24 Comments on “Kelly Clarkson – Gay Rights – People Like Us”

  1. Hey guys! I’m an aspiring gay musician out of Austin Tx and I just recorded
    my own acoustic cover of People Like Us and it’s on my channel page, I
    would really appreciate it if you guys would give it a listen and leave
    honest feedback! Kelly is one of my main inspirations as an artists and
    this is one of my favorite songs of hers of all time. 🙂

  2. Oh you forget no wearong clothes of two different materials not cutting
    your hair if ypur a woman no gluttony theres a hundred things that are seen
    as an abomonation to christ but you must have a picket stuck up your ass.
    Because the only thing you so called christians dwell on is homosexuality.
    Not because its gods will. Its because it grosses YOU out. Fucking close
    minded bigots.

  3. yea If you keep watching it I overlap the video with people supporting gay
    right, equality, so forth

  4. Brilliant video! I thought the song complimented the sentiment of the
    message PERFECTLY. Well done. You couldn’t have picked a better song xD

  5. this is so unfair cause people victim of bullying suffers everyday and
    nobody care about that.

  6. Greetings from S. California USA I love you now Kelly even more than I have
    before! !!

  7. If our founding fathers saw our country now they’d me ashamed, letting gay
    marriage be legal? They wouldn’t support that.

  8. I’m always annoyed by those who say things like “This person thinks this.”
    Or “This person thinks that,” when in reality, they have no idea and are
    just making themselves look foolish. Really? Did you know our founding
    Father’s personally? Something tells me that would be a gigantic no.

  9. Perfect evidence of why we as a nation our falling: no one cares anymore
    about the way things were intended to be. They only care about their own
    desires and to Hell with anyone who has the balls to tell them they can’t
    do that. It’s like Sodom and Gamorrah all over again. Gen. 19:9 states that
    mentality very nicely. Though you may need to search the translations to
    know what they mean, they all say the same basic thing: “How dare you judge
    my actions as wrong. Now you will regret it.” –>

  10. Well, think about all the people who like they’re same gender, and all they
    have to do to truley be who they are. Some of them have taken they’re lives
    because of all the negitive things that are said and done to them; Its just
    not right.

  11. Ya know, my first thought when I heard this song was “Oh my gosh, Kelly
    Clarkson (who has always been my favorite overall artist regardless)
    supports gay rights.” I could hear it in the music, man.

  12. And they’d probably be disappointed that slavery disbanded… What’s your

  13. I don’t have a problem with the marriage per se, but not in my church. To
    pass a law that makes preachers of Christianity, Islam, Judaism or any
    religion that believes homosexuality is wrong is not only illogical but
    unconstitutional b/c to be married in such a church is to be married under
    the ‘laws’ of that religion and with the blessing of the God in question.
    If they don’t follow the rules of that religion, they have no right to be
    married with the blessing of that religion. Make sense?

  14. Emily be sure not to eat shellfish because apparently that also is an
    abomination. Just ask Leviticus. I hope to see you on the picket line of
    all these seafood restaurants and deny them basic capitalist rights. If the
    kingdom of God is filled with people like you I hope to never enter there

  15. –> I may not have any problem with gays on principal because they came to
    that belief based on how they were raised or what they went through, but I
    won’t stand for that left wing mentality of “what I want because I want”.
    Our founding fathers made our country and set laws for the better of
    everyone and everyday I see people poisoned by the toxic liberal mentality
    crapping on those laws because they want something and they bully all who
    try to stand against them. I won’t stand for it.

  16. 1 Corinthians 6:9-10 or do you not know that the unrighteousness will not
    inherit the kingdom of God? Do not be deceived, nor the sexually immoral,
    nor the idolaters, nor the adulterers, not the men who practice
    homosexuality, nor the thieves, nor the greedy, nor the drunkards, nor the
    revilers, nor the swindlers will inherit the kingdom of God. (Now tell me
    how that’s out of content.)

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