45 Comments on “Hillary Clinton Endorses Gay Marriage: ‘Personally and as a Matter of Policy and Law’”

  1. We in Brazil congratulates Hillary Clinton and United States for his
    enforcement to protect human rigths !

  2. God bless you Hilary Clinton for standing up for the Homosexual. Security
    is God in us.

  3. Incest breeding WEAKENS the human genepool, which is NOT A GOOD THING AT
    ALL! But last time I checked, gay couples cannot procreate!

  4. Incest can also be defined as two consenting adults. The same way gay
    couples carry on about it. I oppose gay marriage as it is a perversion of

  5. I remember a US president that said “they hate us for our freedom”. Well..

  6. That’s like saying I am intolerant of your intolerance…..but does it make
    me intolerant? Are you a bigot? look it up!

  7. Flip Flopper of the most extreme. Will always say and do whatever it takes
    to get a vote. There are so few gays all over the world and just because
    this lame adminstration and hollyweird makes it like there everywhere when
    if at most there are 10% of this chosen few all over the world.There is NO
    scientific or psychological proof it is inborn and never will be.Yet people
    like her lie to our children allowing millions to die from male on male sex
    alone. All for the vote.Pathetic.

  8. You don’t want equality you want special rights. And yes NAMBLA is waiting
    in the side lines, will you be for them too?

  9. It’s a shame people still talk and think like that ..For me it’s a
    character to show others how they act

  10. There might be some sick bastard out there who wants to fuck his sister in
    the ass. Should we allow that because it is “consenting adults “.

  11. We as humans determine what is in dictionary. Looks like you are just going
    to have to get OVAH it!

  12. Don’t change the subject dumbass. A myth is an invented story that has a
    moral that is still valid today. But neither the bible nor the coran nor
    the torah are full of myths, you have some in the very begining (creation
    of the world in 7 days..) but Jesus, Mohamed, Moses, they all have been
    mentioned everywhere nearby and farther away, and you think it’s a myth?? I
    think 3 billion people hate you!

  13. So when 58 percent support NAMBLA we should let them marry too. How about
    the child and the adult who are related. Before you say they need to be of
    age and consent think again, they too will say they want equal rights.

  14. can someone marry a zebra , or a pig…come on , marriage is and always has
    been between a man and woman. Two queers can do whatever they like, just
    don’t ask society to condone it.

  15. Beautifully measured and inspiring. Here is the link to my song to get this
    issue viral and out there Today I launched ‘The Same’ a song to inspire a
    viral campaign for this essential human rights issue…

  16. ‘Gay Marriage’ is an Oxymoron because the only part of a marriage between a
    man and a woman that cannot be split like any business dissolution are the
    children. If there is no child, there cannot be a ‘Marriage’. It does not
    matter whether it is two males, two females a male and a female or any
    combination or aberration thereof. The child is the only thing that
    differes a real ‘Marriage’ from any other ‘civil union’ like a business

  17. To use your own words… “Sometimes long held stupid views must be
    abandoned.” by gays. “Just because most people believe something doesn’t
    make it true” even if most of the ones that believe this thing are also

  18. Actually, marriage has been loosely defined as between a man and a woman by
    the church. The origins of marriage predates the Torah, and has no such
    definition. No one has been trying to marry any zebras… You however,
    brought it up. Do you fantasize about marrying zebras or pigs? Is this
    something you do often? Did your mother, perhaps dress like one in the
    bedroom? Freud would have a lot of questions about this fascination with
    animal human relationships you seem to have…

  19. Not long ago people thought that the earth was flat and was the center of
    the solar system. Mix raced marriage was illegal. Sometimes long held
    stupid views must be abandoned. Pick up psychiatry book now and you will
    find homosexuality to be a “normal” expression of human sexuality, not a
    mental defect.

  20. You are right Marriage do not have government permission. But because the
    law; lgbtq people can not get married and even though they have marriage
    life together law did not recognize they are married. And they pay taxes
    like anybody else do not get any benefit out of it like straight people.
    That is why we need to recognize by law they are married.

  21. @1486230 calling people bigots is an act of bigotry in itself. something to

  22. Animals are not consenting adults. Gay couples are just as valid as
    straight couples, so we absolutely should condone gay relationships.

  23. Queers are to stupid to know they are being used by the left. When in fact
    it was the left who kept them from marrying.

  24. Funny, isn’t it, that the parts of the Bible that have to be taken
    literally and which parts of ‘God’s perfect word’; you can just ignore and
    decide don’t apply to you always exactly matches the political beliefs of
    whichever Christian you happen to be speaking to. It’s not the ‘context’
    that makes people decide that the bible probably didn’t REALLY mean people
    should be killed for working on the Sabbath, it’s the fact it’s clearly
    fucking stupid, like about 95% of the rest of the book.

  25. so are you saying infertile male and femaile parents aren’t technically
    married because they would have to adopt?

  26. I agree with Hillary. I’ve learned over the years to be an advocate of
    what is RIGHT!!!

  27. Yes. I don’t agree with incest, but if both are willing adults, it is their

  28. Why doesn’t the state stay out of everyone’s relationship? The state has no
    business sanctioning what people do in their private lives, this is
    ridiculous. There would be no reason to give gays or lesbians rights if the
    government just stayed out of marriage period. This is a private matter
    between two people or as many people as you want or between you and a dog
    if you want. This is just the state making you the slave and them your
    master. Don’t you people really want to be free?

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