35 Comments on “Christmas and O’Reilly Condems Phil Robertson On Gay Rights”

  1. Not a Bill O’Reilly or an A&E fan, so either one can go take a flying leap
    off of the nearest bridge…. head first. As for Jackson & Sharpton, well,
    there isn’t much to say. 

  2. Williams go look at at jesse jackson’s comments on duck dynasty… politico
    story…. “Robertson’s statements were uttered freely and openly without
    cover of the law, within a context of what he seemed to believe was ‘white
    privilege.’”…. wth does this have to do with skin color at all
    hahahaha….. this will help explain why “rainbows” have become a symbol of
    fags to these people, as he is part of the rainbow push coalition and has
    been tying black plight to fag plight, for ages. Pure effing lunatics

  3. judge not to condemn, but we are to judge to discern good from evil…
    “judge a tree by its fruit”… he wasn’t talking about trees, but us. Bill
    is a corrupt worm whose morals have changed with the times. He’s worse than
    the ignorant on the left, because bill knows the truth… he’ll just warp
    it to justify his wormy nature in the media (to keep his ad dollars
    coming)… anyway… Merry Christmas

  4. And another thing about O’Reilly….he claims that it’s wrong to criticize
    a group. A group? That means that he’ll defend any tribe or gang or mafia
    simply because they’re unified. So he’s advocating that the public submit
    themselves to any and all mafia simply because theyre ganged up……that’s
    so criminal and so sick.

  5. Ku Klux Krats hate the Constitution because it even defends black people’s
    rights to be free.
    That’s why Ku Klux Krats love Communism.

  6. Is it possible that God has control of the big plan? Maybe (just consider
    this for a second)
    1) God is in control, God is loving and wise.
    2) “gay” (being attracted to the same sex) is genetic/condition (not
    the population of “declared gay” has grown from once 1-2% to 3-4% over the
    last 10 years and still growing (mostly because they feel safe to announce
    they are gay)
    3) the earth is populating quite quickly with lessening resources
    4) Humans are sexual creatures and will not be controlled; so demands to
    end sex for some is not reliable.

    So, with all that, Maybe in God’s great love and wisdom he uses the
    homosexual component to help control population explosion or passing on
    certain traits to the future generations. As we begin to approach over
    population more people are born gay. By God’s method, they get to live out
    their lives in complete fulfillment and being loved but never procreate —
    never passing on the “gay gene/trait/condition”; it just won’t happen.

    Right now we have a growing homosexual population that demands
    acknowledgement and rights to pursue a full life but will never breed if
    they get to live their lives freely. If we go with the flow and let God
    handle it, gays won’t be expected by public pressure to marry and breed
    with the opposite sex anymore (like those living on the down low).

    Man kills people, thru war, abortion, hate, punishment, etc… but God may
    have a better, more loving way to direct the outcome he seeks. God loves
    gay people (gay is not sinful, the acts are the sin) and wants them to have
    a full life but also has a purpose for them; accepting the sexual nature of
    humans will not be controlled so end the breeding — which ends more
    offspring or gene traits in future generations.

    What if God has a plan and we all have a purpose in that plan? There are no
    mistakes; not even homosexual ones.

  7. People who’s assholes are all prolapsed and gaping (Liberals) don’t really
    care about America’s future. They only care about their ticklers and

  8. A@E knew what Phil Robertson was about before they decided to do this show.
    Why is this such a shock to everyone ? This has been exploded by the media
    to take your mind off all the real issues at hand.

  9. SlaveryKKKrats hate the Constitution and they say it is outdated.
    They want to get rid of it. That’s why they advocate for silly fringe
    groups in an attempt to invent new rights for fringe groups to replace
    the Constitutional rights that were designed to be fair to all.
    Democrats are the Ku Klux Klan. KKK is 666.

  10. I used to work for a car company that was boycotted by Jesse Jackson and
    after they agreed to pay Jesse’s organization $47,000 a year he decided
    there was no problem. Coincidently Jesse”s secretary whom he produced a
    love child with was getting a salary of $47,000 a year at that time.

  11. Me and my girlfriend love listening to your videos. Please keep em coming.
    I watch daily

  12. Thank,you,for,this…Merry,Christmas,E.T…please,excuse,the,comma’s,..a,4,year,old,spilled,joice,on,the,key,bourd…Not,every,gift,is,appreciated,,,LOL;)

  13. Bill OReilly just wants to be politically correct to sell his books and
    attract viewers, he threw Phil under the bus. Phil has the right of freedom
    of speech A&E knew Phil was a bible thumper from Louisiana, no shock there
    at all. When I was on in 2005 OReilly I saw him flip to be politically
    correct before with no logic at all.

  14. O’reilly has become a NWO politically correct moron! I laugh when people
    talk of him as some conservative champion. He also calls the English
    Defence League a militant organization when in fact they are freedom
    fighters trying to get their country back from Islam and corrupt

  15. Bill O’Reilly is a big fraud. Don’t know why anyone would listen to him

  16. Jesse’s son is an example of “privilege”. period. Jesse needs to clean his
    own home first.

  17. As for Jesse Jackson he’s headed straight for hell. Rosa Parks as well as
    all humans were Created by God with a specific skin color/pigmentation. We
    all were Created equal. That has NOTHING whatsoever to do with choices that
    various people of various colors make concerning sodomy, rimming etc….
    Comparing God given characteristics to a sex act is so insane. The world
    really has gone crazy.

  18. I think Martin Luther King would be sickened to see how jesse jackson has
    perverted and twisted King’s legacy into his own gruesome & opportunistic

  19. MLK Jr. wanted to see the Constitution be realised for everybody.
    SlaveryKKKrats shot him.

  20. Actually homosexuals want to be judged but they want you to judge that they
    are OK! If we can not judge we can not say that they are alright either!

  21. Bill Reilly is like Bill Maher. They both started their career by saying
    they were Christian. Then slowly and steadily they start bashing Christians
    and pretending they’re just a little shocked by the behaviour of the
    Christians….etc…. It’s all trickery.

  22. Don’t be so hard on Bill O Reilly. I’m sure he was “only following
    orders”…..like so many before him, in fact :D

  23. Amen brother Williams! It should be noted that after Jesus forgave the
    adulterous woman in John 8:11 he told her,GO,AND SIN NO MORE. Sinners can
    be forgiven but they must repent and turn from that sin. Keep up the good
    work and Merry Christmas my brother!

  24. Get all the liberals and put them in a spaceship fly them off to another
    planet sit back and watch them fuck it up. sort of like how they done to
    this one.

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