50 Comments on “Brittney Griner speaks about coming out at the #GLAADAwards”

  1. CAME OUT?




  2. Who gives a crap? how many have to come out before it’s no longer anything
    special.. or will they just milk the hell out of it? Personally I would be
    more impressed if they kept their personal lives out of the media all
    together! It’s not about their so-called cause, it’s about them, and being
    in the spotlight!

  3. Oh please, playing the gay card is the new way to get on telly and make
    cash. Why would being gay be a special thing ? Isn’t a sportsman a
    sportsman irrespective of sexuality ? Or does being gay mean that you are
    better than your compatriots ?

  4. Faggggggggs and DYKES are taking over America. ..this is fucking
    disgusting. ..Hell awaits you all….you’re laughing now but you will BURN
    IN HELL !!!!!!!!

    I will never ever watch a bunch of fucking DYKES running up and down a
    court grabbing ass …you bitches need a dick in your mouth. ..

  5. time for brittney to come forward and say whether she is a trans-sexual or
    not..if she is a trans-sexual (ie. half male), she is having an unfair
    advantage over the rest of the wnba…

  6. I already regret reading the comments on this video. Why do so many people
    have to be ignorant of someone? Why does everyone have to be judged based
    on their look? She’s a human being for Gods sake, and it really takes some
    guts coming out the way she did.

  7. Gosh Britney Griner is the most beautiful person I ‘v seen to date, I think
    androgynous people are beautiful

    attention??? Oh that’s right, fag-enablers like GLAAD hate Christianity and
    want to destroy it with their homosexual agenda. Fuck off GLAAD.
    -Sincerely, every person in the world with standards, and values.

  9. Amanda I was talking about ms griner and btw I didn’t read the part where u
    said u where LESBIAN (gay doesn’t seem right cuz lesbian is specifically
    for women) cuz it’s one of those moments when I just say something that is
    retarded and see how people respond 

  10. Check out this new book on Gay Athlete’s in professional sports and their
    impacts! Everyone, gay and straight, needs to read this to understand how
    these amazing athletes are positively changing not only sports, but the
    sports culture and society at large.

  11. We as humanity, created beings should love each other in spite of, not
    because of. We all live in the closet living for ourselves and to
    ourselves, needing Christ trading his life for ours. 

  12. i dont think she wanted to be lesbian she figured with a deep voice no guy
    would want her so she figured the best route would be a lesbian….if
    society wasnt messed up i could see her being a very pretty woman…but idk
    maybe people can be born gay/lesbian i just dont see how or why someone
    would like the same thing

  13. Hmmm Looks like a man, masculine features, square masculine body frame, no
    breasts to speak of, deep male voice. Has she been checked for undescended
    testicles? I’ve seen butch women, and sure they can sometimes be somewhat
    masculine but that’s generally a fashion thing, they’re still clearly
    female. I don’t care how you try to feminize Griner, lady will still look
    like a dude.

  14. what’s great is glaad helps me sodomize more children by shielding me from

  15. She is a woman who cares if she is gay . She can still have children . She
    not making mens assholes bleed .

  16. Omg, she is so tall! I barely heard what she said, I’d feel like the
    biggest dwarf next to her lol

  17. Y’all should stop hatin tae her voice is deep but it sound girly and she
    not a nude not all girl have boobs but the people who hatin guess wat she
    better then you and that’s all I got to say

  18. Brittney griner is my wife [ crush) I went to school wut some girls who
    went to her baylor games and she is sexy I’m in libe wit my crush and the
    thibg is I havea girlfriend name Brittany

  19. Brittney Griner makes every trans guy weep bitter, bitter tears of envy.
    God, that face, that voice… T___T Why do some humans get to be so

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