41 Comments on “BBC News NY gay rights activists target Russian vodka over Putin laws”

  1. им-то там какое дело? пусть в своей стране порядок наводят. и вообще, никто
    же не запретил быть геем? почему они не идут в консульства исламских стран?
    там вообще геем быть нииииизяяяяяяяя…….. 🙂

  2. History repeats itself on 11 September. After the attacks appeared US
    patriotic act. After that the American army was killing people in different
    countries, so who is new Nazi Germany?. We want to stay normal people in
    Russia, and we do not need gay. The child must have a MOM and DAD – its the
    foundation of civilization. And we trust in God. Lord forgive you. maybe …

  3. Хуесосы охуели !!! А может быть они думают что их за это кто нибудь
    выебёт…….. Ха-ха-ха

  4. We respect privacy. No one is interested in how and where you have sex.
    They just make money when blocking the road. the real russian problem is
    low-income people in 25 of the 71 republics and war against radical
    Islamists. Each month in the North Caucasus terrorists kill people. Why CNN
    not talks about it?

  5. садомиты будут указывать нам, большинству, как нам жить и по каким законам?

  6. Пидоры и пиздолизки пить не будут ,ура бля водка очистится от греха

  7. Would you go to Berlin in 1936 if you knew what you know now? Have you been
    thinking of buying tickets to Sochi-2014 lately? Boycott Russian Olympic
    Games. Russia-Today is a country with no human rights once again! Your
    no-show will help Russians and people around the world to stop the USSR.2

  8. Because in their eyes, this is the only way to get attention, and they did.
    So you should understand.

  9. When they block road this is my problem. Last year, five times in October!
    If they want sex why they block road? I do not understand …

  10. I don’t say you need to think about the problems of gays, I’m saying that
    you don’t need to be a problem of gays.

  11. Nazi germany? Looks to me like sharia law in an Orthodox Christian sense.
    The church is getting more powerful and influenceial. Not just in Russia.
    Butvin many in many other Orthodox countries in eastern europe and in areas
    like republix of georgia. How are were who are serious about this issue are
    goinfg to effect the thibgs the church is violently getting away with.
    Iterested. Please contant. Me at : [email protected]

  12. ещё один повод бросить бухать))) кто не бросил))

  13. Пидорасы одним словам!!!!!И мы Русские водку не пьём!Это наше массовое

  14. Russian Prime Minister Jew, president of Russian ethnic Finland-Russian.
    Ok, we are Nazis.

  15. That’s funny. General Rhom Hitler’s ally was a gay. 27 February 1933 the
    Nazis burned the Reichstag and blamed the communists. And 28 February
    issued an emergency decree “On the Protection of the People and the State”,
    signed by Hindenburg, canceling individual freedom of assembly, of
    association, speech, press, and limited the secrecy of correspondence and
    inviolability of private property.

  16. Пидоров в топку, анус порвать, и засунуть в пасть.

  17. Выливают потому что водка для мужиков, а не для пидарасов!!!

  18. Представьте отрыжку насосавшегося хуев пидораса.Бляяя вот я выдал пойду

  19. В СССР пидаров сажали в тюрьму – убрали статью, теперь они распустились и
    навязываю нам себя очень активно. Пидоры и лесби – это прежде всего личная
    распущенность.Пора возвращаться к старым методам борьбы, чтобы не лезли к
    нормальным со своими сдвигами п фазе и сидели тихо.

  20. наконец то мы узнали слабую сторону американцев))))

  21. Our problem is how to keep the population of the Slavs in Russia. If I did
    not think about the problems of gays I’m a bad person? This is not fair.

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