8 Comments on “Frank Kameny on the birth of the gay rights movement. | AARP”

  1. @CryingSinger I really don’t give a twit if you believe me or not. It did
    happen The event and scandal was widely reported in both the Washington
    Blade and I think the Post covered it as well. If you’re interested in
    proof a little research should satisfy your interest. I seem to remember a
    very good reporter named Lou at the Blade. I knew Frank but was not a

  2. A giant for gay rights but a real stinker to those of us who knew him. He
    was NOT at Stonewall. He also attempted to embezzle $10000 for his “gay
    archive” from a very wealthy friend of mine in the 1980s. He had a
    substantial trust fund from his mother’s estate that he failed to mention.
    But God forgive him, he will be remembered!!

  3. Standing up and out in the 1950’s – Brave Man, and every ripple of “out”
    has had impact. Frank’s brave move in the 50’s – superb!

  4. @ilive2box The only mention of it on the Washington Blade website is a
    comment (oddly, replicated word-for-word from your original comment, under
    the name “William Harrison”) under another article gathering memories of
    Kameny from different people. Again, no such records are currently
    available online, and they may be digitizing the Washington Blade’s
    pre-2002 archive for eventual online view. Looking through the Washington
    Post’s archive, I saw no story title justifying your claims.

  5. The return to the OPM is great but I do feel bad he wasn’t able to follow
    his professional dreams. But then we may not have the progress we do today.
    I am glad he was recognized even if it was so late in his life.

  6. @pmitsh Can you prove these allegations? Any links to a more in-depth
    telling of this issue that you had? A YouTube comment doesn’t add up to a
    more believable disclosure of a man who you claim to have personally known.
    Not saying that the guy was a saint or publicly adhering to some moral code
    that prohibited “bad” behavior, but I’m less inclined to believe you unless
    you name names and how you knew him. Otherwise it’s just a rumor.

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