments

  15. marriage does not come from some fictional creature (like god) hows about
    gays and lesbians and their supporters get marriage, and you religious
    people can have “brainwashing ceremonies”

  16. The argument is actually that the homophobic arguments follow the same
    basis of rationale as segregationist arguments. At the end of the speech,
    the guy makes it known that he’s in favour of gay rights; but the person
    he’s talking about isn’t even *referencing* homosexuals in his words. And
    that’s the thing. It’s arguments about ‘morality’ and ‘right’; non tangible
    (and, often wrong or incomplete) ethics from a book that was used to
    support segregation. 😛

  17. No the word of deluded, primitive, violent, bigoted tribes. Don’t confuse
    their words with a gods. ~Actually the word is quite clear and says
    otherwise. Have you not read the bible? Gays, like “witches” are to be put
    to death. So…does the forgiveness part come before or after you are
    ordered to bash their skulls in with rocks? ~Nobody should care what you
    belief. Your beliefs=/=who gets equal human rights. Better not be eating
    shelf fish bud. Same bible book. Homosexuality can’t be forced.

  18. I can’t believe the stupidity I live among either. We can cry about it
    together if you’d like? Cause we have no hope when we see comments that
    TheThrone3000 has left.

  19. America is a democracy, that means policy is determined by popular opinion,
    and most Americans are religiotards Therefore religion does influence

  20. I don’t think it’s wrong to apply some of the stuff in that book. For
    example, peace, being loving, kind, giving, generous, self control, and
    patience. Those are promoted nearly everywhere.

  21. The small smattering of applause instead of uproarious applause and
    laughter shows just how far Springfield, Missouri has come; or perhaps how

  22. So why should your views be forced onto other people? If you don’t like gay
    marriage then don’t marry someone who is gay and it wont affect you….

  23. On the other hand, disrespecting a particular group has NEVER spelled death
    for a culture. In fact, it almost universally strengthens a culture and
    gives it a common focus. Would Isreal be relevant if they didn’t have the
    palestinians to hate? The greatest advances cultures have made have always
    fallen under the auspices of conflict with another culture. In fact, the
    only things that ever STOPS an intolerant culture is almost universally
    overreach, or cultural invasion from outside.

  24. It’s just such a shame you can’t both obey God and be tolerant of
    homosexuals. If only our omnipotent, omnibenevolent creator had not
    instructed us to brutally murder homosexuals.

  25. Let’s not forget that if you provided a wife to an “indentured servant” and
    they had a child, you wouldn’t be able to leave. Bottom line – owning
    another human being is wrong. There are very few, if any moral teachings in
    the Bible. Do unto others as you would have them done to you is the only
    one that comes to mind.

  26. Oral sex causes cancer; and is much more common than anal. Sex without
    preventatives (ala; condoms) is also a health risk; yet is encouraged over
    having sex (a general health benefit) regularly, due to intangible
    ‘morals’. Health is not your monopoly on this subject, I’m afraid. 😛 And
    the bible isn’t an argument; sorry. Come back and use that thing as a
    justification *after* you stone your kid when he snaps at ya. 😛

  27. Part 5 “he warns” No. The men who began their stories of him, decades after
    his death and put words into his mouth. They warned, not him. “thou shall
    not mock the lord thy GOD” Hahahahaha. Right. More cult behavior. Fear
    tactics. Don’t ever think little of or belittle our bullshit stories,
    that’s a good way to help escape the fear trap we put on you and emancipate
    yourself, freeing yourself from our dogmas control. Marduk, god of
    Babylonian military, broke Yahweh. He didn’t just mock him.

  28. he began with typical church/bible-based arguments against gay rights, but
    then he read a “wrong word”, explained that he “got confused” and the
    actual notes he got with him were from the 50s-60s when the matter was
    racial segregation, only that he changed the words racial intergretion to
    gay rights. well he’s making a veeery valid point and he obviously supports

  29. what a cunt! why aren’t they shutting down shell Fishers? why aren’t
    against prostitution where its legal? oh yea several has been busted with
    them. What makes them think they have any right or any kind of say just
    because they believe in a myth. what a Cunt

  30. Mr. Vasquez, I fail to see the part where I was being arrogant. Yes, there
    are many denominations out there that have variance in doctrine. Things
    like how baptism is to be carried out or avoiding a certain food on a
    certain day. But there is core instruction in the bible that most
    mainstream denominations agree on. This is one of them. The bible is very
    clear on its stance on the practice of homosexuality; it takes some extreme
    verbal gymnastics and false exegesis to believe otherwise.

  31. To anyone confused: the ordinance under discussion was one that would add
    homosexuals to the list of minorities protected under law. 8 seconds in, he
    states clearly that he SUPPORTS said ordinance, hence quite obviously he is
    making a clever and persuasive argument for the protection of homosexuals
    by quoting outdated beliefs regarding blacks. Not that hard to understand,

  32. Only problem with this logic is that time and over people overthrew that
    issue by assuming new cultures and colours of skins were not humans so you
    could treat them like shit and used them as much as you want. That includes
    natives, african slaves, war prisoners, jews and more.

  33. So, trying to uphold our beliefs means that Christians are as bad as
    racists? Seriously? That’s the most ridiculous argument I’ve ever heard for
    gay rights. I don’t really care how many people get mad about this post. It
    was ridiculous.

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