47 Comments on “College Republicans LIBERAL On Gay Rights + Abortion?!”

  1. I proudly support women’s rights and gay marriage, as a conservative! Also,
    don’t legalize marijuana, otherwise we’ll end up having more drug addicts
    than we have now! Plus, protect the 1st and 2nd amendments!

  2. ok so you two do not bring up the fact republicans made the dont ask dont
    tell repealed but the go on to say that if you are supportive of gay rights
    you are not republican this is just another democrat saying shit they have
    no idea about kind of sad really and the girl is a fucking moron your
    saying what holds them to the republican party how about all the socialist
    bullshit obama brings and his ineptitude at making a damn decision that
    will actually work funny how people who vote democrat last election were
    and i quote less educated and most likely peopel whjo did not really pay

  3. oh shit the kid at the end of it sealed the fucking dal for republicans did
    you hear it? the social issues will come up if! the economy is fixed wow
    thank you dumb democrat for proving why voting for fiscally conservatives
    is better than voting democrat if you want to change social policy bc we
    wont talk about social issues if we are all poor gay people wont get rights
    if everyones worried about how they are gonna feed themseleves

  4. Do straight Americans have the right to marry whomever they choose? Yes. Do
    gay Americans have the right to marry whomever they choose? No. Case
    closed. You’re wrong.

  5. hahaha you guys you guys have the reasoning of five-year-old. Sorriest
    excuse I’ve ever seen for a newscast. Instead of actually investigating how
    college Republicans such as myself, feel about key issues, you instead make
    generalizations and draw hasty conclusions. I am for gay marriage but
    you’re saying because of that I should ditch the Republican Party. I’m
    sorry but one issue doesn’t make you Democrat or Republican. I still have
    101 reasons as to why I am a Republican.

  6. The Law is not always right. Roe V Wade and Obamacare being upheld teach us
    that. I sense a bit of anger. LoL I am purely logical. You are the one
    letting emotion and ignorance cloud your judgement. If voters are allowed
    to have a say Gay marriage will only be in a few screwed up states. You
    should pack your bag and move there. Just don’t expect the good states to
    uphold your unholy union.

  7. why are you stereotyping republicans? your party reflects open-mindedness
    but your just a closeminded as some redneck from the sticks. although
    democratic citizens are in favor of gay rights, many democratic politicians
    are not. don’t pin your anger on a party when your party is just as guilty.
    democrats are very negative people im starting to realize haha and you have
    so much hate for your opposing party. jesus, wake up

  8. Xgaygreg! I doubt this person was ever gay, if this person is even real! I
    suspect it’s just more deception by soulless zombie sheeple out to destroy
    more people! They are like the GOP! Myopic in their quest and extremely

  9. As for Romney’s plans. They actually do not mimic Bush’s. However, Obama’s
    have. He has kept most of Bush policies in place. Bush has not weighed in
    on Obama’s presidency either. He has said many times he is out of the
    public eye. Only briefly does he come out publicly. Once for his book. And
    a few times for charities. You are a typical Libtard. You, puke the party
    lie without researching the facts. It leaves you open for ridicule when you
    meet someone with actual knowledge. I know all sides.

  10. totally agree. people confuse republicans with the stereotypes that the
    liberal media portrays. most of gays i know are high up in society. im from
    columbus,OH and the gay neighborhood here is very wealthy and republican
    too. the media has confused voters to vote for democrats because they will
    legalize same-sex marriage. but you take away that issue and more people
    will start realizing the benefits of both sides. democrats, not republicans
    have deflected from their issues with gay rights,etc

  11. Well, if an independent party candidate had enough momentum to have the
    chance to win then maybe I would turn independent.

  12. (1) a man cannot marry a man in most states. I don’t have that right
    either. (2) Most states will not recognize my marriage to a
    man,goat,child,multiple women,etc. I don’t have that right-same as gays.
    (3) There is no right granted to straight people that is denied to gays.
    The exception that gays request is denied in some states. Every state that
    ever allowed it’s voters to weigh in has said NO to gay marriage. Once
    again you prove yourself unworthy of debate. Im on the right side of history

  13. If you don’t give into the ideals of Winston Churchill, you have a mind of
    your own and are a capable adult. *golfclap*

  14. Wrong. Republicans are perfectly happy to leave social issues alone to
    concentrate on important issues. However, The left attacks every tradition
    all Americans hold dear. It’s a constant attack on all fronts all the time.
    It’s the left that keeps this crap going constantly. You should grow up and
    stop acting like spoiled babies.

  15. Oh ok… So I understand your position in the argument now. I thought I was
    speaking to a rational person, but now I realize you’re just homophobic.
    Actually, homophobic would mean that you’re scared of something, which
    you’re probably not really scared, you’re just an asshole. Not even worth
    my time going into because you just insulted them all in the worst way
    possible. I just hope being an hateful person gives you some kind of
    happiness at night.

  16. I’m a democrat but I am against legalization of marijuana and prostitution.
    My brother is democrat but is for gun rights. So it’s really unfair to say
    someone can not be republican because they love gays and are pro-choice. We
    do not need to completely fit inside a box.

  17. How exactly did you came to the conclusion she was a “slut” ? Let me guess:
    You “felt it strongly” while making it up, which for regressives is better
    than facts. Right?

