12 Comments on “Jamaicas battle against AIDS fought in the shadows”

  1. Looking for sympathy? Perhaps if Jamaica stopped treating gay people no
    better than Hitler did, they wouldn’t feel a need to leave their home
    country. Hatred kills – clearly!

  2. This is really sad. And so many young lives will be ruined as a result.
    Jamaica is extremely hostile to gay people. No wonder the HIV rate is out
    of control.

  3. @neilon1982 shut up you stupid bitch! clearly once your a human being your
    vulnerable to this desease, AIDS does not give a fuck whether your gay or
    straight ! Even if AIDS was a gay desease it would be necessary to address
    the issue in the interest of the wider society.

  4. Excellent report. Thanks for preparing it. Kudos to those people featured
    in the video who are valiantly attempting to address this problem.

  5. Thanks for this report. I wish your program could feature some other
    Caribbean islands with the same AIDS and HIV issues. Great Job!

  6. When you listen to academics like Professor Figueroa you have to wonder if
    these persons are intellectuals or just carrying an agenda. Anti-sodomy
    laws were abolished in France in 1791 yet the rate of HIV infection is 100
    times that of the heterosexual population. That is higher than the Jamaican
    rate. Professor Figueroa need to wheel and come again with scientific
    solutions and stopped pee pee, clock clock suggestions.

  7. For the uneducated and/or deranged: HIV is primarily transmitted through
    unprotected vaginal or anal sex, sharing needles during intravenous drug
    use, and tranfusing contaminated blood. The sexual orientation of the
    infected person is 100% irrelevant.

  8. are u fucking stupid….u stupid queer……..man to man sex causes
    aids…..even if the jamaican public becomes more tolerable of ur nasty
    behaviour (battyman) how is that gonna stop these fish from spreading the

  9. If these homosexuals are looking sympathy they need to migrate to where
    accepts and loves them. They too can use condoms, its not as if they ask
    you if a man or woman they want it to use on. Very poor excuse for the
    failure of the AIDS campaign. The gays need to stop f******women and spread
    dem nastiness.

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