43 Comments on “‘Day We Fight Back’ takes on NSA”

  1. Only Russia should store our data. Because they’re awesome! Putin told,
    that they do the same thing, but they’ve got a court between.Right.
    Now…when I would have worked for the NSA, I would have shot Snowden. Not
    because he’s making some revelation. Because of the country he ran to, to
    make such. Like I’m unsatisfied with living in a country there where are
    murders, so I’m moving to a country where there are mass-murderers to make
    a point. Lets be honest, the only thing and I understand RT a little bit
    (the grass is green on the other side: the cheap ‘you’ blame)..

  2. It was declared ‘The Day We Fight Back’. Internet companies and activists
    around the world had an international day of protest on February 11th. Over
    5,700 websites changed their homepages to demand the National Security
    Agency stop its massive surveillance efforts. On Capitol Hill,
    representatives from privacy groups, religious institutions NS Congressman
    Rush Holt came together to talk about the issue of NSA spying. RT
    correspondent Meghan Lopez was there and brings us more.

  3. ‘Hands off our data’ – that’s really gonna scare the powers. We don’t need
    another debate, we need a fullscale revolution. I have been hearing these
    protests for years, and years, and it’s all a waste of time. You can not do
    deals with psychopathic leaders.

  4. facebook(dot)com/OperationAmericanSpring(dot)Target.Washington.DC
    Mar 16, 2014. Trying to get 10 million people to show up, using rotation of
    people to keep the mass there.

  5. The govt. isn’t listening – get your facts together lady. I hate when
    people do that. They are currently collecting data and storing it in a
    large server. They cannot access it without a warrant. It still can be seen
    as protective or intrusive, but they aren’t listening.

  6. Who is the biggest terrorist which is not known as terrorst in the world?
    America! Who created small terrorists in Syria and Al-Qaeda and other
    Terrorist groups? America! Who uses words Peace but kills the Peace in
    other countries? America! Who did 9/11 attacks? America! Who controls the
    Mainstream Zionist Media? America! How many times has America been attacked
    by a Muslim country? 0. Who created terrorism in Iraq, Pakistan, Syria,
    etc? America! Revolution is needed in America! Because Americans are
    controlled by information Propaganda!

  7. “Only billionaires deserve privacy. The shit heeled muppets of the world
    deserve surveillance because they aren’t billionaires but jealously covet
    our money. If you ask me the poors need to be culled with violence until
    they are too scared to move and die from septic shock form standing in a
    mound of their own feces. This is capitalism! Not some country where we
    take care of our citizens! It’s a competition and the unwashed can never be
    allowed to win. May they watch their children raped to death for the
    amusement of billionaires.” A. True Capitalist.

  8. Riiiight, like the US is listening, and stankin-ass “Fuck the EU”
    cock-suckin-Russia is not??? Nigga, please. STFU Meghan, and open up dat
    lazy eye, bitch…lulz!

  9. It was declared ‘The Day We Fight Back’. Internet companies and activists
    around the world had an international day of protest on February 11th. Over
    5,700 websites changed their homepages to demand the National Security
    Agency stop its massive surveillance efforts. On Capitol Hill,
    representatives from privacy groups, religious institutions NS Congressman
    Rush Holt came together to talk about the issue of NSA spying. RT
    correspondent Meghan Lopez was there and brings us more.

  10. It was declared ‘The Day We Fight Back’. Internet companies and activists
    around the world had an international day of protest on February 11th. Over
    5,700 websites changed their homepages to demand the National Security
    Agency stop its massive surveillance efforts. On Capitol Hill,
    representatives from privacy groups, religious institutions NS Congressman
    Rush Holt came together to talk about the issue of NSA spying. RT
    correspondent Meghan Lopez was there and brings us more.

  11. Of course Google doesn’t store your data. Muslims better protest against
    Islamic terrorism. That’s a little bit the reason for all the spying. 

  12. Why is it all RT’s other videos download fine but no matter how many times
    I try this one it’s always super slow . . . not being paranoid or anything
    . . .

  13. Why is it I keep hearing many news ladies sound like Jane Valderama from
    Saints Row? Where did that accent come from?

  14. Slaves begging for their freedom and dignity….haha lol
    I really don’t think the NSA and the Pres give two shits about what you
    want, and will spy on you legally or illegally, whether you know it or
    not. Stop paying taxes if you want them to hear your voice.

  15. It was declared ‘The Day We Fight Back’. Internet companies and activists
    around the world had an international day of protest on February 11th. Over
    5,700 websites changed their homepages to demand the National Security
    Agency stop its massive surveillance efforts. On Capitol Hill,
    representatives from privacy groups, religious institutions NS Congressman
    Rush Holt came together to talk about the issue of NSA spying. RT
    correspondent Meghan Lopez was there and brings us more.

