25 Comments on “Homosexuality in Jordan: exploring one of the great social taboos of Middle Eastern society”

  1. The comments on this video actually show level of losers that actually sit
    on YouTube and channel their negativity through it. Grow up

  2. bitch go to your country dress the homosexuality for countries doesn’t
    believe in God …bitch ,mother fucker. Go dress that in countries it has
    no root of traditions … countries of crusader…. when the cross fall in
    the church ….. bitch , go found the homosexuality in your sister bed or
    may be between your mother legs….. kiss my cock … bitch 

  3. bitch go to your country dress the homosexuality for countries doesn’t
    believe in God …bitch ,mother fucker. Go dress that in countries it has
    no root of traditions … countries of crusader…. when the cross fall in
    the church ….. bitch , go found the homosexuality in your sister bed or
    may be between your mother legs….. kiss my cock … bitch 

  4. Why the world is not criticizing the abuse against women and LGBT community
    in the Middle East???? Oh that´s right, we need their OIL… Let´s wait the
    muslims become the majority in EUROPE… You fuckers deserve all that is

  5. This is very interesting. I don’t think anyones sexuality is wrong. If you
    are an adult and want to have sex with someone and they agree… what s the

  6. example If I am gay tourist (male who looks like a female) am I allow to go
    to Jordan? what if I wear male clothes and I look like a girl, am I still
    suspected to be a homosexual? or will I get deported?

  7. God created male and female , a 3rd gender will be a mix of both that must
    be called “up-normal” what family can this person create? I know it may be
    not a decision that person take in order to be a homosexual, I think am the
    open minded here , we need to think out of the box >> you cant just
    consider that case a Fact that you need to deal with

  8. easier to clean..? where do you live, in the medival age? the process of
    circumcision itself is also very risky especially when a non-educated
    doctor does it.

  9. it’s as easy to clean as the rest of your body. it would only be a problem
    if you shower once a month or less. or do you also have difficulties to
    clean your asshole? a lot of circumcisions are performed by religious
    people for example a rabbi. and sometimes they do it just right before the
    puberty and without anesthesia. circumcision should only be made if there
    is a health threat.

  10. Bullshit. That’s what they tell you to keep mutilating your sons. but there
    is nothing unclean or unhealthy about a natural penis. A mutilated penis
    has thousands of fine-touch nerve ending amputated leaving the glans dry
    and keritized. The foreskin, which provides a smooth, gliding action is
    gone, so intercourse becomes dry and uncomfortable. Anyway, it ain’t your
    penis and to mutilate another man’s body is unethical and immoral. Educate
    yourself before you let them mutilate your son.

  11. you do realize Chuck Norris which your channel is named after is homophobic
    & is against children born gay into the boy scots

  12. From my own point of view , Homosexuality is a sickness that must treated ,
    ignoring its existence wont solve a problem at all.. but giving them the
    right to spread their sickness is the biggest fault. Many countries are
    allowing marriages done between 2 guys or 2 girls and that is against our
    religion (Christianity , Jewish and even Muslims)

  13. It’s comical. The only thing jews and muslims can agree on is mutilating
    their sons’ penises. STOP CIRCUMCISION NOW!

  14. Hate the sin not the sinner,,however allowing it and accepting it only
    brings judgement on the nation and the sinner!!!

  15. There are far less deaths from circumcision than other surgical procedures.
    What do you mean by non-educated doctor? Any surgery is risky. How easy
    would it be to clean a part of your body that’s covered by a sock ?(which
    is what a foreskin is like btw)

  16. You could be gay and have a nice normal life with your partner in jordan.
    All you have to do is be smart. You can think of all the threats mentioned
    above as a boundry that you can walk around very easily. To people who
    crossdress and are very feminine (or the other way around) I have to say
    that I am sorry and I really wish things would become better for you here
    in jordan.

  17. There are A LOT of health benefits from Circumcision. Uncircumsised males
    are much more likely to get stds, also a circumsised penis is easier to
    keep clean.

  18. Let’s assume it’s a sickness; you can’t force a person to be treated for
    their sickness (any kind of sickness). This only causes problems for them
    and society. And considering it to be a sickness only shows that you are
    not open-minded enough. Therefore it must be tolerated.

  19. It’s funny how people decry homosexuality as UNNATURAL and yet on the other
    side advocate for circumcision, as if it were PREFERCTLY NATURAL.

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