15 Comments on “Gay rights activist protest against Coca Cola sponsoring the Winter Olympics in Sochi – London”

  1. Well, the sponsors didn’t flinch from supporting China after the Falun Gong
    organ harvesting scandal broke. Don’t see why they would concern
    themselves over gay people. 


    WELL DONE on taking the time to stand in the cold and bring others into
    awareness of Coca Colas lack of consideration for their LGBT customers

  3. Why are people more concerned about a soft drink company sponsoring an
    Olympic event than we are about people being murdered in Uganda, Nigeria,
    and the likes? Before the sheep get ready to go on the defensive take a
    look at what GOOD CC Enterprises have done for the benefit of the LGTB
    world. Iran, Cameroon, Mauritania, Nigeria, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, Somalia,
    Sudan, United Arab Emirates, Yemen all have the death penalty to impose on
    gay people, There are other countries laws where you would wish you were
    dead. We are picking on the wrong people, CocaCola, Mcdonalds etc could do
    a hell of a lot worse if you upset them too much. Its time to look at the
    bigger picture, and have a reality check……..

  4. I hate homophobia being I am gay, but why is this Russian Sochi Olympics is
    the first time people get together to fight for Human Rights?? why not when
    Nigeria passed laws to PUT GAYS TO DEATH!!!???? I mean hell look at some
    countries laws against Gays its almost barbaric but no one does nothing but
    send those people our love and prayers and just say “its a cultural thing”
    while making a sad “what can I do” face… we need to hate EVERY country
    that has laws that jail or kill humans for loving each other! be it Russia,
    or any other country I don’t give a fuck which one I hate them all for
    hating me as a Gay man!

  5. It was this ‘gay rights activist’ Peter Tatchell, who wrote in The Guardian
    newspaper, defending ‘boy love’, saying: “Not all sex involving children is
    unwanted and abusive.”

    Make no mistake, these degenerates seek the lowering and abolition of the
    age of consent in order to have their ‘fresh meat’, as they call it.

    The Russian anti-homosexual propaganda law merely protects young teenagers
    and children from being groomed by perverted old gayboys like Tatchell and
    the rest of his predatory paedo-predator pals. It does NOT outlaw
    homosexuality, which has been legal in Russia since 1993. The Russian
    government’s position is efffectively: ‘Do what you do quietly behind
    closed doors, but don’t try to involve the kids; stay away from them.

    Can’t ask for fairer than that.

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