50 Comments on “Catholic Charities vs. Washington DC Gay Rights Supporters”

  1. genius, in the soup kitchens, they don’t care what your sexual corruption
    may be… they figure that hungry people aren’t going to have sex with
    their food anyway. Also, people that are facing the possibility of freezing
    to death or being rained upon, aren’t much of a sexual threat to a cot & a
    blanket. However, at Christmas time, they do discriminate against
    homosexuality. They don’t give naked Ken dolls to little boys. If you’re
    going to speak against the Catholic Church, at least speak of

  2. I have no idea , not being gay myself,maybe you could tell me what clout
    you are talking about?

  3. Read the founders documents. They meant free to personally believe what you
    want, but most felt that religion was a personal issue and not to be
    imposed on others since that affected the rights of others to have their
    own beliefs. They tried hard to limit the imposition of ones beliefs onto
    anothers since many of our early settlers ran specifically from
    discrimination by other denominations imposing, like the christians of
    today are trying to do on the homosexuals.

  4. Where did you get that assumption? All I said is that you’re being a
    hypocrite and not taking your own advice. I have a lot of friends who are
    cathlolics. My *parents* are catholics. I tolerate the faith, even if I
    don’t agree with it, and even if that toleration is not mutual.

  5. While Obama opposes it personally, hes working slowly to give them their
    rights. DADT is moving slowly through the system and is looking to be taken
    out before the end of his term and hes signed some other rights for
    homosexuals in less then a year of being in office. Dems in many states
    have already made legal civil unions with same rights as marraige and
    marraige in name also in some states. But its slow because conservatives
    live in every state as you kn and well moneyed

  6. Why don’t we tax gay rights groups too? After all, aren’t they pulling a
    lot of clout for the Democratic Party?

  7. what rubbish! if that is where catholic charities CHOOSES to draw the line
    in the sand, then they’ve already lost the battle and can eventually kiss
    all their contracts away. but this jerk is just posing. in the end, they’ll
    concede and draw another line. meanwhile, the people they supposedly serve
    continue to lose faith in them. religious freedom? how does that stack up
    to basic human rights guaranteed to everyone except gay people?

  8. SeparateisntEqual: I hope you understand that this will all be a moot point
    when Congress vetoes Washington’s same-sex marriage bill since it doesn’t
    actually have state sovereignty and Congress can’t (more like won’t) sign
    off on a bill that conflicts with its own DOMA. The Church views gay issues
    this way: they will feed you, clothe, shelter, educate, counsel, find you a
    job, get you off drugs, etc. etc. But they will not recognize a union they
    believe places its partners in mortal peril.

  9. And perhaps you’re just an ignorant sanctimonious sack of shit. Fancy
    claiming to be Christian and opposing health care…fancy claiming to be a
    Christian and blackmailing government to go your way or you will withdrawal
    charity from the poor. Paint it how you want…it’s pathetic. Personally, I
    don’t have a problem with religion until they start playing the power game.

  10. Chamerlengo: Not at all. An adoption agency isn’t a baby supermarket where
    prospective parents shop for a child. None of us – gay or straight – are
    entitled to other people’s biological children. Adoption is a privilege,
    and the needs of the child matter above absolutely anything else. While the
    state, on the advice of psychological study, may rule that gay parents can
    provide kids’ material and emotional needs, CC can’t conscientiously deny a
    child in their care a mother or father.

  11. wow come down who cares if gays wanna get married seriously how does it
    affect us? geez christain people are such retards

  12. lol what are you five? im perfectly fine with my sexuality. im not gay but
    if i was it shouldn’t matter. you have a lot of growing up to do, jackass.

  13. something, of which, someone should speak against. They are a rather
    strange institution. That, one can discern simply from the “candle of the
    hands”. Or from St. Chango aka “St. Simian Selection of the Tree
    Descention”. But mostly their strange because they have a mixture of good &
    bad people. You can say the institution itself, has a “Jeckle & Hyde”
    condition. When they’re good, they’re the best. The biggest charities in
    the world, nobody does better on abortion & they built many orphanages &

  14. Wow. You clearly have little comprehension of Biology. You seem to doubt
    the fact that even certain animals in their natural habitat have been known
    to display homosexual acts. The fact remains that while variations like
    skin color and race are determined by the parents, these traits are
    contained in lines of genetic code. It’s literally impossible for two
    members of the same race to produce offspring of a different one.

  15. @Chuichupachichi – The biggest charities in the world, nobody does better
    on abortion & they built many orphanages & hospitals across the country…
    the world actually! – If all that comes at the expense of discrimination
    against ANYONE, be it the blacks (in the 1960s nobody would dream of
    letting a black couple adopt a white orphan !! Racist and bigoted White
    pricks ) or the gays, they deserve to have their adoption centers SHUT
    DOWN. Discriminating against minorities is unacceptable.

  16. StoogeWatcher: I honestly don’t know what you’re talking about with this
    statement. Obama opposes same-sex marriage; others are mum except at
    election time. It’s obvious that the Democrats are using gays for votes the
    same way the Republicans exploit prolifers.

