5 Comments on “Homophobic Russian Laws and the Olympics”

  1. NEW VIDEO featuring @FoxyJazzabelle talking about Russia’s Homophobic Laws
    & the Olympics…

  2. Tsar Putin keeps insisting that there are no anti-lgbtq laws in Russia,
    using children as a cheap excuse to get support from stupid people who
    assume the we’re all child molesters. He said that lgbtq athletes ought to
    feel safe, but told them to “leave children alone.” Putin keeps the lie
    going and his idiot followers believe hm.
    Thanks for a good discussion, James.

  3. Yeah, the general question james asked is about some ideological
    differences between 2 states, could it work? the sad thing is everyone
    running a country, and the upper crust with the power are far more often
    than not pragmatists. so one might vocally campaign on their homophobic
    views because their base likes it, but a back room deal about exploration
    rights or funding for a defense contract will always hold more sway. even
    if you look at absolutely ideologically distinct groups that vocally hate
    each other, iran and israel have worked together in secret deals on more
    than one occasion while publicly being rather hateful of the other party.
    but enough money in arms or enough influence on a geopolitical strategy is
    worth quite a bit to the few shrewd people who actually do the deciding 

  4. As much as I hoped the Olympic games would have been relocated to a more
    welcoming venue, now I only hope that the athletes and audience come away

    I cannot fault any athlete for attending even if they support equal
    rights. They have worked hard to make it to the games and deserve to see
    their dreams come true as much as possible in the competitions.

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