43 Comments on “How Fox News Helped Promote State Anti-Gay Segregation Bills”

  1. If this is the only side of the argument fox showed then it should loose
    its right to broad cast news I. Any form. News should be non basis and fair
    showing both sides of a debate.
    In Great Britain we introduced laws so that anyone who provides a service
    cannot discriminate against group or groups in our society that are covered
    by law.
    This should help to promote a more tolerant society.

  2. For me, if these people want to hide behind their religion and refuse
    services to gays or whomever, then let them. But we don’t have to tolerate
    their intolerance. Call them out, picket their business and cause
    awareness so that no one goes to their store. I bet they will change their
    tune when their overall profits fall drastically.

  3. This makes me wanna’ go to town with that First World Problems meme.
    “I still have my awesome job in a recession, but I lack the maturity and
    accountability to check my religious arrogance out the door! * SOBS * “

  4. You have the choice to not go into a business where you deal with people.
    You can choose not to live in a country that affirms, in its constitution,
    equal protection under law.

  5. Yeah, of course, Niggers shouldn’t be allowed in my church, store, diner
    etc… oh wait are we talking about homosexuals? (sarcasm)

  6. Published on Feb 25, 2014
    Several states are debating measures that would legalize anti-gay business
    and employment discrimination. Proponents claim the measures are necessary
    to protect religious liberty – a talking point Fox News has been promoting
    for months.

  7. Fox News supports segregation? Not surprised. They support voter
    discrimination after all that keeps people of colour from voting.

  8. i despise everything that fox news stands for and more especially how it
    applies emotive half truths to promote its message..
    however.. i still think that the world is plenty big enough for christian
    bigots to run their own businesses entirely according to their own silly
    ideas without any one interfering with their freedom the way that they want
    to interfere with everyone else.. 

  9. No, you do not have to check your convictions at the door.
    At the same time, you have no right to force your customers to do so either

  10. How is serving coffee to gay people violating someones religious freedom?
    Or forcing religion on someone else? 

  11. Fox “news,” fighting for the right to discriminate and claiming it’s the
    opposite. Yep, that’s about par for the course.

  12. im gay, but i think people should not be sued for basically practicing
    their religion. i dont believe in the bible, but it is clear that they
    do… instead of these lawsuits, there should be boycotts… that will be
    the right thing to do…

  13. Fox News hired pretty playboy model faces to spew lies about Jim Crow

  14. Why can’t we just stone all blasphemers like our sacred book tells us? Why
    ? The real question is why we can’t live up to , or even remember and
    understand, the ideals with which this country was founded 

  15. So let me get this straight…
    They feel discriminated against because they aren’t allowed to discriminate?
    Sorry, but I need to bang my head against something hard now…

  16. The left’s policy of attempting to associate gay rights with the civil
    rights act is both offensive and insulting to blacks. Skin color cannot be
    chosen, but the sexual habits one engages in one has complete and utter
    control over. This is absolutely pathetic.

  17. Leviticus 20:13 gays shall be put to death

    I wish death on anyone who trys to tie homosexuality with the civil rights
    movement. Do ever disrespect my ancestors 

  18. Thing about this stuff is, if you refuse service to people based on how you
    perceive them, there’s nothing stopping people from refusing you service as

    The courts wont support these laws, the only people supporting them are
    judgmental, hate filled “Christians”.

  19. Whats next not serving Fornicators, Sabbath breakers? idolators? Those
    should be agasint a Christian values right.

  20. The basic freedom to be bigots without repercussion, plain and simple.

  21. Here is the deal if your going to be a joe schmo business owner you
    shouldn’t establish a public business if you don’t intend on catering to
    the public. Public doesn’t exclude private does. I could care less if some
    ass hat bigot wants to bake me a cake or not. However I would cause world
    war 3 if I went in to a place that serves the public and they refused me
    service. It’s that simple.. Don’t open a business to the public if you
    don’t want to serve the public.

