30 Comments on “Ellen DeGeneres Talks To Extremely Inspiring 14-Year-Old Graeme Taylor”

  1. I openly support homosexuality! I hate how people think just because the
    love in someones heart is for something different, that person is
    different. Honestly I am embarrassed to live in NC where not only is gay
    marriage illegal, it is against our states constitution! It makes me sick
    to think that the government can control peoples lives like that!

  2. In the US being gay is MADE into an issue. In other countries when
    homosexuality is not accepted no one even talks about the topic. Don’t ask
    don’t tell and their is no issue. Why is displaying ones sexuality to the
    world considered progression?

  3. Ellen DeGeneres, destroying American morals by supporting fellow immoral
    sinners one sexual deviant at a time. 

  4. All these nasty people in the comments..really? Atleast this kid isn’t
    living a life full of hatred and spite 

  5. 6,000,000 gay people do not kill themselves each year. He pulled that
    number out of his ass.

  6. Wow, what an amazing young man! I was nowhere near being that brave at 14,
    I’ve never been bullied for my sexuality (I’m bi) but he has all my respect
    for being true to himself and I also applaud his teacher that stood up for

  7. well he must have an active sex life to even know hes gay so there should
    be a few dudes in jail by now.

  8. Do you know how society should approach homosexuality?


    Why you may ask? Well, just not giving two squirts of piss is better than
    making a fuss out of nothing. We shouldn’t not care about what other people
    do as long as it is not hurting anyone.

    If someone came out, I would say: “Do you expect me to congratulate YOU,
    for simply being able to be attracted to someone else, just like the other
    normal 7 billion people on this Earth?” 

  9. To all of you people saying bad things about this boy your the one with
    problems he is a smart young man. He is strong to out and comfortable in
    his own skin. I am lesbian and it’s hard to even say that. I wish I was as
    stong as him.

  10. +Indiana Melo You fucked up adult. I’m 14 and I’m. It as fucked up as you,
    infact, I’m even more mature than you! You fucked up bitch needs to learn
    that nobody Is perfect. Not even me, look at you, you ugly as bitch. You’re
    not perfect too. So you need to fucking suck a big dick and kill yourself.

  11. Its hard enough to come out as gay in the first place, its even harder as a
    13 old boy, especially in the world we live in today. I believe he’s going
    to make something very good out of himself. I’m not gay myself, but I fully
    support gay rights and i don’t understand how some people think its wrong.
    just look at Pope Francis. He might not like what gays do, but he says to
    love them anyway.

  12. I love the whole message but the kid lets face is just not gay. Chicken
    sandwich p.s. my gaydar isn’t going off

  13. How does a 14 year old boy know he’s gay? He hasn’t even gone through

  14. you are fcking crazy…..must be a foxtard obviously lol what an archaic
    fool,,,same type that thought interacial marriage was the end of the world

  15. This fag will be dragged kicking and screaming into Hell, where he will be
    in torments, pleading for a drop of water to cool his tongue, but will be
    given boiling lead. He should repent his fag sins, beg his almighty father
    for forgiveness, and abstain from the soul-damning sin of faggotry.

    These sodomites spread their fag agenda through double standards. They
    don’t want us to express our conservative, religious views, but they want
    to be able to fornicate anally on main street and have the rest of us
    normal people stand up and applaud. Makes me sick.

  16. I would be like very suspicius of him, if I were on his scool. Either
    someone is pulling his strings, or he is some kind of Dexter. He ain’t
    weird because he’s gay, don’t misunderstand me here. I am just confused, a
    14-yo boy is behaving like that. This is beyond weird.

  17. He’s so cocky, he thinks he’s so important, the way he entered was like he
    just saved the world.

  18. I don’t condemn people who are like that. I respect what makes them
    comfortable and its their life. But I can’t be converted to what is not in
    the bible. I still believe in it and its teachings.
    Brave and a very smart boy….

  19. What an extremely brave and courageous boy! I applaud him and his teacher.
    Really heart warming seeing someone so young taking a stand.

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