40 Comments on “Media takes the gold in Olympics Bashing”

  1. The Olympics Opening Ceremony is on February 7, 2014, in Sochi. We should
    be excited about rooting on our athletes, right? The only problem is, with
    the media concerned about doing nothing other than bashing the Olympics and
    running sillly, irrelevant stories, we don’t even know who those athletes
    are. The Resident (aka Lori Harfenist) discusses.

  2. Well, since they report on CRAP every single day – this is hardly

  3. No no no no.. as much as RT has rightly gained respect across the world
    being a trailblazing news outlet and we thank you for it, however you have
    to take the rough with the smooth.

    Putin is making a mockery of your cash spending 30b+ twice as much as we
    spent on our summer Olympics and bashing gays in this day and age is
    astounding and utterly shameful coming from a country trying to perceive it
    self as on a level with the other big countries.

    Sorry but these storys far outweigh the competitors and yes i heard about
    the dual toilets but that is not what dominating the headlines.

    Corruption and persecution is dominating headlines, and so it should be.

    Shameful all round with no one to blame but your selfs.

  4. Media coverage has been curiously negative. My suspicion is that it has to
    do with the US being mad at Russia for protecting Edward Snowden.

  5. It’s disgusting how the west has been puttng out hit piece after hit piece.
    It’s just sour grapes by the zionist owned media who are pissed off at
    Putin for standing up to them. The pictures I have seen of Sochi are
    absolutely amazing. Russia should be proud.

  6. What kind of “spirit” does the Olympics have??
    With a slogan of Faster-Higher-Stronger

    There is always a deeper meaning… 

  7. Chobani is Turkish not Greek.
    He just stole the patent and called it Greek.

  8. Unsubscribed. LBGTQIA liberation in Russia now! Equal rights for LBGTQIA
    worldwide! Boycott Olympics! Boycott Russian products! No pink dollars for

  9. this woman looks like she has a facelift so tight that it’s strangling her

  10. First I had heard about the TP “issue,” although, I find it interesting
    when other countries don’t do as we do. I like learning about cultures &
    civilizations other than my own in which I’ve lived for nearly 70 yrs. I
    think RT’s documentaries offer some great views on what “Forbidden” Russia
    is really like. It surprises me to find a big nation of people that are so
    infectiously lovable, i.e., except for the Cossacks. It’s hard to imagine
    the amount of agiprop that has filled my ears since 1945. RT has done more
    than any other news network to clear away those labyrinthine cobwebs from
    my brain. I also hope that we can all continue to rely on our internet free
    speech rights. If not, Lori, I’ll say Farewell now & Good Luck in Sochi.

  11. The Canadian lamestream media is doing the same thing, bashing Russia. The
    same NWO cabal owns all western media, and their policy is to bash Russia
    and China because they are not going along with all the aggressive wars of

  12. The main stream media is owned and run by Zionists… they have done
    everything possible to thwart traveling to Russia and (like Iran) tried to
    turn Americans against them… “THEY DON’T WANT AMERICANS ” to become
    friends and view the Russians as people same as you and I. Americans must
    learn to treat others as you want to be treated and believe NOTHING you
    hear from the Zionist owned News Medias.. 

  13. Bunch of racists bias assholes that are against Russia because the U.S. Gov
    does not favor Russia. Lemmings to the rescue!

  14. BULLSHIT bimbo, the Olympics are just as more bread, wine, and circus for
    media watching CLOWNS just like you !

  15. I don’t know what’s more disgusting;using toilet paper and flushing it.Or
    leaving it beside the crapper. Fuckin heathens.Do what a lot of Asian
    countries do.Leave a bucket of water beside the toilet and clean your arse
    with that.Much more hygienic,and better for the environment

  16. I remember RT bashing the Olympic games in London. I wonder why they are
    not bashing the olympic games in Russia. Might it be that they are not
    bashing it since it is in their own country? I guess RT viewers have short
    memory just like U.S media viewers


  18. Oh BIG surprise “The Resident” defends Russia and it’s only a coincidence
    that they are on “RT” which stands for RUSSIAN TELEVISION…..

  19. US media hype around the olympics seems like an expression of a sense of
    declining power. Using Olympics for geopolitics is weak …

  20. I really enjoyed being subscribed to this channel. I am very interested in
    Russian perspectives. Unfortunately as a gay person, it is illegal to
    express myself publicly within Russia, and this channel supports that
    particular Federal Law. Until this law is repealed, I can’t ever make
    plans to visit Russia. I’ve now unsubscribed from this channel because it
    doesn’t value LGBTQIA having equal rights. I am saddened I ever supported
    this channel with my views since that money went to oppressing LGBTQIA.

  21. Nobody really cares about who wins gold. The American Sage Kotsenburg won
    first btw. But those scandals are much more fun. 

  22. Ice dancing.How is that a sport?It looks pretty and elegant,but those
    strained,huffing,robotic smiles as they wait for the judge’s points..0.0
    ..0.1 O point 0 and half. WTF?

  23. Rights for LGBTQIA in Russia now! We’re here! We’re queer! Get used to it! 

  24. Some terrorist is gonna flush some paper down. You just know it’s gonna
    happen. Another billion dollars on surveillance won’t be able to stop that

  25. Good on Russia for not letting them take their yoghurt with them. Not only
    are dairy products made in the USA loaded with pesticides, hormones and
    drugs, they are also being produced under terribly cruel circumstances for
    the animals.

  26. im sorry but videos like these make me wonder if everything RT posts is
    controlled by Putin.

  27. yea rt… spend your credibility on shilling for putin… not as if sochi
    isn’t woefully unpreopared for the olympics, or that homophobia is rampant
    and the abuse and discrimination of lgbtq citizens is supported and
    condoned by the “security” forces.

  28. Belgian pedophile media is bashing Russia too. Almost every day for at
    least a month now. Maybe they should look at their own country first and
    stop fucking little children in their little assholes.

  29. This cunt that constantly bashes America is crying because people are
    bashing shitty Russia. Whatever.

  30. Russia is the great bear and when you wake up I wan`t to be the first to
    say to all thanks Russia.

  31. They did this in China too. I hope ‘muricans wake up to the constant
    propaganda and brainwashing the US media feeds them daily.

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