11 Comments on “‘Dispatches – Hunted’ on Channel 4 – My Response”

  1. im glad Sochi happened in a way, because all these flaws in Russia wouldnt
    have came into the spotlight. Even with what’s going on in Crimea just
    makes this country look like a social disaster

  2. The programme was shocking, though not surprising because the issue has
    been in the media for quite while.
    Charlee, There are so many ‘reasons’ that people can be barbaric, wickedly
    cruel, willfully ignorant, sadistic, psychopathic, sociopathic, etc.
    People will seldom change just because some one else is hurt, offended,
    horrified, terrified, etc.
    You – and I – might express our horror at the thoughts, beliefs, actions
    of, for example, the gangs of homophobic vigilantees, egged on by people in
    power and authority.

    Bear in mind that the people who were beating up gay people in HUNTED
    believed they were doing a good thing, as did many of the onlookers, and
    the police.
    That doesn’t mean it’s OK, of course, but our different perspective will,
    to them, seem like we condone and encourage what they consider evil, in the
    same way that we consider them rotten to the core.

    The guy’s comment on the teacher who was not gay, but campaigned with and
    for gay people, “She may be good teacher, but she’s a bad person!”

    One other observation, we sort and sift for issues that resonate with our
    personal views, limiting beliefs, cultural conditioning, family rules,
    race, culture, ethnicity, religious programming, etc., etc.
    And almost and group of people, or individual members of groups can be, has
    been or is being, made to suffer in some way in some dark corner of the
    HUNTED ended with the comment that gay people already anticipate things
    getting worse when the winter games are over.

    Like many / most horroic events, they fade from awareness when another
    issue is brought to our attention. Obviously you care deeply, Charlee, and
    that’s a good thing. I wish you love, light, and laughter to counter your
    Go well

  3. Hi Charlee. Just watched Hunted as well, and am so sickened at the behavior
    i just witnessed. It made me so angry that the world would let the Winter
    Olympic games be held in a country where such barbaric actions are the norm
    and promoted, esp within the police and ‘justice’ system. However, it did
    cross my mind, that if the olympics hadn’t been in Russia, we would not
    have been made aware of the atrocities happening there. If it wasn’t for
    the games being held there, I (and most likely the majority of the
    population) wouldn’t have a clue. This savage discrimination slowly coming
    to light is a small step in the right direction. It may be small, but a
    step non the less. 

  4. Nice video I liked your response and agree with what you said.

    We English do moan a lot but I for one forget how good I do have it over
    here and for that I am grateful.

  5. Dear Charlie, I thought your intervention was brilliant, very insightful
    and to the point. I happen not to have seen the program as I proudly can
    say haven’t got a television, but I caught snippets of it on youtube and I
    discussed it with acquaitances. I am aware of the Russian anti-gays laws,
    it beggars belief that in 2014 we should be talking about this. Homophobia
    is a malignant cancer within society and in Western Europe giant steps have
    been undertaken in order to eradicate it. Eastern Europe is still, shall we
    say, a little primitive in many attitudes, hopefully the next generation
    will be more enlightened than this current blinkered one. I just wanted to
    thank you for your video, I truly enjoyed listening to what you had to say.
    Peace Giorgio 

  6. Very sweet video Charlee, I just watched Hunted and am appalled. We are
    lucky to have been born in tolerant societies & am amazed that this is
    happening today in what I thought was supposed to be a modern democratic
    country. Grrr….

  7. Sad that the original full length documentary was removed from Youtube . It
    was shocking and terrible . What is going on in Russia is sick and it is
    NOT propaganda it is all very real . This is very real violence and
    homophobia .

  8. completely agree with you!!.. i am straight however i have so many gay
    friends. watching dispatches hunted really scared me..my heart goes out to
    anyone who has to go threw anything like that in their life.

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