7 Comments on “Mark Horvath Interviews Erin Armstrong from TRANS: THRIVE”

  1. It’s what I’ve always wanted to do! I was homeless and I am a veteran! I
    totally know how dealing with dysphoria and being homeless feels, I have
    ever since then, have wanted to help with that! I have followed you for a
    long time, I totally admire and look up to you! 

  2. I agree. Kudos for these people being themselves. If you fear these kinds
    of people it’s only a fear about yourself deep down. All people deserve the
    right to be treated with respect and dignity.

  3. I feel and believe like you do Mark – that God loves everyone and so as
    Christians so should we. Christ died for these precious people. We are not
    there to judge but to love and show kindness and extend grace and mercy to
    them as He has extended to us. I won’t even discuss LGBT issues any more.
    People are people and I refuse to get drawn into discussions about right
    and wrong. I am called to love. Period.

  4. Everyone has problems, no point multiplying them by a factor of 10. I can
    see why a women’s violence shelter would not want a man in any stage of sex

  5. I worked in a women’s shelter. Some clients were ok with trans women and
    some were not. And the “nots” could be very cruel. While I understand where
    they are coming from I also understand as much as a straight woman can that
    trans females are women too no matter in what stage they are at. They are
    not the same as abusive men. The mainstream homeless population in our area
    is not particularly accepting. Also as Christian woman the church is not
    either. They have missed the boat on loving others.

  6. awesome for the thrive program…was it windy in the room? it was really
    hard to follow…i hear a noise

  7. Wonderful video! Thank you both for the good work you are doing! But I
    wonder if it was fair of Mark to single out Macy’s when talking about
    transgender discrimination? It’s my understanding that Macy’s is committed
    to diversity, and was even targeted by right-wing groups after firing an
    associate who wouldn’t allow transgender women to use female dressing
    rooms. Macy’s employment policy also includes gender identity. Shouldn’t a
    company like that be applauded, Mark?

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