46 Comments on “India Elections, Sterling Fine, Net Neutrality & Dominatrix Convention | TYT140 (May 16, 2014)”

  1. Really guys? Chill the fuck out and laugh at yourselves every once and a
    while. Stop talking everything so personally.

  2. What a prat. He will say the scriptwriter wrote that disgusting and very
    pointless insult.

    Thank you, now please fuck off..

  3. I am an Indian and i found it funny, rest of you can go home, you whiny

  4. Looks like this episode will be a great way to weed out the idiots from the
    TYT army. TYT Strong… but if we hear someone doing an accent of another
    nationality or ethnicity then we’re going to fill the comment thread with
    QQ’ing. I expected more from commenters. Heck, I’m English and hear the
    ‘bad teeth’ joke here in America where I live every day, and I can still
    laugh at it. Stop wasting your venom on pithy comedy. *smh*

  5. god what a load of tossers in the comments getting all puffed up over a
    reference to the simpsons, I wonder how they manage to get through the day
    without their heads exploding through getting “offended” for other people
    who aren’t actually offended…

  6. >Tells a racist joke
    > Immediately after villainizes someone else for being a racist 

  7. Wow, that racist joke about the Indian man was totally out of left field.
    What the hell were you thinking?

  8. Thank you come again ? Really dude ? I’m black but I’m offended on behalf
    of the Indian People . And you know us black people are offended at every
    Damm thing . Fuck off on behalf of all the Indian people I know in NYC .
    That was unfunny, stupid and uncalled for . I’m calling Al sharpton .. We
    marching tmor over this bullshit .

  9. if your white and you think that wasnt racist its cuz yur white. white ppl
    will never understand what it is. 

  10. What a classless douche bag honkey. You dipshit, the simpsons have a white
    fuck doing ” apu ” accent ( never even meet a Indian with that name ), so
    it is racist . You can’t just use simpsons to hide your racism. TYT only
    spews racism and then find others to hide theirs. The story about Indian
    shop with a swastika logo, & how these douche bags milked it crying foul
    because everyone should know in the WORLD, that Nazis’ represents the
    swastika and anyone who uses it is racist and know with the election talk
    he gets a cheap, cringe worth, rude & unfunny ” THANK YOU COME AGAIN ” in
    there, why ? Why was it necessary, what was the point, and immediately
    starts talking about Sterling, Dave you are a unfunny prick .


  11. As you your question about what’s wrong with using that catch phrase…you
    daft or something brother? Can’t put it together? The phrase represents a
    caricature of one of the world oldest civilizations. Think of it as tossing
    a penny to a Jew, intentionally spilling grape pop in front of an African
    America, writing ‘please don’t eat me’ on you dog/baby when an Asian shows
    up for dinner….etc etc etc…

  12. That ‘Thank you come again’ was just lazy and insulting …. and not
    funny.. What’s up TYT? Hired a shitty writer? You’re usually quite good

  13. That “Thank You come again.” ‘joke’ was in no way funny. In fact, it was
    just plain sad.

  14. As an Indian in Canada I am not affened by what he said but I do see how
    some people may find this negative because they may have been affected by
    racism and take this joke personal. But as an Indian I just want let u guys
    know he mentioned no harm. #soboooooo #oblock #toronto 

  15. +The Young Turks Are you seriously reporting opinion news that EVEN INDIANS
    follow, and acting racist at the same time ? such Hypocrisy if its not
    condemned by the channel. Dissapointed.

  16. DISGUSTING!!!!

    THANK YOU COME AGAIN with Indian Accent?

    People please imagine if Bill O’Reilly or someone from Fox News did that
    impression because of Modi winning, how fast would TyT release a video
    attacking them with Cenk saying “is he racist? OFFF COURRRRSEEEEE”……..

    That was quite possibly the most hateful display of racist mockery of an
    accent belonging to a country with over 3B in population! You just
    insulted 3 Billion People TyT! Worst display of racism found in mainstream
    AND alternative news in the past 2 decades.

    I Demand a public apology for you TyT.
    I can’t BELIEEVVEEEE what I just saw/heard…….

  17. WOW just read the comments and saw so many people getting offended by that
    “thank you come again ” joke ..and rubin even trying to defend it … Can
    i suggest you to watch Russel peters on youtube Talking in indian Accent
    ..u will see indians in the crowd and they enjoy it …. Interesting…
    Will Rubin make a apology video ? 

  18. TYT has one of the most whiny pc audiences on the internet. You should’ve
    known better Rubin. 

  19. Ya same like the fat american says “Y’all I am gonna have some hawtdogs and
    watch some football on tv, gonna be illiterate about the world, not gonna
    work, gonna depend on social security.” If you dont like being stereotyped,
    do not stereotype the world! simple

  20. wow, im seeing alot of butthurt people in the comments over the “thank you
    come again” joke. you people need to grow up and stop being so damn
    sensitive. that was not a racist joke, stereotypes and racism are 2
    different things. racism implies that you think your race is superior and
    all other races are beneath you while a stereotype is an
    over-generalization about a particular type of person or thing. an example
    would be the one about all black people liking watermelon and grape soda.
    even if i did believe that does that make me a racist, of course not, i
    like watermelon and grape soda too, they’re delicious.

