30 Comments on “Miller Calls Anti-Gay Law ‘Embarrassing’”

  1. Stop freaking crying about the law in Russia when there are stupid laws we
    have here

  2. fuckin queer. go russia dont let the faggots and other jews control your
    media like the u.s

  3. Whether you’re for gay rights or against it, you’re likely not going to
    change your mind from youtube comments. All this bickering is pointless.

  4. Lost all respect for this dude… Why do USA care what happens here in
    Russia. We don’t fucking sya anything about your internal affairs… USA is
    so fucked up, that if started describing the problems with intollerance,
    you can grow a beard before you fininsh…

  5. I agree , there is a double standard in this country.The depravity has
    culminated where it is more acceptable to talk about Sacha Baron Cohen nuts
    in Marshall Mathers face Then it is to mention Jesus sermon on the Mount

  6. most fags are perverts having in sex in public bathrooms and molesting
    young boys. highest rate of stds

  7. Is that the best you have against gay people? Is that they are not
    masculine? You yourself aren’t very masculine. Should you loose your
    rights? If you show your feelings should you be persecuted… like the
    Nazis did to gay people? How does it feel to suffocate in your ideology?
    Where you can’t even be seen as having emotions. Is your sexuality so weak
    that being “flamboyant” make you gay? What happens when a gay person is
    masculine, do you ever think?

  8. so what does that have to do with sports? if miller wants to speak out
    about politics go to a channel that is about politics and not “the world
    wide leader in sports”

  9. Please stop crying it is not that big of a deal. Homosexuality is either a
    mutation or a chemical Imbalance that the homosexual community embraces ,
    since it has been around so long I believe the latter. Nevertheless there
    are many practices in other countries that have laws against similar
    groups. Shut up because I do not hear you talk about equal rights in China
    on religious persecution or any where else.You let the media lead you
    around by the nose you are right you are a total hypocrit.

  10. the modern day Nazis . It is you that is morally empty because narrow is
    the path. The whole press media and pop culture in this country is designed
    to cater to homosexuals taking away from the masculine culture the gay
    agenda is a fail and maybe it is time for you guys to go back in the closet
    because you guys are overly flamboyant.

  11. Good point. Nazis put pink triangles on gays and killed them. So yes.
    Homophobes are nazis.

  12. I’m ashamed to be American when shoot outs happen there every week.
    Australia doesn’t have gun massacres. Why? Because we enforce gun control.

  13. I’m not the one spreading BS here. Why don’t you force heterosexual couples
    to not display open affection in public? Aren’t you the one pushing an
    agenda to hide away gay people? Do gay people have to create a world that
    is censored for you, so you can be okay with reality? I pity you. I would
    hope that you would have the spine to stand up against injustice, instead
    of blaming America for your failures.

  14. Should we ignore injustice on because it is wide spread? I can’t understand
    why you would say something like that. It would mean that either you
    support the injustice or your just too lazy to care. How could you support
    keeping silent?

  15. Shut up you big fat freaking hypocrit . You didnt expect anything! You are
    all butthurt because of Russia’s law yet you are a hoity-toity liberal who
    is all about taking peoples right to bear arms in our own country.It is ok
    to take away others freedoms but when people take away yours you cry. Shut
    up! It isnt me that my moral compass really based on how bad the people
    around me that causeing my fall. It is you and your wanting to be herd
    natured that you are willing to attack people like the

  16. There is no such thing as a Homophobes! As far as the Nazis they may be on
    to something! The moderenday Nazis are the Homos if you dissagree with them
    you are a bigot homophobe blah blah. We just dont like you queermos shoving
    your sexuality in our face .

  17. That’s not true. Both homosexual and heterosexuals hookup. Its not very
    healthy but you lying to blame it on gay people STDs are spread by
    heterosexuals too. Why would you attack someone for having an STD anyways,
    all but 2 are curable. Why are you not encouraging monogamy or the use of
    condoms? You’re not looking for solutions to problems. You’re looking for a
    place to voice your hatred.

  18. Ok, im an AP student, have a 4.0 gpa, have been accepted to norwich
    university and received a NROTC scholarship, amd im gay. So if your
    argument was to say that gay people are ignorant, then you failed. And next
    time, try not to use foul language to get your point across. It just makes
    you look like an imbassill.

  19. They have Gun crimes it just isnt promoted because of the gun control
    agenda. If we took out The cities that have strict gun laws out of the USA
    then the USA would be right aroound the bottom in gun crime violence.

  20. Do you know what irony becomes when it is part of your ideology? Hypocrisy.
    You allow heterosexuals to hold hands, yet become upset at gay people doing
    the same? Can you honestly claim to not be a hypocrite? How odd that your
    rights should out weigh the rights of others. Does everyone have to create
    a world for you live in that you won’t be offended or disgusted? I didn’t
    realize you were so thin skinned.

  21. Do Jewish people and Gay people not get to take part in this world? Are you
    really willing to destroy your human rights so flippantly?

  22. No, because I expected better from Russia. I saw Russia as having rights
    and being for the people. Is your moral compass really based on how bad the
    people around you are? Are willing to fall as long as you have company? If
    that’s true then you are morally bankrupt. Its beyond being a hypocrite.
    Because unlike you the hypocrite had morals to begin with. You didn’t have
    the spine to start.

  23. Define Irony ! A butt hurt homo LMAO I could care less about any public
    affection keep it in your house you weird freak! Just saying no one wants
    to see it.The gays have their pick of everything, and the moment someone is
    disgusted by something they “are intolerant “and we have to hear you cry
    about how bad you got it when you really do not. The only ones being
    intolerable is the gay community of Russia’s request.

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