In this weekly segment, Cenk Uygur ( responds to viewer questions from Twitter– both personal and serious. You can join in …
32 Comments on “Cenk’s Lawyer Days, Rage, Hillary 2016, Cisgender, Great Guests, Paid Content”
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Anybody els hear the fart at 0:24
I am worried that either a Democrat or a Republican will win the next
election. In fact, I am worried that there will be yet another zero-choice
election for every office in the country. I am worried that before the
anthropogenic climate forcing begins to tear up the fabric of this highly
interdependent and yet fragile world we have built up there will be no
trans-formative revolution that averts us from the course of self-negation
we appear to be on.
America is “progressive” (socialist)!!
I’m actually worried the Republicans will win this upcoming term. I hope
not cause what they are trying to do now, even without a Republican
president, is just terrible.
0:23 *FART*
Wow, I didn’t realize so many psychologists and sexologists watched TYT.
They started using “cisgender” because people thought the opposite term for
“transgender” is “normal”. Which is clearly not the nicest thing to hear if
you’re a transgendered person. That’s all. It’s not one of the millions of
special snowflake terms invented on websites like Tumblr; it’s actually
quite handy.
This whole “your not gay if you have sex with a transgender is a load of
bullshit. If you are XX or XY I have some bad news for you, you are gay.
Nothing wrong with being gay though. (transgender is NOT comparable to
poor Cenk too many terms to remember so he’s just gonna ignore people’s
identities. Give me a break
I wonder if rush limbaugh rages off the air.
“Cisgender” is just another non-word made up by confused students with too
much time on their hands, to make themselves seem more interesting. Here’s
the facts:
Heterosexual relationships are normal. That’s why it’s the only way we can
reproduce naturally. There’s no need for some stupid new term for this.
It’s something that’s kept our species, and others, going for millions of
So if you’re gay, or you’ve decided to cut your dick off, that’s not
“normal”. And as for the other idiot in this thread claiming that calling
yourself normal because you’re straight is like calling yourself “white”
because there’s more white people than other ethnicities in the US is
absolute garbage. Not only is that fool trying to drag race issues into
something (again), but the analogy doesn’t even work.
If you’re a dude who wants to go fuck other dudes in the ass, or you’re a
chick who likes fingering other chicks, go at it! I don’t care. Most people
don’t care. You’re not that interesting to people, really. Make up all the
dumb words for yourselves you like, but don’t expect your stupid epithets
to be adopted by “normal” people.
Cisgender? What bullshit. Given by he same politically correct motivations
that led to re-labeling handicapped/crippled as handi-capable/specially
gifted. Whether anyone likes it or not, there are NORMS to every aspect of
human identity, including the sexual. This is why we recognize the
difference between a person of “average height, average build” vs. an
“obese” person.
A person whose internal sexual identification matches their gender needs no
label – because that’s the way it’s supposed to work. I don’t refer to
someone with a normal foot as un-clubfooted just so I can make people born
with a club foot feel better about the fact that they were born with
something that is less than optimal in the natural order. I don’t say that
a person has a non-scoliated spine just to make hunchbacks feel better
about themselves.
And please, before I get any BS replies, understand that I am in no way
making a MORAL argument here. My argument concerns the proper use of
language as a medium of describing the world with the most apt terminology.
If you were born with three dicks, then you were born with three dicks, but
stop pretending it’s because three dicks is on the same footing as the
NORMATIVE one dick. It’s just not. A guy with one dick is a guy. A guy with
three dicks is a guy WITH THREE DICKS. Get it?
Cisgender is only a term that’s been around since like, the early 90s. If
you’re only learning about the term now, you lead a sheltered, boring,
basic bitch life. Sorry that you’re so sheltered you don’t even know what
the fuck is the T.
Cenk, it seems to me the problem is that if we don’t have a word for
non-transsexuals, we just become “normal” or “default” people, which
invites the assumption that there’s a difference between a “man” and a
“trans man”. Given the massive social benefits cis people have over trans
people, and the enormous amount of outright bigotry displayed even by
pro-LGBT liberals, it seems only reasonable that we at least make the
playing field level in a semantic sense. This way it encourages thinking of
cis and trans as different parts of a whole, instead of trans being an
offshoot from “regular people”. But I’m sure there are trans activists who
explain it better and give much more compelling reasons for its use.
