22 Comments on “Gay Rights and Christmas Time!”

  1. I’m just staying at home for Christmas, and we usually just do the typical
    Christmas thing aha.

  2. I’m going to my grandparents for Christmas. And I don’t really have a
    tradition, I guess stressing is our tradition

  3. I’m going to my boyfriends and then probably reading for the rest of the

  4. I’m going to spend my first Christmas in England yaaaaaay my mum and my
    brother are coming to visit me for a week! I can’t wait to go to London in
    Christmas time and do different typical Christmas things on Christmas dayy

  5. I’m in Australia so Christmas is really hot for me, i think i would love to
    experience a white Christmas at least once in my lifetime. I just have lots
    of food with my family haha.

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