4 Comments on “LGBT Life 30 Years From Now — Will we be equal in 2044?”

  1. Very good point about the voting. Yeah, it might take a little time yet.
    Great video Jim. Hugs!!

  2. Things will certainly be better for people in Europe and the Americas but
    things have sunk pretty low in Africa. It could take a lot longer for
    things to get better over there.

  3. Hey Jim-great vid and great topic. Same thing with Rowe vs Wade.. Still
    fighting how many years later? Enough already!
    We met a very cool gay couple from Atlanta on our cruise. One of the guys
    was retired from Boeing and the other worked for the airlines. They told
    us their suburb but I can’t remember? It is someplace where you can
    actually drive golf carts to the store? Peach something maybe? Dave gave
    them one of his cards so maybe they will contact us?
    Cleveland is supposed to get blasted with snow again this weekend.. One
    more “ENOUGH ALREADY!!!” 

  4. Hopefully, yes but hopefully long before that!.i think it will because this
    younger generation is more accepting, and open minded. they’re not the ones
    that are demonstrating against gay marriage and equality. It’s this older
    generation that has a problem with diversity.

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