  16. It was declared ‘The Day We Fight Back’. Internet companies and activists
    around the world had an international day of protest on February 11th. Over
    5,700 websites changed their homepages to demand the National Security
    Agency stop its massive surveillance efforts. On Capitol Hill,
    representatives from privacy groups, religious institutions NS Congressman
    Rush Holt came together to talk about the issue of NSA spying. RT
    correspondent Meghan Lopez was there and brings us more.

  17. Anything you say can and will be used against you in a Kangaroo Court of
    It’s all about control and Blackmail, it’s nothing to do with Terrorism.
    If you decide to become a Politician one day, and calling a future
    president a disgusting, pus-filled bubo who has all the wit, charm and
    self-possession of an Alsatian dog after a head-swap operation, could very
    well work against you.

    But, how are you going to know if it has stopped when you didn’t even know
    it had started until somebody made a youtube. And is it still Ok to spy on
    the other 6.8 Billion on the Planet.

    Right now, they are using a loophole, where the UK spies on everybody but
    the UK, and the USA spies on everybody but the USA and they just swap data.
    All this data collected would be like trying to find a needle in haystack
    that reaches the Moon.

  18. HEY this why the troops are HALF WAY AROUND THE WORLD..get this ” FIGHTING

  19. I have seen so much hype about the ‘resistance’ against the powers that be.
    Nothing seems to be changing at all, absolutely nothing. all the rallying
    we see is forgotten in hours and it’s business as usual. the elites and
    their puppet politicians are laughing at us all, because they know our
    attempts are fruitless. Only a violent revolution will stand a chance –
    this pandering about with protest signs and speeches has been going on for
    years, and nothing has or ever will change. We need to be more pro-active
    than all this shit.

  20. And, of course, NSA will be putting all those who fight back on the
    appropriate list.


  21. It was declared ‘The Day We Fight Back’. Internet companies and activists
    around the world had an international day of protest on February 11th. Over
    5,700 websites changed their homepages to demand the National Security
    Agency stop its massive surveillance efforts. On Capitol Hill,
    representatives from privacy groups, religious institutions NS Congressman
    Rush Holt came together to talk about the issue of NSA spying. RT
    correspondent Meghan Lopez was there and brings us more.

  22. After the next false flag most people will embrace the NSA unless we expose
    the real perpetrators.

  23. It was declared ‘The Day We Fight Back’. Internet companies and activists
    around the world had an international day of protest on February 11th. Over
    5,700 websites changed their homepages to demand the National Security
    Agency stop its massive surveillance efforts. On Capitol Hill,
    representatives from privacy groups, religious institutions NS Congressman
    Rush Holt came together to talk about the issue of NSA spying. RT
    correspondent Meghan Lopez was there and brings us more.

  24. ‘Hands off our data’ – that’s really gonna scare the powers. We don’t need
    another debate, we need a fullscale revolution. I have been hearing these
    protests for years, and years, and it’s all a waste of time. You can not do
    deals with psychopathic leaders.

  25. It was declared ‘The Day We Fight Back’. Internet companies and activists
    around the world had an international day of protest on February 11th. Over
    5,700 websites changed their homepages to demand the National Security
    Agency stop its massive surveillance efforts. On Capitol Hill,
    representatives from privacy groups, religious institutions NS Congressman
    Rush Holt came together to talk about the issue of NSA spying. RT
    correspondent Meghan Lopez was there and brings us more.

  26. It was declared ‘The Day We Fight Back’. Internet companies and activists
    around the world had an international day of protest on February 11th. Over
    5,700 websites changed their homepages to demand the National Security
    Agency stop its massive surveillance efforts. On Capitol Hill,
    representatives from privacy groups, religious institutions NS Congressman
    Rush Holt came together to talk about the issue of NSA spying. RT
    correspondent Meghan Lopez was there and brings us more.

  27. It was declared ‘The Day We Fight Back’. Internet companies and activists
    around the world had an international day of protest on February 11th. Over
    5,700 websites changed their homepages to demand the National Security
    Agency stop its massive surveillance efforts. On Capitol Hill,
    representatives from privacy groups, religious institutions NS Congressman
    Rush Holt came together to talk about the issue of NSA spying. RT
    correspondent Meghan Lopez was there and brings us more.

  28. It was declared ‘The Day We Fight Back’. Internet companies and activists
    around the world had an international day of protest on February 11th. Over
    5,700 websites changed their homepages to demand the National Security
    Agency stop its massive surveillance efforts. On Capitol Hill,
    representatives from privacy groups, religious institutions NS Congressman
    Rush Holt came together to talk about the issue of NSA spying. RT
    correspondent Meghan Lopez was there and brings us more.

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