A Look at the Gay Rights Movement Beyond Marriage and the Military Forty years after Stonewall, where is the gay rights movement headed? What does the focus …
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“What a disappointment” is right. For anyone who was blind to begin with
but good for you!
Homosexuality is an abomination unto a Holy God. Repent and believe the
Gospel that is Christ Jesus!
Lol! Shellfish is old testament man. You haven’t read the gospel of grace
that is Jesus Christ yet, have you? And yes, I can judge. 🙂 Christ Jesus
bless you.
Agnostic, you need to repent & turn to Him as your Lord & Savior.
so go by stories in a fictional book then?
Wonderful insights. Thank you for sharing such wisdom and critical thinking.
I like these ideas. Refreshing & a new direction.
How do you know? Were you there? You need to do research on the dead sea
scrolls, sodom & gamora, and the crossing of the red sea.
its only fictional to those of us who believe in reality is more like it
god is not real the bible is a joke
Agnostic, repent of your sins and turn to Jesus. You’re a sinner and you
need atonement for your sin.
You need to repent.
You know what I love, people who say just what you said. It’s so
deliciously hypocritical.Leviticus 18:22 Thou shalt not lie with mankind,
as with womankind: it is abomination. That’s Old Testament. Tell me, where
does it say explicitly that homosexuality is a sin in the New Testament?
1Co 6:9 Or do you not know that the unrighteous will not inherit the
kingdom of God? Do not be deceived: neither the sexually immoral, nor
idolaters, nor adulterers, nor men who practice HOMOSEXUALITY, 1Co 6:10 nor
thieves, nor the greedy, nor drunkards, nor revilers, nor swindlers will
inherit the kingdom of God. This is the ESV version, but there are many
other versions that say the exact same thing. If you are homosexual, you
need to repent. Christ can set you free from that as well.
You have NO excuse not to believe in God… NONE! Romans 1:20 There’s no
such thing as an Atheist. The Bible says that you know enough about the
one, TRUE God (Christ Jesus, John 14:6) that you are hostile and suppress
Him as much as possible. Now repent of your sins and believe on Him! Either
way you like it, you will be on your KNEES in His sight and declare Him as
King of kings and Lord of lords! Philippians 2:10
It’s only fictional to those who have denied their creator. A finite being
like yourself, that doesn’t even know 1% of 1% of everything placing a 100%
factor on there not being a GOD who WILL judge you after death is only
FAIL! Repent & believe on Jesus or you will perish!
there is no such thing as a god, however atheists are real
Have you ever looked at another person w/ lust? Jesus Christ said that you
committed adultery in your heart. All adulterers will have their place in
the lake of fire. You sir, need to repent.
@NobodySpecial85 So is tarot readings; glancing at your horoscope; trimming
ones beard; getting a tattoo; telling lies; dishonesty in business; eating
rare steaks and shellfish; people with credit card debt, a mortgage, or a
car loan; and wearing blended fabrics. Judge not lest ye be judged. Repent
and believe the Gospel that is Christ Jesus!
Agnostic, the thing is I’m not living in sin. If you are living in sin,
just know that w/o holiness no man will see the Lord. Hebrews 12:14 Repent!