36 Comments on “Anti-Gay Russia To Host 2014 Winter Olympics | The Rubin Report”

  1. It’s not so interested for me to chat with you,buggers,but as i see some
    points are needed for explanation to you. The fact that glbt and their fans
    are not more than 5-6% of Earth’s population,so the vast majority of folks
    don’t know any shit about your problems, and don’t give a fuck what you
    want and yell..Except your fucking politics and small bunch of freaks of
    course..Main differense between us that in Russia we say it in public, but
    your societe hypocritically shoves up tongue into ass themselves..So don’t
    be worry, it’s gonna be all right

  2. “Not sure if it’s Luxembourg(the richest country on the planet with a gdp
    of 137 000$ per person( America has just 47 000.
    ..)- or LATVIA, a former soviet state and now the second poorest country in
    Europe.. It like two different planets, so you bettet get your facts

  3. Don’t boycott – rub it in!
    I think, a better way of protest than boycotting the games would be for
    gay-friendlier countries to show their support by making their queer
    contestants the flag bearers during the opening ceremony.

    Should that be an Avaaz/All Out campain – or is it already?

  4. Support for Russia! One of the few countries that do not bow to gay
    lobby. All gay supporters – your children will pay for your spinal less
    position. If your parents to be a homics you never be born! 

  5. I still don’t understand why the games can’t be just about the athletes and
    not about pushing our beliefs on other countries. These young people have
    spent there lives working for this day and we have to ruin that with
    pushing our beliefs. Let them have their day and stop protesting just for a
    few weeks.

  6. Russia you’re truly sad.. like how can you take away peoples rights as
    equal human beings on this earth!?!? How does being gay and supporting your
    own country have anything to do with anything!?!?! No one should care about
    how anyone defines as whether that be gay or lesbian, straight, transgender
    or bisexual. the people who make it a big deal are the people who don’t
    support it. Like hello there’s a difference between an opinion and just
    being unfair, crazy, ignorant and bigoted. Also just because you don’t
    support it or do not like it doesn’t mean your opinion goes if you don’t
    like it don’t look plan and simple and not hard to do. And for Christians
    just cause your book says its a sin doesn’t mean that that’s what goes
    there are other religions and beliefs and opinions other than yours that
    supports it I know that being Celtic pagan myself and paganism anyway that
    they support us and believe in equality. Native Americans have a name for
    LGBTQ and that’s two spirited people. We really need to grow up and accept
    equality more as a people.

  7. The IOC is a completely useless body, completely useless, above and beyond
    the issue of blatant homophobia in an Olympic venue. “Bringing the world
    together” and all their “supportive morality statements” is just pure PR.
    As I said, the IOC is completely useless. 


    Just file your gay rights in the trash can Save the Government some money >

    icescr violations witness FOR The U.N.

  9. I hope Russia is ready for the Olympics because the whole world will be
    watching I would hate for people to spoil it for you lets show the world
    what a heap of crap Russia is

  10. Putin rocks!!!!!! could u imagine a bunch of homos carrying the flag lol
    then it would b called the fag n thts mean, homosexuality is a sin like any
    other disease but Jesus can and has healed homos..if homosexuality was ok
    ppl would accept it but like rape,incest,murder,and the likes would b
    welcomed with open arms.

  11. I am an African American U.S. military veteran and I agree with Russians
    anti gay laws 100%

    whoever are gay would want the same respect anybody else who isn’t gay. So
    if you come into another country respect there rules on there land and
    don’t do gay things on there land. That is one of the most annoying thing
    that gay people do is act like a child, for when he wants things to be done
    or to happen in supporting his gayness but when someone doesn’t support it
    or take a liking to it you frit around like a child. For instance, wanting
    to NOT be in the Russian Winter Olympics. You gay people would look more
    grown up if you accepted that some cultures mine who believe in Jesus, find
    it wrong to (support) that. I’m sure since apostle went trough Europe that
    many people in Russia feel the same way I do ( about support that the “GAY
    ROUTE” is ok. I hope to all the gay people who read this message either
    come to an acceptance about not everyone Pro- for gayness, or your either
    moved as a Christian if you are one to hate your sin in what ever way you
    were or supporter of “gay route” to want to take to fully desire the full
    joy that comes from Jesus and not sin.