  22. lol if you think that your god is going to smite you for baking a cake for
    lesbians, i think its time to reevaluate your religion

  23. “Sincerely held religious beliefs” the latest vapid phrase from the same
    people who believe in sincerely held religious belief so much they’ve
    demonized one in the last decade, Islam, and previously demonized
    Catholicism and Judaism.

    Because freedom.

  24. This is segregation. This isn’t about not wanting to bake a cake. “No Gays
    Allowed” signs up in a business window is what this is about and it will
    never happen. It is your Christian duty to not judge others. Trying to
    rationalize this as something else won’t work. Its 2014 for God’s sake! Let
    us not forget this would also mean Jewish, Muslim, Hindu etc. owned
    businesses could refuse service to Christians. Never going to happen.

  25. I love watching the “spin” put on topics such as this. Thank you Fox News.

  26. Are you also going to refuse to let atheist buy your products? Religion is
    so overrated

  27. First of all, F*** Elizabeth Hasselback, Secondly, “Does owning a busiess
    mean checking your faith at the door?’ /Jon Stewart: OF COUUUURSE!!! And
    even then, if your a smart and reasonable business owner, wouldn’t you
    prefer to make money and more business (word of mouth) then potentially
    damage a possible source of new business and clients? Oh, and yeah like
    Christians are soooo persecuted right? What a freakin’ joke

  28. If they do pass this law and I am not saying they should. They should
    require the business to have a sign stating “we have the right to refuse
    service to anyone and we refuse service to (insert group here) because we
    are bigoted assholes. Please find a better place to get your needs taken
    care of. Sorry for wasting your time on our lame ass business.”

  29. Okay State and Church are separate you dumb fucks. Sorry but yeah, check
    your goddamned ego at the door. Unless this is in a church, who gives a
    damn who walks in that door as long as they are a potential buyer or
    customer?? Hello, they mean business and business means money. Chick-Fil-A
    never turned me away for being gay but we know where they stand on that and
    ya know what?? I am friggen fine with that, I love me some waffle fries. 🙂

  30. imagine if you replaced the word “christian” with islamic. if it was an
    islamic photographers, fnc wouldnt be talking about freedom of religion or

  31. they don’t call us the American Taliban fer nuthin, buford. blowing up
    them goddamn bhuddas in the Gay Bay area cuz they offend my born again eyes
    is next on my agenda. boom!

  32. We have never been so divided. Thanks Fox, for helping to make America a
    more racist, homaphobic place to live. God bless America. 

  33. No one forces you to open a business that serves the public at large. You
    don’t want to provide a service to me because of some faith held belief,
    then you should close shop and only offer your service to people in your
    church. If you are open to the public, well that’s everyone, and you don’t
    get to pick and chose who. Damn f’ing Soup Nazis. 

  34. What if your convictions include killing people who don’t go to your church?
    Or those who practice usury?
    How about the religious convictions of MUSLIMS, HINDUS and SATANISTS?
    As usual, the wingnuts don’t think things through. It’s all about only

  35. Try telling Muslims they have to allow gays in their Mosque! Tell Jews they
    have to serve pork at the wedding they are catering!

  36. Oh Fox News, don’t talk about tolerance. Please, don’t talk about it.

  37. Maybe these laws should be passed in the name of freedom, however if the
    business chooses no exclude certain people, it must put up a sign over the
    door saying who they will and will not serve. See how that affects

  38. Perhaps some feel there being outdone by ruskey policy, and while the
    american goverment would not make such an idiotic policy widespread, them
    pesky religous fanatics come out to play…..some reality check face
    slapping is in order, perhaps christianity needs some more
    advertising…good PR yah morons…

  39. Just example #451345856835 of xians:

    *) wanting special rights
    *) discriminating against others
    *) using their religion to justify hurting others
    *) claiming *they’re* the victims in all this

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