4 Comments on “Gay Catholic Student Alleges Systematic Violation of Rights (short version)”

  1. Although Christopher Karas was given a golden opportunity to tell his
    story, I found it hard to make out whether his actual views were expressed
    because of the questions that Justin Trottier asked.

    Justin frequently used leading questions by embedding the preferred answer
    into the preamble of his question. All Christopher had to do was agree —
    which he did every time. Were Christopher’s words truly his own, or were
    they put there by Justin? Was Christopher merely eager to say what Justin
    clearly wanted to hear?

    And so the impact of the interview and the extent to which an injustice has
    occurred, would have been stronger if Christopher Karas had said what he
    did in response to neutrally-worded questions that didn’t taint the story
    being told. 

  2. Catholics are VERY protective of gays and they DO have gay clubs, its
    called the seminary.

  3. I hate to say this, But I disagree on some things mentioned in this
    interview. I do agree that gay/straight alliance groups should be allowed
    to be formed in any school be it Catholic or Public.. However, earlier in
    the interview the person being interviewed seemed to think that the
    Catholic teaching at the school needed to change. Catholics can not be
    legislated by the government to be accepting of gay rights, marriage,
    adoption etc… it is their religious rights to be bigots like it or
    not…. I personally don’t agree with the majority Catholic teachings and
    this is why I would NEVER send my kids to a Catholic school.

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