24 Comments on “About Gay rights and their History.( In Korean). 한국어 /동성 연애”

  1. @bbnerdful18 ever heard of 홍석천? he is a famous celebrity that is gay in
    Korea. He was banned to come out in any of the 3 major broadcasting
    stations. But he is still popular, Nobody cares if a Gay man comes out and
    confess he is gay. i mean if you are choosing to be gay, nobody in the
    entire planet has the right to judge you. But You have to admit
    Homosexuality is different with what the majority thinks. and if you are
    choosing your way you have to sacrifice.

  2. Generally speaking, Koreans like riatndnsxo are doomed to extinction as
    Korea continues apace in the neoliberal age. What rock dies riatndnsxo live
    under? Does s/he spend his/her daily life working at the 규장각, ignoring the
    shifts now taking place in Korean society? It is humorous to see him/her
    standing up for traditional values while failing to see the failure of
    those values in the society surrounding him/her. No one wants to live in
    the Confucian dynasty!!!

  3. @Mockavel Never heard of genetics? The reason humans find opposite gender
    attractive is so that in the wild, we would socialize and make love. You’re
    equiped with genes for everything, genes for masculine or feminine
    behaviour, genes for male and female body and also for sexual attraction.
    It is not caused by trauma. When it is, then it’s classified as something
    else. Or do you honestly believe mama’s violent love caused little Timmy to
    prefer hairy chest over soft, female bosom? Lol.

  4. @rlatndnsxo 한숨~~~ There are many many people inthe world they don’t accept
    the homosexuality. I had to deal with a young death in Korea. Not only
    Korea. it’s everywhere. I mean it’s everywhere. I am not mocking Korea, but
    it is very hard to survive in Korea as a gay man here in Korea or so many
    places. There are so many issues in Korea. Do you know any Korean gay man
    who can just come out and say I am gay? sigh.

  5. @bbnerdful18 I wish I could! I can understand Korean, but can’t write it 🙁
    Not well, at least!

  6. @gabsylv I am not saying the Homosexuality is bad ( I am not gay) or good,
    I am just saying Korea has certain traditional codes which we rule
    ourselves, and which distinguish us from others. and according to these
    social codes, Homosexuality won’t be legal in Korea. and You can’t mock
    your own country because there doing what they are supposed to do. Go fight
    for Homosexuality in USA first. after all look at American children, when
    ever they encounter weird stuff, they call it ” gay”

  7. Actually I must clarify, For girls from most to least testosterone in
    Hormonal structure, it would go
    Lesbian>Bisexual>Straight>Pansexual>Asexual, and for boys it would go
    >Straight>Bisexual>Homosexual>Pansexual>Asexual. If it was indeed the case
    the inherent testosterone levels are what defines sexuality.

  8. I completely agree! Embryologists speculate that Testosterone is a key
    factor in Physical and emotional development. A mother’s levels of inherent
    testosterone has been shown to affect the conceived child. In retrospect, a
    mother can give more testosterone to the child’s appearance rather than
    Hormonal structure (attraction) resulting in Homosexuality or Bisexuality.
    Less results in Asexuality and Pansexuality. Although this is only a
    theory, but a well established one.

  9. Sorry again for not understanding what you are saying in the vid Anna. But
    I so agree with your written statement. OMG – I am SO sorry for the young
    man who ended his life for coming out. That is just horrible. Why in this
    day & age do we STILL find reasons to hate those that are different? So
    very sad. And it’s not just Korea Anna – here in America – sad to say –
    there is much hate & non-tolerance of gays too. Let’s grow up & move on
    already. Live & let live. Peace

  10. saranghae gay people!!! saranghae anna unni. anna unni yeoppun! hehe. idk
    if i got that right.

  11. Gay Tolerance? Please South Korea is a Country with highest decreasing
    Population, among the OECD countries. even countries like USA with about
    300million citizens aren’t really tolerant about Homosexuality. Go Talk to
    your Father and mother and first check if they agree with you first.

