27 Comments on “Anti-Gay Navy Chaplain Admits Gay Marriage Had No Effect on His Marriage”

  1. religion is what keep kids’ moral compass protected and keep others in line

  2. How sad that some one is preaching that some families should have less
    rights and security than others and that somehow Jesus wants this – This is
    not Christianity it is some kind of cult

  3. Those people who say no to same-sex marriage because it can not produce
    children of their own need to have their own reproductive organs checked
    before a wedding can happen. If any of them are infertile, then they cannot
    marry. It’s using their same logic, and, it might even render their
    marriage invalid. But then they claim infertile hetero couples are an
    exception. People like that are giant hypocrites.

  4. If you don’t want to ever become pregnant, you might want to get an IUD,
    it’s reversible, and far more economical than aborting every time you

  5. OMFG David, that was painful to watch. I cannot even begin to understand
    how you are able to sit through that with a clear mind. Very good argument.
    I have to say though, this guy presents himself and his cause extremely
    well compared to most others of his agenda. In my opinion that allowed you
    to get somewhere with your argument and also probably made him think about
    his more. Keep up the good work. You’re the only political segment of news
    i follow.

  6. also, in rats, they’ve been able to take the chromosomes from two egg cells
    and make one fertilized egg, so eventually, as science progresses, two
    lesbians will be able to have their own biological children together

  7. You are right David was mistaken with his million year analogy. The genus
    homo has been around for 2.6 million yrs, but modern man has been around
    for 150-175K yrs according to the Human Genome Project, Dawkins says about
    100K. You are a creationist when you harken back to the Adam and Eve fable.
    Gordon did that, and he would reject an scientific proof to the contrary.
    Having said all that the guy give me the willies. Yuck, no kid of mine
    would be allowed at his house.

  8. Long story short. That guy feels he loses a “special status”, if there’s
    marriage equality. That’s it.. It’s funny, behind all that
    gays-should-not-get-married-rubbish seems to be only one general fear: “Oh
    my god, I won’t feel special, I won’t feel better than those people
    anymore, when suddenly it gets official that they are just as good as I am
    as a human being.” Because falling in love and having sex with the opposite
    gender qualifies you as “special”…

  9. God is not dead? I’m no expert and I very well may be wrong, but I thought
    the whole point of God is that he died twice.

  10. This guy believes in talking snakes possessed by the devil? We need another

  11. Marriage is a legal contract, nothing more and nothing less. Sign the
    papers and have the ridiculous spectacle of a church wedding and bring your
    god into it if you feel the need even tho you don’t have to. Whatever blows
    your skirts.

  12. 6:06 translation: We can’t give others equality and rights, because then
    there will be less equality to go around. Making them more free will hurt
    my freedom.

  13. I love that Klingenschmitt mentions that this battle is “exposing the true
    church from the false church”. How does he know he’s on the right side of

  14. I had the impression that he might be referring to the Adam and Eve story
    as a fable “written by Moses”, but who knows. He is creepy.

  15. Mr. Klingenschmitt: I come from a military family, and when one them leaves
    the service they get a real job.

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