  18. “If you want to vote for the economy, that’s fine, but be aware that these
    social issues are going to come up. They’ll have an impact on you.” I think
    getting our economy in line and helping people get back on their feet is a
    little more important than making sure everyone feels good about

  19. A lot of people are voting republican or democratic but don’t fully support
    the ideas that the party stands for. Wouldn’t it be logical if there would
    be more political parties? if people had more parties with different
    opinions, they could eventually find the party that they most agree with.

  20. “That’s not in the least bit true. Non-human animals don’t understand how
    digestion works either, but they still eat, do they not?”←Animals eat
    thinking about getting nutrients, they do so because they have hunger urges
    that makes you feel bad, eating makes those urges go away and gives
    pleasure. This is the reason non-human animals eat food. Same reason animal
    have sex for pleasure and not for reproduction. All they do is satisfy
    their sex urges, they don’t have sex thinking in making babies.

  21. you know its funny, a lot of friends of mine voted socially liberal before
    college, then studied a liberal arts major, read philosophy and history and
    came out much more socially conservative. Why? because they used their
    rational intellect.

  22. Of course, because it has nothing to do with you. Why do you care if
    planned parenthood ceases to exist or if gay people can’t get married?
    Maybe I’m just incredibly naive, but I can’t think of anything more
    important than making sure that everyone in this country is treated

  23. 3:19 “And we know about Republicans that they are very good at appealing to
    emotions and (…) religious beliefs…” “And appealing to white people –
    that´s the trifecta” Do you mind me asking: where in there does anyone say
    “all Republicans are white”, and what does that have to do with the idea
    that I´m proud of George Zimmerman? Where do you get the idea that I´m a
    “cracker”, and what does that have to do with anything?

  24. Typical of the left to bring out the Bible only when it suits them.. You
    losers are Godless.

  25. Your discussion isn’t that non reproductive sex is ok. Your discussion is
    that Gays are denied rights or that it isn’t a genetic defect. Neither of
    which you have come close to proving. Now you actually ask me if couples
    who are barren are defective. Of course they are. Your problem is you let
    emotion prevent logical thought. You allow anger to cloud your perspective.
    You twist my positions into something sinister. I simply am stating
    fact,using logic and information.What I feel is irrelevant.

  26. If you are a total idiot, You most likely are a liberal democrat. Go to
    fucking school you retarded ass fucks!!!

  27. Evaluating traditions and realizing that they aren’t acceptable anymore
    isn’t acting like a spoiled baby. It’s called acting like a decent human
    being and realizing that it’s not okay for white, heterosexual men to hold
    all the rights. That there are many, many kinds of people living in the
    United States and that it’s undeniably wrong to make rules and laws that
    only cater to one specific genre of people. You’re the one who needs to
    grow up.

  28. Libertarian is a political ideology. Republican is a political party. You
    can be both Libertarian and Republican.

  29. You two aren’t too smart are you? 🙁 There are many “conservatives” who
    identify themselves as such simply by virtue of a desire to maintain our
    constitution, which btw doesn’t concern itself with marriage OR abortion.
    But when it comes to forcing people to pay for a form of health care they
    don’t want, that’s when a line is crossed. Vote for Romney, vote for Obama.
    Either way, neither will have the time to tinker with social issues until
    we’re out of this economic sink hole.

  30. Democrats lose when Gay marriage is voted on. Since gays have the same
    rights as everyone else, let’s concentrate on Issues that actually matter.

  31. This is one small step from dictatorship. Insted of one leader you can
    choose for two. Yey demoracy! But with a little research this is when you
    find the massive flaws in the 2 party system. You only get choices to the
    extreme, and no one covers the middle ground.

  32. 15 For such is the will of God that by doing right you may silence the
    ignorance of foolish men.16 [Act] as free men, and do not use your freedom
    as a covering for evil, but [use it] as bondslaves of God. 17 Honor all
    men; love the brotherhood, fear God, honor the king. Calling to arms all
    conservatives/Republicans to keep Obama’s Presidency to a single term…
    Yeah, that’s kinda BS, breaks this in half. But I wouldn’t want to force my
    Christian views upon you… Me being godless and all.

  33. None of them initiate the conversation. The dialogue is due to questions
    asked by reporters or leftist attempting to stir up controversy. Everyone
    prejudges. Say you do not and you are a liar. As a liberal you have to make
    wild leaps or twist facts to support your point of view. Stick with what
    I’ve said and go from there. Your slavery,suffrage and segregation
    statements prove just how simple minded and foolish you are.You exhibit all
    of the traits that infect the Liberal mind.Simple minded.

  34. Republicans absolutely give a damn about want women do with their bodies.
    No, the irony is that Republicans rail against abortion, yet they refuse to
    support measures that have been proven to reduce the rates of abortion:
    education, decent healthcare and access to contraception and proper sexual
    education. Republicans aren’t pro-life, they’re pro-birth. They don’t give
    a shit about what happens after the fact, so long as they can prevent an

  35. come on. so many liberals are keps away from some of obama’s policies. how
    many of you guys know about the obama’s drone assassinations

  36. It already collapsed. By the way. Jobs are important, of course. But so are
    civil rights.

  37. All political affiliations are subjective. People are a mix of all of them.
    I am Fiscally Conservative ans otherwise a Libertarian. However, being
    Libertarian is more of a live and let live ideology. Liberalism is more of
    an activist type of ideology. They want to change laws and undermine all
    traditions. Libertarians would net think of taking something from another.

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