  12. @rlatndnsxo so what i want to say is, Korea isn’t the only country in the
    world which banns homosexuality, stop with this nonsense, just embrassing
    your own country.

  13. hi unni, i completely understand and agree with you 100%. Korea has a long
    way to go in terms of gay tolerance. I am glad you are so outspoken about
    this. thank you for putting up your point of view in Korean. I hope people
    watch this and see how their intolerance can really affect people in a sad

  14. @rlatndnsxo The basis for accepting homosexuality is NOT population
    control. It is basic human rights. Do you, in your ignorance, believe more
    people will turn gay by society’s acceptance of gay rights? That’s like
    saying if you hang around tall people you’ll become tall, or if you hang
    around white people you will turn white. Foolish nonsense.

  15. @rlatndnsxo The term is *Confucian(ist)* society, and sorry, your
    “traditional” codes, among which you can also include open government
    corruption, aristocratic exploitation of peasants, oppression of women and
    ***slavery*** (Silla, Goryeo periods), and will not be carried on by future
    generations. And homosexuality will also become accepted, as can be seen
    already by increased representations of homosexuality in Korean dramas and
    movies. Tradition 전통is not fixed 정통, dude, but fluid.

  16. @rlatndnsxo 전통= 정통 이런 사고는 사회, 문화의 정체를 야기할 수 있는 사고며, 동성애에 대한 금지는 조선조로 부터 시작된
    것으로 볼 수 있습니다. 삼국 통일의 주역이기도 한 화랑제도도 ;동성애 사회’였으며, (그 후예는 남사당패), 그리고 무속, 예술 등
    다양한 방면에서 동성애자의 역할이 적지 않습니다. 이광수, 기형도 등 빛나는 역사인물도 동성애자얐습니다. 안드레 김은 물론이고.
    Open up your constipated ,narrow mind!!

  17. @gabsylv Your right, Basis for accepting homosexuality is Not population
    control, nicely put, You have to know the fact that Korea is a highly
    Confucist Society , if you know what it means. Even though it’s the age of
    no borders and many aspects of restrictions are getting demolished, There
    are certain codes which we learn and are taught from our parents. and in a
    traditional point of view homosexuality is comdemmed,

  18. @gabsylv 삼국 통일의 주역이 신라의 화랑도라고 단정하는 것은 약간의 과장인것 같군요. 물론 뭐 님께서 지금 현재 어디에
    거주하는지는 모르지만, 아직 대한민국에서 동성애 사회를 공식화 하기에는 좀 무리수가 있지 않을가요>? 우리 한국보다 훨씬 개방적인
    태도를 지닌 미국 사회도 아직까지 동성애에 대한 차별이 남아있습니다, 이러한 판에 전통과 지조를 중요시 하는, 대한민국 사회를 이렇게
    노골적으로 비판하는것은 나라 망신인것 같습니다.

  19. @gabsylv And if your misguided belief were true, which it’s not, then
    surely most gay people would be straight, since they are usually raised by
    straight parents and have straight siblings. So that blows your theory out
    of the water. FAIL

  20. Generally speaking, Koreans like riatndnsxo are doomed to extinction as
    Korea continues apace in the neoliberal age. What rock dies riatndnsxo live
    under? Does s/he spend his/her daily life working at the 규장각, ignoring the
    shifts now taking place in Korean society? It is humorous to see him/her
    standing up for traditional values while failing to see the failure of
    those values in the society surrounding him/her. No one wants to live in
    the fucking Joseon dynasty!!!

  21. 성경을 살펴봐야 될것같네요 창조의 하나님을 알아보세요 소돔과고모라의 유황불심판~~~ 남과여의 사명~~~

  22. @rlatndnsxo Yes, the Islamic countries hang homosexuals by ropes in their
    public squares! Hitler killed homosexuals along with the Jews and the
    crippled! Go join your brothers in the Al Qaeda and Hitler youth! As for
    the rest of Korea, it is set to embrace the values of true social
    democracy, not the anachronistic customs of a patriarchal hegemony!


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