  21. I’m very disappointed with TYT for allowing these microaggressions
    continue. It is not okay for Rubin, as a white guy, to make racial jokes at
    the expense of people of color. The most disturbing part of all of this is
    that Rubin can’t even acknowledge he might have made a mistake and
    apologize for it- instead, he’s using his male white privilege to make fun
    of marginalized people who actually do have something to lose when white
    people think it’s okay to marginalize them further. It might not seem like
    comments like these have an impact, but really, they do. It’s further
    stereotyping people of color and white people do this all of the time in
    order to maintain their status quo. Typically TYT seems to make racial
    jokes that point out the fault of white people, like their need to profile
    people and their insane fear of people of color. Can’t you see, Rubin, how
    this joke doesn’t do that, and it just furthers your status of whiteness
    and the people of color’s status of otherness? Unless Rubin apologizes and
    at least makes and effort to understand why making jokes like this is
    inappropriate, there is no way he should be on this network. TYT is all
    about equality and being progressive. Racial satire coming from the mouth
    of a white man is never, ever, funny when it’s further marginalizing people
    of color, and if TYT cannot recognize that then I guess they’re not as
    progressive as they love to say. 

  22. Dave Rubin can now safely be classified a hypocrite and a xenophobe. The
    intolerance comes through when he doubles down on his ridiculous mockery of
    someone with a different look and accent. Brushing it off as a dedication
    to Simpsons doesn’t help.

  23. I watch TYT videos pretty regularly (mainly Cenk), and I get that it’s a
    casual “keeping it real” discussion of the news. But I felt the Simpsons
    reference in this video was really immature and uncalled for. I guess I had
    higher standards from the TYT crew and totally didn’t expect that reference
    in this type of video. It destroyed the whole vibe of the news delivery. I
    guess it wasn’t clear to me why a joke had to be inserted there at all?
    It’s not funny to me as an Indian American and I am pretty disappointed
    that it made the cut here in a TYT video of all places. I had higher trust
    in the TYT crew…

  24. God can we please stop this stupid fucking segment. I loose IQ points
    everytime i watch it.

    Or at least make someone funny like Jimmy Dore do it. 

  25. Racist, racist, racist. Oh, so instead of educating your viewers about the
    impressive scale of the indian general elections, you reinforce the idea
    that the only way americans can get interested in a story related to
    Indians is through Apu? Yeah, there’s no way they’d actually be interested.
    You know what you did you just dismissed an entire people as unimportant,
    period. Shame.

  26. That stupid “come again” comment was exactly that Dave………..stupid.

    You follow that racist stereotype by reporting on Sterling’s own race
    issue. Is the irony lost on you?

    Incidentally for those of you who say “cant we take a joke”, would you say
    that if the comments were about the black community? I think not. Report
    the news if you can manage it.

  27. Oh good, time for more horrid, unfunny jokes on shit they already did GOOD
    articles on. Jay leno, er, Dave Rubin sucks and I pray to Satan every day
    that this segment goes away

  28. Forget about the bad jokes and unPC like behaviour.
    There’s a fact check missing in this show.
    DOMCON not “DOMCOM” as was both read and visible in the graphic. Too busy
    being turned on to pay attention??

  29. i really do like young Turks; I have always felt that guys at TYT stand for
    justice and the right thing , they are realistic, and they don’t really
    have an agenda besides telling truth and telling how it is. They are also
    beyond sexism, racism and racist stereotypes. However, I actually feel a
    little offended by this comment of Narendra Modi. The world’s largest
    democratic election has been concluded, and for Americans it comes down to
    mere accent ? It saddens me to think that no matter what I as an Indian
    accomplish, you as an American can never look beyond my accent? It saddens
    me even more to know that I have seen this on YTY. Oh, I so wish this was
    FOX news I was watching, it would have been so easy to laugh it off and
    forget about it.

  30. He makes a stereotype about how Indians own convenience stores. It’s funny
    because white snow niggers don’t even own 2 pennies to their names. It
    feels good driving past these rheseus monkeys standing on the welfare line,
    and them staring at me as I drive past in my brand new BMW. When they’re
    not on the welfare line, they’re busy comitting mass shootings, child
    rapes, and getting knocked out on the street by the brothers. We must keep
    a safe distance away from this disgusting race of people (read: animals)
    straight from the Dark Ages!

  31. Surely immediately after you gave the “Thank you, come again” Pakistani
    ‘joke’, followed by a story about racist remarks, you realized something?

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