4 Comments on “Ken Mehlman: ‘I Am Sorry’ For Role In 2004 Anti-Gay Marriage Push”

  1. Ahh, sorry your view is way too outdated. I appreciate all your
    contribution to the society you’ve made to this day. But we are not talking
    about moral here, we are talking about basic human rights of invisible
    minority called gay people. People are finally recognizing homosexuality is
    not a choice and true love should be recognized even if in your world, it
    can never be comprehended. Real people are suffering. I think the new moral
    is to help achieve the equality for all.

  2. @isayitlikeitis1 martin I saw your video where you called hillary clinton a
    dumb bitch lol you had so much passion in your voice when you called her
    that like it was something you wanted to say for a long time and it came
    out after you had a couple of beers

  3. Why, because you’re gay and still in the closet about it? You know he’s

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