  13. As i Catholic, i Biblically support Russia’s anti-g** stand (i.e. vs the
    ‘sin of Sodom’).
    No excuses or reasons in the name of ‘human rights’ are Biblically
    Remember: God destroyed the people of Sodom.

  14. Russia has the right Idea. Lets have at lest one God fear nations left on
    Earth here. “Western countries are denying moral principles and all
    traditional identities: national, cultural, religious and even sexual. They
    are implementing policies that equate large families with same-sex
    partnerships, belief in God with the belief in Satan.” Vladimir
    Vladimirovich Putin

  15. I support Russia 100% >:3! Homosexuality is a syndrome! We must put cure
    these gays immediately, they are in denial, they cannot accept that
    homosexuality goes against nature. If there was an extinct species, and all
    of the remaining animals were gay, they will all die. The polarity is

  16. Nobody discriminates gay shit in Russia. Come over for the Olympics, but
    wear a butt plug until you leave. 

  17. I hope the Canadian government boycott this winter game….Do not send our
    athletes to these games….Russia is just crazy….look at the bastards
    that have run the country in the pass….Russia is just like china when it
    comes to human rights….crap….

  18. All russia said was don’t mess with children. Why are the gays so against
    this. Even straight people are not allowed to mess with children. What
    should they be so different? And why is the news backing all this? 

  19. Why don’t foreign gays respect Russian mentality? Russians don’t want
    gays. So why boycott?

  20. You Russians actually pissed me off and that is quite a feat. you think
    Putin is such a great man? murdering innocent people for standing up for
    what they believe in, creating mass genocides threatening other countries
    athletes to death if they are gay in HIS country? you think this is OKAY!
    what the fuck is wrong with you! this world needs to work together to bring
    some mother fucking equality for once instead of opposition all the time!


  22. Nobody is phobic so stop accusing others intellectual wisdom on this
    subject. and your asinine game you play to fabricate and make excuses &
    rationalize your cesspool sodomite mentality. Ppl know perfectly well what
    that vile mentality ilk is , just look at all their countless destructive
    toxic activities they are bathed in and cause to the human race. Just
    because the media “creates” this majority rule type of glamorous life
    choices style of gays, doesn’t mean it is reality.
    Many ppl are absolutely disgusted with that degenerate filthy abomination
    narcissistic putrid mentality being shoved in our faces.
    You ppl are the epitome of fascists oppressive.
    Nobody has to tolerate your filth, Nobody!!!

  23. I’m not against GAYS but if they don’t like them you can’t force your
    ideals to them. Lol Gay people are I don’t think they’ll give a fuck about
    what Russia or anyone thinks of them? Enough gays have lots of rights now
    they could get married etc…. Why bother about this so every time someone
    has a negative view on gays they have too get defensive don’t let it bother
    you. The world has change it doesn’t mean people have enough with the gay
    propaganda their excepted already just some people are not open minded. D;

  24. Fuck you all kinds of buggers.Don’t tell us how to live.You gonna use your
    asses as you want,that’s ok for you,well it’s your right,but if you will
    not come to Russia,noone will cry..So suck in silence and leave us alone

  25. Sport has nothing to do with sex or sexual orientation. The olympics is
    about sport. Why would you boycott a country regarding the olymics just
    because that country doesn’t approve of homosexuals. That country has
    every right to formulate it’s own laws regarding peadophiles, homosexuals,
    criminals, and this should have no bearing whatsoever on whether they can
    host the olympic games. If the gays don’t like it, well they don’t have to
    go or participate in any way. Simple. No different to the gays saying to
    the rest of us normal people, “If you don’t like homosexuality then don’t
    engage in it. No one’s forcing you to be homosexual”. It’s the same
    thing. No one’s forcing any gays to participate in the games. 

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