47 Comments on “CNN: Ted Nugent on whether being gay is wrong”

  1. I’m so relieved he feels this way. Funny how one can be so grateful that
    someone has at least two brain cells to rub together and realize that it’s
    not even an insult to be gay.

  2. the one thing everyone should get out of this is.
    no matter what …loving your children should always be above your
    backwards terrible god. nothing but love for you ted. even if you think
    everyone needs a gun

  3. Dude, Ted Nugent was the most intelligent guest you could get? Fuck you CNN
    for giving this idiot airtime and treating him like his opinion is worth
    anything at all.

  4. That is a REAL LIBERTARIAN right there. I don’t like Ted frankly, but damn,
    LIVE AND LET LIVE! Gun right, gay rights, pot rights, FREEDOM! Ted actually
    gets it. Let me ask pretend-Libertarians: how can you think it’s ok to
    bring your religion into the laws of this country, when the FIRST AMENDMENT
    is freedom of speech, religion… I support the 2nd Amendment, WHY DON’T
    ANTI_GUN! Ted knows!

  5. Piers Morgan thinking to himself “you didn’t give me the answer that I can
    pounce on to make myself look like a cool self-righteous guy! give me the
    negative answer I need you fucking redneck!”

  6. hhaha yeah because killing defenseless animals makes your a real man.

  7. I LOVE Ted Nugent (no, not in that way :0 ). Here is a man that speaks his
    mind and doesn’t filter it thru the “what-you-wanna-hear” filter. He’d make
    shitty politician because he is so up front with his beliefs but I wish
    he’d run for something significant. Love or hate his positions, we need
    more American leaders like this.

  8. That being said, why isn’t he dead or incarcerated yet? It’s been well over
    a year since President Obama was re-elected. You claim to be a man of
    integrity, Teddy, so why not make good on your promise? Or does that yellow
    streak from your days as a draft dodger still exist?

  9. It is very Christian to hate the sin, not the sinner. Many forget about it
    nowadays. I myself despise homosexuality, but I don’t mind gays and have
    some friends who are gays.

  10. is it just me, or does piers seem like an internet troll that made it a
    carrier? he tries to incite anger, and if he does not get the response he
    wants, he just calls you names…

  11. Piers, you’re giving the Brits a bad name. Please return to the hole from
    whence you came.

  12. No wonder Piers got cancelled, let the man speak stop trying to make this
    controversial when it isn’t. It’s like Piers was expecting him to be a
    homophobic hillbilly because of what he likes when the truth is he’s a good

  13. LOVE this guy! He has a dissenting opinion but respects the fact of not
    forcing his own will on others.

  14. Ted Nugent and I agree on something. (His “live and let live” belief, as
    stated here.)

    I think one of the Seven Seals was just broken.

  15. Why do we need British ” journalists ” to comment on American morality?

  16. This is one of the most racist man in the Republican umbrella. Is all true
    conservative than this views. The only reason why he is being docile on
    this is because he does not want the gays doing something to his image in
    the media.

  17. Lol, Ted thinks he has the best bass player in the world? Dude doesn’t even
    know about a completely different realm beyond his music. The average
    Berklee bass player is better than his bass player, and I think you need to
    check out Victor Wooten or Brian Beller and then decide.

  18. I think he meant by “I’m gonna fix them” for the gun hating ones. Am I
    wrong in that assumption?

  19. If one of Ted’s kids ACTUALLY admitted to being gay, Ted would gift that
    kid with a bullet traveling at a very high velocity.

  20. Uncle Ted’s pedophilia would have made a better topic if he wanted to
    attack him.

  21. Poor Piers, couldn’t get the “redneck” to say something he could use to
    call him a bigot. Piers Morgan is a slimy piece of shit.

  22. Have you ever lied Stolen Blasphemed Then your doomed to hell. But Jesus
    died on the cross taking our punishment on him. And he rose again defeating
    death, only if you have faith that Jesus died and rose for your sins,
    (truly) and repent a turning from sin, hate evil and love Good, then God
    will forgive you. Watch Ravi Zacharias incoherence of atheism, Paul washer
    and ray comfort on YouTube. Atheists really don’t know true Christianity
    but only the watered down version of this world from the prosperity Gospel
    and false doctrine,that makes it look like a joke. Watch these videos and
    you will see truth

  23. this reporter was counting on this red neck to be a biggot. and seems
    perplex that ted’s brains wasn’t fried with drugs. but he’s right if her
    child was fond to be the anti-christ or Hitler do you love them anymore
    less? But on the flipside orcs against humans black agains whites is
    interesting as well.

  24. Ted Nugent is what being a conservative is all about, not what the press
    tries to make us all out to be. Being a conservative is about FREEDOM first
    and foremost! END OF STORY. If his kid was gay, he wouldnt give a fuck as
    would I because its all about FREEDOM. All these jackasses who call
    themselves conservative then use religion to oppress gays, listen pal, you
    are not a conservative. You are a big government ASSHOLE no different from

  25. Just like the rest of the media, they aren’t concerned about news, but more
    about pushing agendas and putting people on the spot on liberal issues to
    demonize them with what they know they will say. “do you think it is
    morally wrong.. you haven’t addressed that yet…” He has to make sure to
    get them on record so he can use their own words to incriminate them later!
    I hate liberal media… I’m glad I don’t have a TV!!!

  26. Eeeeehhhh, I don’t know about the Ted on this show. It seems he’s holding
    back a bit because of the pressure the ‘gay’ world is putting on celebs.
    I’m not a homophobe, and those people are to be brought to God, not
    shunned. I’m just not qualified to minister those people as to why they’re
    that way, and to let God judge, not man.

  27. Its not that he endorses things.. he doesn’t care – Ted simply doesnt want
    people to force their beliefs that its ok on others.
    You have your right to do and think what you want so long as its not
    imposed on others. 

  28. Ted Nugent is the biggest piece of shit that the world’s ever seen. One
    day, I hope I meet the cunt so I can punch fuck out of him.

  29. Piers persistently tries to ruffle up some controversy and Ted totally
    stomps it out…I completely agree with his perception…I think man on man
    sex is gross but I have gay friends who I love like brothers/sisters

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