  17. & we know that the only thing that determines one’s entire composition are
    genes. Also, since homosexuality is a behavior, then that means that the
    world’s geneticists are going to have to once again conduct the “Human
    Genome Project” because they didn’t locate the “behavior genes”. They
    better go back & find them cuz I don’t know how they could have missed so
    many genes. Think about it, if there’s a gene for 1 behavior, then there
    must be a gene for every behavior. How many human behaviors are

  18. videosRfun: you are way out of line. You’re selfishly getting repulsed and
    abusing people Jesus told you to be compassionate toward and treat with
    dignity. How many gay people have so-called Christians kept from Him with
    that dehumanizing word “fag”?

  19. Think what you like. I haven’t resorted to vulgar language; you have. If
    I’ve touched a nerve, I think I can guess how you don’t spend your free
    time and how full your stomach will be when you go to sleep tonight. If I
    have to get called a “sack of shit” for challenging you to think of others
    besides yourself, I can live with that. And who in your imagination is
    opposed to health care, who’s actually been providing it, and who’s biting
    the hand that feeds the poor of Washington?

  20. Did I say that? No, I didn’t. I simply believe that any religious
    organization that doesn’t have to pay taxes in return for not directly
    influencing government policies should STICK TO THAT DEAL or forfeit their
    tax-exempt status. It’s only right.

  21. @tkathryyn Some anti-religious people tend to speak even dumber than the
    rest of the anti-religious people!

  22. Geeze, now the church is attempting to blackmail DC… Well i for one don’t
    want your bigotry affecting public policy!

  23. (continued) Please understand that homosexuality is a major issue in
    Catholic theology right now. The Catechism devotes a whopping three
    paragraphs to it. There are many GLBT Catholics (I’m one) who are regularly
    told by some in the Church and in the gay rights movement that they have to
    choose sides – between living within their faith without guidance of how to
    do that and someone else’s idea of sexual liberation. I don’t want 68,000
    people to go hungry over my sexuality either.

  24. Well.. No they would still be able to get parents, just they will have to
    go somewhere else.. Since the Catholic Charities wont give the children to
    the gay parents.

  25. So does that mean Muslim groups wouldn’t have ties to the government either?

  26. I would not expect tax exemption to be discriminatory…but universal.
    You’re right the Church shouldn’t have to pay taxes any more than other
    religion. I agree with that.

  27. I also have to wonder why a homosexual person in a sexual relationship
    would go to work for a religious organization that views the nature of
    their partnership as sinful and doesn’t recognize their civil marriage in
    any spiritual sense. Gay Catholics who go to work for Catholic Charities
    would already know Catholic teachings. I wonder however, can or do
    non-Catholics work for Catholic Charities? Is there some kind of honor code
    for Catholic Charities employees like there is for school teachers?

  28. of Blacks reproducing with only Blacks for many generations & then one day,
    they’ll have a white, blond haired, blue eyed baby. But its a good thing
    that Eddie Murphy didn’t have one of those babies because after all that
    talk about getting a butt naked Zebra woman, can you imagine if he would
    have paid all that money, simply to get a baby that didn’t even come with a
    paint job? He would have gotten ripped off

  29. Perhaps the Church helped the poor because you, seamoremonster, didn’t.
    Don’t worry; there’s still time.

  30. so you are a homosexual…but abstain from sex because you are a christian?
    so you actually think that the thoughts that you have are “detestable” in
    the eyes of god. and doesnt god punish/condemn you for improper thoughts as

  31. What about Islam in public schools? I havent even heard of any issues
    regarding them yet.

  32. Monotreme? Please elaborate on why you chose to use that word. Furthermore,
    don’t tell educated people to believe your fairytales. Gay people need not
    repent. Their existence is a natural occurence in our species and others.
    Even monotremes.

  33. Too bad the church attacked first. Though you fail at knowing what bigot
    means. This started in this sequence. Homosexuals wanted to get married for
    equal legal rights and for the symbolism. No attack on the church. Most
    states wont even allow judges to marry them, and how are judges affecting
    the church by marrying people? So the church attacks homosexuals in the
    name of their god. I believe its the church obsessed with attacking another
    group, not the homosexuals

  34. Tax exemption was established so small religions wouldn’t be financially
    choked out of existence. To tax only the Catholic Church and not the others
    would indeed be discriminatory. Let’s be clear: we’re talking about two
    different categories of funds – tax exemption and the acceptance of public
    money to fulfill civil contracts. No, the Catholic Church should not have
    to pay taxes any more than any other religion, but neither should they be
    accepting these contracts for two reasons.

  35. there? Its not my job to count them but I know there’s way more lost genes
    than there are found ones. Either that or Biological Psychology is even
    more ridiculous than is Psychotherapy! oops, I wasn’t supposed to blow the
    cover for the new version of Eugenics! Sorry Eugenicists… “Psychos”! But
    we know gays are born gay because of lost genes & because every person that
    has ever become gay, was a product of the heterosexual act. Lost genes do
    that. Its not impossible. Its simply the equivalent

  36. I’m Catholic but wtf is wrong with our church???? Separation of church and

  37. Exactly. Otherwise, it could happen where there would be one set of laws
    for blacks, one set for Muslims, one set for gays, one for illegal aliens,
    and one set for everyone else.

  38. …Hmm, that makes me wonder if they’ve adopted out kids to non-Catholic
    straight married couples, cohabiting couples, or single people. Another
    consideration is the wishes of birth parents. The Church forbids Catholics
    to abort their children but also recognizes that even if one isn’t in a
    position to raise a child themselves, they are responsible to ensure that
    the kids will be in communion in their new homes. I wonder if they respect
    these similar wishes for non-Catholic birth parents.

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