It’s easy to ignore these things, and it feels kind of odd to say them, but
they are important, and if you take this stuff seriously, you have to give
it some genuine thought.
cisgender is such a stupid term, let ’em cry about it..
I find it interesting, how many people rage about the word “cisgender”.
If you didn’t know the word before, you probably don’t need it in your
everyday life. And nobody is forcing you to use it.
So why do you feel the need to complain about this one word, out of the
many many words that exist?
BTW. the “Oxford Englisch Dictionary” contains 47,156 obsolete words (
I hope I didn’t cause any heads to explode.
Cenk: We don’t need to use cisgender OR transgender when we’re just talking
about male/female/genderqueer, etc, but it’s a very useful word when you
are trying to describe someone whose gender identify matches their sex at
birth, in the context of a conversation about gender identity or
transgender. It’s also useful if you are talking about gender and you want
to identify your privilege. Point being the word isn’t common, but can be
very useful in certain contexts.
Hilary is an undercover Republican I would not let her run for your party
if I was a democrat. I don’t know who the Republicans will have to run
either I hope Ron Pauls son runs then I will vote for him. Please dear god
I don’t want the choice of Chris Cristy or Hilary if those are the two
choices we are fucked! Chris Cristy is full of corruption and for the
corporations and Hilary is for the corporations though I don’t know about
the corruption part. If Mrs. warren runs I’ll vote Democrat other wise idk
who the fuck I’m voting for.
Anyone else think of O-Chem when discussing Cis vs. Trans???
i hope LBGTS or whatever the fuck the lesbos and homos names are now like
im sick of the names im sikc of em stfu u gays ur just gays
Forgive me if I’m wrong, but don’t transgendered people usually just want
to be referred to as the gender which they identify as? Then why do we need
to separate transgender males and cis males, can’t we just treat them both
as males (and same goes for females)? Of course I understand the need for
certain terms in for example medicine, but the word “cis” seems like its
only used in pop culture.
But people are allowed to identify as whatever they are, I guess if they
really want to make such clear distinctions between people yet still expect
everyone to ignore those labels for equality then fine.
Cenk, we need cisgender, because the only alternative is ‘not-trans’ or
worse ‘normal’. Both of those place transgender people as abnormal, with
all the heavy implications of ‘wrongness’ that come with them. Just like a
straight person is heterosexual, not ‘normal’, people like us, who identify
with the gender we were assigned at birth, are cisgender.
I believe people are born gay, but the transgender issue was already
confusing to me before this “cisgender” business came up. I’m not going to
condemn someone for living how they want either way. There is a spectrum of
gender and identity that I’m still trying to understand, but we don’t need
new terms for “straight male” when it covers some 90% of men and everyone
already knows what it means.
I miss the Asian girls…
What does cisgender mean? Is it transgender people who don’t switch around
the parts?
Cenk Why don’t you run in the Presidential elections in Turkey on August 2,
2014 I’m sure You Can do a better job then Recep Tayyip Erdoğan and
Abdullah Gül combined from The AK Party. Hey if you do run Cenk You got My
I don’t actually think anyone has ever officially tried to add anything to
LGBT, but good job attracting the retard homophobe/racist/lower IQ types.
Had to look up the term “cisgender”, never heard of it before.
Cisgender – transgender seems to be comparable to heterosexual –
The term ‘cisgender’ is useful when talking about gender issues because
it’s short and precise. It basically means ‘straight male or female whose
gender lines up with their body and societal expectations.’ It’s just a lot
easier to say cisgender than all that. Also, (if you guys ever read these
comments) the lgbt movement is all about demarginalizing stigmatized sexual
groups, some of which are too small to get much political notice, so the
lgbt groups incorporate them under their umbrella as a larger group in
order to lend them the political clout they need to become demarginalized.
Don’t worry, you can still just say lgbt. All the rest is implied. – fyi I
am speaking as a member of the I in lgbt(iq etc).
The Republicans have a better chance if Hillary runs. One misconception
about the Republican party is that their voters are steadfast. I live in a
very conservative area and know many people who voted for Obama at least
once. That’s true across the country. I also know these same people will
never vote Hillary. So in my opinion, if Hillary runs, the Republicans will
not have to fight for any base votes.
Hillary Clinton is the only chance the GOP has for winning the Presidential
sorry trannies but your made up therm “CIS gender” has no place outside of
your tumblr circlejerk