31 Comments on “Maddow: Conservative Republican Super-Lawyer Ted Olson: The Best Defense Ever Of Gay Marriage”

  1. Mr. Olson is a wonderful human being, and it sucks that he lost his wife on
    9/11! (she was on board American flight 77, the one that crashed into the

  2. @ekjohndeer, I love people like you who are too stupid to know what they
    don’t know, a classic symptom of which is, like you, being mostly wrong,
    but never in doubt. The U.S. Sup. Ct. (the final word on Const.
    interpretation) has decided (Roe v Wade, PP v Casey) that unborn children
    are not “persons” or “citizens” entitled to Constitutional protection
    independent of the mother until they reach “viability” (i.e., can exist
    independent of the mother). Smoke that in your corncob pipe.

  3. no, Gays are not being discriminated in any way Marriage is an institution
    of the Church , not of the gays Its like me going into a vegetarian
    restaurant and demanding hamburgers !

  4. the thing that bothers me about this is that conservatives say they are for
    smaller govt yet they want to peek into our bedrooms and get between a
    woman and her doctor…sounds like a more intrusive larger govt to me…

  5. True, but they seem more ready to cross party lines. Look who the
    tiebreaker was in the healthcare challenge, eh? 😉

  6. @blognewb No, he’s straight. He was married to Barbara Olsen. She died on
    one of the plane crashes on 09/11. He is now remarried. In fact, he’s been
    married four times! I think that qualifies him as straight as can be!

  7. People like you used to say the same about any ethnic group marrying a
    white man or white woman (specifically blacks). All you did was swap one
    word in that equation for another. You aren’t fooling anyone you fascist

  8. Not a big deal, yet. It was only 3 judge panel and 2 of them overturned a
    law voted in by 7 million voters. The 9th circuit has most of its cases
    overturned by the Supreme court.

  9. rubbish ……. go abort a baby and prove there is no equality nor rights
    in this world of privileges of which God, The Father of Jesus Christ is the
    Chief Giver and Rule Maker

  10. This is why I am a conservative republican. This is how TRUE conservative
    republicans think and feel.. Solid thinking. Solid caring about laws
    applying equally.. The radical christian “right” are closet liberal
    communists wanting to use government to impose their narrow views on all
    others. Yes I am gay, but even if I weren’t I would still feel this way.

  11. Ted Olson’s wife was on the plane that crashed into the Pentagon on
    9/11…probably helped to make him into the man that he has
    become…realizes that life is short and we are all equal…

  12. When I first saw this I almost bawled my eyes out. Bless you Ted Olson and
    David Boise. Equal rights for all!

  13. Interesting theory, but I have a feeling he has always believed in
    individual rights and against government intrusion on those rights. Secular
    Conservatives are classical liberals.

  14. Are you high? If he opposed it, it doesn’t matter how great a lawyer he is.
    Even if he busted Cheney for war crimes or put Romney in jail for tax
    evasion, if Olsen were to oppose gay marraige he would be wrong, simple as
    that. It doesn’t matter if one is liberal or not, Olsen would be wrong.
    Fortunately he has more common sense than that.

  15. @incitebytes You must be a low-life dummy to that slurs me for thinking
    that a unborn child has a right . No where in the 14th amendment is says
    anything about Gays, lesbians , and as for Ted thats his opinon but he is a

  16. Yeah, I’ve always noticed that contradiction as well. But then again,
    there’s hypocrisy on the other side too. I think it comes down to culture
    and what people are emotionally connected to. Principles are often
    subservient to feelings. Conservatives say they want small government but
    don’t feel comfortable with what they associate with gay culture and
    lifestyles. While progressives hate exploitation by corps but their drug
    use is helping fuel tragedy in a de facto civil war in Mexico.

  17. If you call denying someone their civil rights based on who they love, then
    YES, regular americans ARE holding down gays and oppressing them. By the
    way, that’s “lady” to you, sir.

  18. Given to us by God exactly when? I’ve read the bible, and never did I see
    the tradition given to man by God. And when exactly were Adam and Eve
    married? I don’t recall that passage. You say that marriage is given by
    God? Prove it.!

  19. @DidMadeSaidThought no no, its much simpler then that. The religious right
    is conditioned to imagine the unimaginable. When the word gay is uttered
    near them, they instantly get inducted into a vivid graphic fantasy of
    hardcore bumsex. That is why they are so opposed to it, because they keep
    imagining a strong asspounding. But take any of those men aside and let
    them watch 2 ladies going down on eachother and I bet you they have a boner
    before the girls even get undressed.

  20. I agree Olson is right to defend gay marriage. The fact is, he is supremely
    a brilliant lawyer. Liberals however would not admit that were he opposing

  21. I was married by a JP. No church was involved. Ergo, marriage is NOT an
    institution of the church.

  22. The institution of marriage is given to us by God. The problem exists when
    you try to say marriage can be between a man and a man, or a woman and
    woman, or man and horse, etc…. That’s not what the definition of marriage
    is. Marriage is between a man and a woman. Period. Now we have leftwing
    liberal activists trying to redefine marriage to mean anything.

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