20 Comments on “Beatings & Humiliation: A Look into LGBT Life in Vladimir Putin’s Russia”

  1. msnbc why don’t you do something good in your own country [United States of
    America] , we made you fucking rich you fucking gay lover msn! You like to
    report on Gay violent? why don’t you report the gay violent in US??? or are
    you saying we have zero gay violent here, so nothing to report? You have so
    much time, money and energy to report something all over the other side of
    the world? with video and shit? Come on we not 5 anymore, we know what kind
    of shit you try to do here. I hope your son turn out gay and fucking rape
    your ass! then i want you to report this news on msn!

  2. regardless of what this guy has to say….. i just want to punch him in the
    face. he is so irritating. his voice, his face, his glasses……. anyway,
    i hope the discrimination in russia stops soon. 

  3. 1:18 “controversial law”
    It’s not controversial in russia you degenerate lgbt fucktard.
    Slava Rossia for standing up for normalcy. Btw the Sochi Olympics went
    great and the international lgbt jews could not keep it from being a
    resounding success! hahaha

  4. Why is she saying that russia was going in “right direction” when it had
    gay bars and shit? Why is she referring to it as “progression”? If a
    country is allowing gay propaganda, gay marriages, gays adopting kids, its
    not progression, its degradation. Gay is just absolutely wrong. If you are
    gay, just dont show the fact that you take it in the ass. I dont want my
    kids seeing how two guys make out in a park. Its disgusting, its wrong, and
    as i said before its degrading to society. Putin made the right law about
    gays and im glad that the normal people in russia support this. Putin for
    the win. 

  5. As people masha became more and more tolerated, they acquired a lot of
    self confidence and they felt free to launch direct assaults on the way of
    life of the 95+% of humans who are not gay or trans or bgbbq whatever.
    Masha is on record as being in favour of the utter destruction of marriage.
    The West has chosen to fall to its knees and abdicate.
    Russia, India, Africa, Croatia and a host of other countries have chosen to
    As a result of the war against the Norm that was launched by the
    international gays ( often international jews like that monstrosity masha
    gessen), people worldwide are realizing that you can’t actually tolerate
    organized gay communities, as they can’t cohabitate with us without trying
    to destroy us. Sorry gays. Had you remained reasonable people, you could
    have been able to live out your lives relatively fine. You decided that you
    needed to foist gay marriage and unconditional gay acceptance down the
    world’s throat. The world is fighting back. Russian polls show that almost
    90% of the population want gays to be at the very least invisible.

  6. he said that he wants to brutally murder gay people. it’s a slogan of
    russian fashists

  7. Thanks, I understand Russian, just not used to talking in it. My question
    was about his personal problems that make him wanna kill gays.

  8. Not to mention that she is/was employed by the state department to head
    it’s propaganda channel in moscow the so called Radio Liberty and after all
    journalists left she was fired.

  9. @joe var, weird huh? Studies show this is a true thing. Kinda like stupid
    people can use a computer but unable to use it to get ejookated, I wonder
    how it would feel it people beat the crap out of you and threatened you for
    the color of your hair, or ethnicity.

  10. I don’t know what ”cnut” means but a person who supports this type of
    cruelty is in no possition to call others ugly.

  11. Masha Gessen is a Jew pedophile that is full of lies. She is in a
    relationship with a woman that is 20 years younger than her, she took sperm
    from her brother to make her “partner” pregnant.

  12. Good for Russia Sent all the LGBT to Hell. Fagots are a Cancer to the
    normal people and the world.

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