8 Comments on “Kansas college basketball reveals he’s gay athlete”

  1. Seriously this is nothing to be proud of and there r going to be serious,
    unfortunate consequences if people continue to do this.

    The sane members of society would rather u shut the hell up and do ur damn
    job. We don’t give a rats ass what u do in ur bedroom. Just keep it there!

  2. what is the point here? a person is gay so you put him in the spotlight?
    i’m not sure i get it. if you suck dick, you should be famous? i don’t

  3. Best wishes to him

    And he is right

    I think a lot of gay men make the mistake of making a huge issue and
    ‘drawing attention to it’

  4. I think your bravery will help other gays for sure. When the need to be
    true to yourself and who you really are and to live an honest life in love
    and respect, outweighs the fears and need to be what society thinks you
    should be, then it becomes possible. I am gay and have a son who is gay.
    When he came out to me at 18 he got hugs and support instead of rejection.
    Yes, there will be a few who don’t understand and that’s their problem. I’m
    glad you have had support. You’re a winner. 🙂

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